Articles for this day of October 1, 2024

October 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month of October begins with an annual Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 10 degrees 4’ of Libra, the cardinal, masculine, air sign. So, yes, the month’s energy will be colored by this eclipse and may feel somewhat strange or unsettled. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon, when close to either the vernal or the autumnal equinox, always produces a solar eclipse and this is the last one for the year 2024.

Mercury is within 1.5 degrees of this eclipse and just ahead of the Sun and Moon conjunction so communication is important at this time. It is wise to pay attention to what information comes into your sphere of influence, but do double check it for accuracy as Mercury is still considered within the combustion range with the Sun, which can make the information unreliable or incomplete, even though the little dude is quickly moving out of that orb of influence.

Libra is always about balance, harmony and relationships so pay attention to what is going on in your own partnership or marriage as the balance of power may be shifting. Mercury moves from 8 degrees Libra to 26 degrees Scorpio by October 31st. Therefore, your thoughts may become more intense after October 14th when Mercury enters Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity and drama.