Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of March 10, 2025 – March 16, 2025:
It’s going to be another busy week for us, with a tight lineup of planets in Pisces and Aries, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, and a planet (Mercury) changing directions.
It all starts on Monday, with the Moon in Leo — in opposition to Pluto — for the better part of the morning. This is generally a very dynamic lunar placement, as Leo is the sign associated with warmth, generosity, vitality and personal charisma, the emphasis is on reveling in the moment, embracing life to the fullest, and setting your worries aside long enough to bask in the light of the day.
But the opposition to Pluto can indicate conflicts and power struggles, among other things. Especially since that same Leo Moon can be self-important and forceful when challenged. If you’re sensing tension from others during this time, your best bet is to disengage — at least until later in the day when the Moon forms much more pleasant aspects to Mercury and Venus.