Free Daily Tarotscope — Apr 5, 2015 — Six of Tulips

Six of Tulips

Six of Tulips

Today you may find yourself surrounded by friends and loved ones and reminiscing about the past.

Whether you’re physically with those who are near and dear or just revisiting them in your memories, you’re likely to taking a trip down memory lane.

The Six of Cups — Tulips in this version, from the charming Rabbit Tarot by Nakisha VanderHoeven — speaks of innocence, sentimentality and memories from days gone by. You may be missing someone, longing for the comforts and companions that have gone by the wayside over time.

You could also hear from an old friend unexpectedly today. Someone who’s been on your mind and who reaches out across the miles, reminding you of long-forgotten events that come rushing back in a wave of nostalgia.

You may also feel the urge to reach out to those who remind you of life’s simpler pleasures, such as a family member or a childhood friend. And if you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by loved ones today, you should have no problem recapturing those memories.

This is not the time to bring old grievances back to the forefront. And there is some danger of that — courtesy of today’s Sun square Pluto transit. It’s time to focus on pleasure, playfulness and joyb, and working on creating new memories with those you love.

You may have been taking life too seriously and find yourself needing to get in touch with your inner child. Or you now may have to let your guard down and allow yourself to trust again — especially if you’ve been trying to guard your heart from pain. The Six of Tulips is about sharing — like the Rabbit in this card — and bringing the happier memories from your past forward to today.






The card used for today’s tarotscope — Six of Tulips — comes from the adorable Rabbit Tarot by talented artist by Nakisha Elsje VanderHoeven

She is the creator of four different animal-related decks, all available through her site’s BlueDogRose Etsy storefront.

This deck is available in both full (hand) size and mini-size. The companion book is also available for purchase. 

Please visit like her Facebook fan page, and be sure to follow her on Twitter and add her to Pinterest

Nakisha also has a blog that she updates in between projects. 

Used by generous permission. Thank you Nakisha. 




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