Articles for this day of September 15, 2024

Weekly Astrology Forecast — September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of September 16, 2024 – September 22, 2024:

This week starts with Venus opposing Chiron and Mars squaring the North and South Nodes on Monday. The Venus / Chiron  opposition  describes a need to establish clearer boundaries and identify your own personal values reverberates. Are you struggling with doubts and insecurities about your own self-worth? Or are you striving to let go of associations that have held you back or prevented you from achieving personal fulfillment? These are Venus opposite Chiron motifs.

And then there’s the Mars / Nodal Square which can be volatile and unpredictable. In classical astrology, any planet squaring the Node is seen as being “at the bendings.” It’s said to indicate crisis, with emphasis on the concept of fate. As Mars represents energy, action and drive, this can be a high energy transit that manifests that translates as combative or explosive energies. Things can get heated — in both your personal relationships and on the planet — as Mars is also still out of bounds.