Articles for this day of November 1, 2023

November 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

We have some interesting cosmic vibes to contend with this month beginning with the Sun doing its annual opposition to Jupiter this year on November 1st at 9 degrees of Scorpio / 9 degrees of Taurus.

This can bring some good fortune to people with planets around those degrees so be ready for some blessing to make its way to your door if you have a planet or birth chart angles close to that degree. Accept the boon with gratitude, joy and spread love and generosity around.

Next, we have Saturn going into direct motion on November 4th. This happens at 0 degrees 30’ in Pisces so all the early degrees of the mutable signs have been directly affected by his retrograde in June at 7 degrees, going back to 0 degrees. Think about what you learned during the past 5 months as this transit was happening.

Saturn leaves a gift after any transit that personally affects one’s chart so if that is the case for you, accept it gracefully, realize the significance and incorporate it in your life.

Mercury moves from 15 degrees of Scorpio to 28 degrees of Sagittarius during the month. He will still be close to Mars for the first 4 days so remember to keep critical thoughts to yourself. The world needs peacemakers not irritating complainers or faultfinding whiners, now more than ever.

Venus transits through the last 8 degrees of Virgo and enters Libra, a sign she rules, on the 9th so that will make for more harmonious relationships and appreciation for love and beauty in the world.