Jupiter — the largest planet in our solar system is now retrograde.
Astrologically Jupiter is said to relate to benefit, gain and fortune. It’s the planet of abundance and extravagance; of philosophy, spirituality, travel, foreign affairs, personal expansion and higher education.
Your natal Jupiter will describe where you do things in a big way or the area of your life where you might go overboard. It’s where you’re naturally confident and optimistic and where things tend to come more easily to you.
When it retrogrades by transit, depending on the sign and area of your natal chart it’s moving through, you can expect to go through a bit of a renaissance, as you review, revisit and refine your own personal belief systems.
This retrograde occurred at 21° Cancer. The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “A PRIMA DONNA SINGING.” According to Lynda Hill, this is related to this degree’s “talent and the ability to be able to use that talent and to bring it out into the open so that others may enjoy.”
Let’s look at the houses this Jupiter retrograde will be moving through for each of the 12 astrological Sun Signs:
ARIES (March 21-April 19). Jupiter is retrograding through your 4th house of home, family, parents and roots. You could be thinking about renovating your home; reconnecting with people from your childhood, repairing relationships with estranged family members; taking a trip abroad to research your family heritage, or working on your family tree. Reconnecting with your past is strongly indicated here.
TAURUS (April 20-May 20). This retrograde cycle transits your 3rd house — the area related to siblings, neighbors, communications, local travel and your immediate surroundings. Community involvement becomes important to you during this time: you may get involved in a welcome wagon or neighborhood watch program, plan a trip with your siblings, or take a course through your community college.
GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Jupiter is retrograding through your 2nd house of money, material possessions, personal values and the physical body. This is a good time to re-evaluate your relationship with money. You may be looking at other ways to invest, save, spend or make more of it. You may hire a personal trainer and work on sculpting your physique. You might also feel lucky during this time — and likely will be — just don’t go overboard.
CANCER (June 22-July 22). Jupiter is in your sign and retrograding back through it, by way of your solar 1st house. This is all about reinventing yourself and doing it in a big way. Diet, exercise, getting a makeover or hiring a style consultant are all possible. You’ll also be thinking a lot about health: as in taking better care of yourself. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer; making it a fortuitous placement. But be careful not to overindulge, in food, drink, romance or expenditures!
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Jupiter is retrograding through your 12th house of dreams, visions, secrets and intuition. You may have trouble sleeping, but you may also experience vivid dreams and impressions during this time; it’s as if your third eye is wide awake even when you’re not. You may work on developing your psychic skills or you may decide to get in touch with the mysteries of your own psyche, expressing yourself through journaling, poetry or music.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Jupiter moves through your 11th house during this retrograde. This is the area associated with friends and associates, and — and in a very 11th house sort of way — everyone but you. This is where you figure out where you fit in in the world, the role you play in humanity and in something bigger than yourself. This transit will see you getting involved in social causes, pitching in to help others, volunteering your services and making the world a better place.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). The Jupiter retrograde cycle occurs for you in the 10th house — of career, reputation, authority figures and professional standing. This isn’t usually the best time to start a new job: it’s the best time to work on revamping the one you have. You can flesh our your public persona and reputation by righting past wrongs and fixing past mistakes. This is also a good time to prepare for changes you wish to make — but hold off on making them until Jupiter goes direct.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Jupiter goes retrograde through your 9th house — the sector related to all things Jupiter! That means travel, foreign affairs, long distance communications, higher education, philosophy, spirituality and personal expansion. As such these are the areas you’re likely to be revisiting this month. You could be preparing to go back to school, to visit a foreign country, to taking on a long distance relationship, or just expanding your own world views.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Jupiter is your ruling planet. It’s an important planet for you both natally and by transit. It is retrograding now through your 8th house, the area associated with death, sex, and other people’s money (joint resources). These are the areas you will be reviewing over the next four months. The “death” aspect doesn’t refer to a literal death — but will involve eliminating something (or someone) from your life.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). This Jupiter retrograde occurs in your 7th house or relationships, partnerships and open enemies.You’ll most likely connect with someone from your past during this transit: an old flame or someone you have history with even if it was not in the biblical sense. You may also work toward resolving old rifts and renewing past connections. As this is all about “redoing” whatever was not done right in the first place it can be tremendously rewarding.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Jupiter retrogrades in your 6th house, the sector associated with work, self-improvement, health and unequal relationships (servants, pets, etc.). You may be dealing with health issues that lead you to take a more serious approach to well-being; or you could be “back to the drawing board” with a project at work. You may also decide to adopt or foster a pet during this time, or to get involved in a self-help program.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Jupiter retrogrades through your 5th house — the area related to creativity, romance, children and “play.” You could find yourself being swept off your feet by someone you hadn’t looked at twice in the past; you could decide to pull out your water colors or dancing shoes and get back into some form of creative self-expression. You could be more involved with children (yours or someone else’s) or you could decide to get back in touch with your own inner child.
Jupiter Retrograde
If you were born with Jupiter retrograde, you probably pave your own way spiritually, philosophically and intellectually. You’re not one for religious dogma or institutions — in fact you don’t want anyone to tell you what to think or believe.
You may very well have “faith” — and may be rewarded for that faith with prosperity and abundance in your day-to-day life. But the argument can be made that it’s your awareness of these blessings — your natural gratitude and appreciation for all that you receive — that make them so evident; .
You may have had an interrupted education or have learned everything you know at the school of hard knocks. You also probably learn from your own mistakes — rather than relying on those who have come before you. Even if they warned you ahead of time, it’s important to you to find it out for yourself. Jupiter retrograde people tend to question what they’re taught, and decide for themselves what to believe in.
Whether you were born with Jupiter retrograde or not, this giant U-turn will have you rethinking all that you believe in. You may be reliving your past in some ways (courtesy of its placement in Cancer, the sign associated with childhood and memories). Or you may be finding ways to reinvent that past by healing some old wounds. Either way, this should mark a period of profound internal analysis, as you reconsider all that you believe in and formulate a new set of ideals.
Jupiter will be retrograde until Mar 7, 2014. It goes direct at 11° Cancer. The Sabian Symbol for that degree is: “A CLOWN IS CARICATURING WELL-KNOWN PERSONALITIES.” Between the Prima Donna and the Clown — both very Jovial Jupiterian characters, this retrograde cycle sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun!
By Melodie Sheppard
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