Articles for the Month of May 2021

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 31, 2021 – Jun 6, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of May 31, 2021 – Jun 6, 2021:

This week starts on Monday, with a Mars / Neptune trine in Cancer and Pisces respectively. Mars is not particularly happy in Cancer (although it’s thankfully no longer out of bounds). But Neptune is very well placed in Pisces and the trine can bring out the best in both of these planets.

The Mars / Neptune aspect can see you tuned into the music of the spheres like never before. This aspect reminds you that you are one with the Universe and everyone in it. It’s creative and compassionate and can inspire you to become a better person.

June 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


Nothing like beginning the Gemini month with a Mercury in Gemini in retrograde motion! We are now in the cosmic blender of changes, missed messages, inaccurate information and general disarray in regards to communication and travel.

However, because this Mercury Rx is moving very close to its planetary friend, Venus, this one won’t be too bad at all and most people will be able to flow with it pretty well. Smile and be nice.

Mercury goes direct 6/22 at 16° Gemini. Things start to straighten out after then. An aspect that is more troubling is the opposition of Mars in Cancer to Pluto in Capricorn, in effect from May 30 through June 7th.

Mars and Pluto’s energies are volatile, can cause explosions, attacks, and angry confrontations that devolve into violence. If you have any planets or angles around 25 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) this can affect your personally.Keep your wits about you and avoid dangerous places or risky behavior. Do something physical to relieve tension and frustrations.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 24, 2021 – May 30, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of May 24, 2021 – May 30, 2021:

This week starts on Monday, with an out of bounds Venus which is in semi-sextile to Mars. The out of bounds condition famously coincides with conflicts in relationship. It can manifest as one partner suddenly expressing an urge to break free or engaging in reckless behaviors. It can be erratic and unpredictable. It can see you responding to ambiguous social cues, or sending them out yourself.

The semi-sextile to Mars encourages you to think about how much you’re giving (Venus) and how much you’re taking (Mars). Or rather how much you’re getting back in return. Hidden resentments will have to be addressed and you’ll have to figure out a way to bring these energies back into balance.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 17, 2021 – May 23, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of May 17, 2021 – May 23, 2021:

We start this week on Monday with the Sun trinining Pluto and Venus conjuncting the North Node. The Sun / Pluto transit is all about harnessing your personal power and channeling it in productive / transformative ways. It’s excellent for business and financial matters since both of these planets are in Earth signs. It can also be used to make positive changes in yourself — as in how you wish to present yourself to the outer world and how you want to be perceived.

The Venus / North Node conjunction automatically opposes the South Node, since the Moon’s nodes are always in direct opposition. This aspect can bring new people into your life who feel familiar and who can be instrumental to your evolutionary process.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 10, 2021 – May 16, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of May 10, 2021 – May 16, 2021:

As we start this week (on Monday), Mercury conjuncts the North Node, thus simultaneously opposing the South Node. This can manifest as a chance encounter that turns out to be anything but in the end. Whether it’s a past-life connection or just someone you meet unexpectedly that turns into a significant connection, you want to pay attention.

Also be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Mercury is well placed in Gemini and as it represents communications and ideas, you want to be conscious of how your words come across to others. And remember that the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature. So pay attention to what you put out there as it could have long term repercussions.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 3, 2021 – May 9, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of May 3, 2021 – May 9, 2021:

This week starts on Monday, with Mercury squaring Jupiter while the Sun squares Saturn. In both cases these squares involve planets that naturally rule opposing signs, with Mercury and Jupiter ruling Gemini and Sagittarius while the Sun and Saturn rule Leo and Aquarius.

As a result there are likely to be times when you’re not on the same page as the people you’re dealing with, and conflicts may arise. With respect to Mercury and Jupiter, the issue might be overdoing things, overcommitted or over extending yourself, which can lead to resentments later on.