Articles for the Month of May 2023

June 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


We have some significant cosmic developments this month, the first being that transiting Jupiter will be exactly conjunct the transiting north node at 3 degrees 37’ on June 1st!

Since Jupiter, the benefic, represents the guru, wisdom, abundance, optimism, publishing, higher mind, foreign lands and expansion in general, it seems to me that the time is ripe for an opening for those things to take hold in your consciousness this week.

The north node is also expansive but can be obsessive about wanting to grasp and possess people, places and things. But it can also reveal your subconscious desires, so pay attention to what comes up for you during meditation and your dream state. Be willing to take a look at your longings instead of squashing them because they seem impossible.

More is possible that our limited minds can understand and it is an excellent time to put what you truly desire out there so it can find its way to you. Mercury transits the sign of Taurus until June 12th when it goes into Gemini, one of the signs it rules, until June 28th when it enters Cancer. The pace picks up when Mercury is in Gemini and lots of ideas come in for evaluation and suitability to your needs. Plus Mercury in Gemini likes to socialize and have fun!

Venus is currently at 25 degrees of Cancer and enters Leo on June 6th and stays in that sign reaching 20 degrees at month’s end. Mars moves from 6 degrees of Leo to 23 degrees Leo by month’s end. That means that that the last week of June and first week of July, Venus and Mars will be in conjunction. This signifies the feminine and masculine energies coming together so if you are looking for partnership, put yourself out there during that time as the cosmic vibe supports the Venus and Mars coupling vibe.

May 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

We begin the month with Pluto beginning his retrograde cycle at 0º Aquarius 22’ and continues the retrograde through October 10th.

Yes, the lord of transformation will slide back into Capricorn going back to 27º 58’ during this cycle so we are not yet complete on our Capricorn issues.

Pluto is very powerful right now so make use of the intensity of these energies, particularly if you have any planets at 0 degrees of the air signs, Aquarius, Gemini and Libra. People with planets around 0 degrees of Taurus,

Leo and Scorpio may find this time challenging but that can also have its rewards as you learn to persist with your goals and overcome obstacles.

The intensity continues on May 5th when we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse at 15 degrees of Scorpio. This day is also Buddha Purnima which celebrates the birth of Buddha and his enlightenment. According to legend he comes back on this day every year to join with other enlightened ones to regenerate the earth. Sounds pretty good to me!

This eclipse includes the energy of Uranus as the Sun is very close to Uranus then and they both are opposing the full Moon. This vibe can translate into some kind of chaotic situation or unusual event that alters your plans. You just have to roll with what is during an eclipse. Slow down and weigh your options if you can before you making a big decision. Or you can just trust your gut in the moment.

If you have any planets at 15 degrees of the fixed signs, Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio, the next six to twelve months may alter your life in a big way. Eclipses really shake things up if they are within 3 degrees of a planet or angle in someone’s chart.