Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024


Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024:

This week starts with a waning crescent Moon in Taurus on Monday. This is an extremely favorable placement for the Moon as Taurus is a sign of its exaltation. It’s also involved in several harmonious aspects to the outer planets — Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — throughout the day.

The Moon moves into Gemini just before 10 pm UT, and forms another harmonious aspect to an outer planet (a trine to Pluto), which is also the last lunar aspect of the day. The Moon in Gemini shifts the focus from comfort and relaxation (Taurus Moon) to interaction, social engagement and the exchange of ideas. While it may keep you up — thinking, ruminating, brainstorming, etc. — it’s great for organizing your thoughts and ideas and putting together a new course of action.

Venus trines Chiron on Tuesday. This Transit can see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.

By this time the Moon will have moved into Gemini, and we’ll have formed conjunctions with both Mars and Jupiter before the day is through. As Gemini is a dual or mutable sign, this Moon is good at being flexible and adaptable. It’s known for multitasking, and being able to juggle several different projects at once. The conjunctions to Mars and Jupiter can amplify these qualities, so you should be able to get a lot done, 

But then it comes up to square Saturn on Wednesday, and although these lunar  transits tend to be fleeting — each lasting for only a few hours in duration — the Moon Saturn square can bring all of that Mars and Jupiter exuberation to a grinding halt. 

The square (90°) aspect is tied to crises, and in this case it can see you questioning your own sense of self worth. It may feel like Saturn is trying to rain on the Moon’s parade, as you start questioning whether all of those great ideas you came up with yesterday have any real merit today. 

The obvious recommendation would be to just shake those doubts and concerns off, and that shouldn’t be hard to do on Thursday, when the Sun trines the North Node and simultaneously sextiles the South.

With the Sun trining the North Node, you may meet new people who turn out to have a long-ranging impact on your life. Or you may see an existing relationships turn an important corner, and evolving into something much more meaningful or profound. As the North and South Nodes are karmic in nature, pay attention to random encounters with others, as they could indicate people who will one day be instrumental to your evolutionary process. 

Conflicts can erupt from seemingly out of nowhere on Friday, as Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus. This can be a make or break aspect — especially in relationships — as this transit pits the urge to merge (Venus) and the desire for freedom and independence (Uranus) against one another. 

It can bring people into your life who are there just to shake things up or to force you out of your comfort zone. The Venus / Uranus square can lead you to start thinking outside of the box, which can be a good thing. It can bring about rapid change, which almost always occurs when change is what’s needed most.

On Saturday Mars sextiles the North Node and trines the South. This Transit can see you making strides toward developing meaningful connections with those to whom you  feel a natural affinity. The sextile (60°) aspect is both creative and a collaborative; so look for ways to align your vision with those who have something to contribute.

As Mars is all about instinct and action and the North Node is all about karmic direction, this transit can see you joining together with those who are here to help you manifest your goals.

Venus inconjuncts Neptune on Sunday. This aspect indicates a need to remedy imbalances between the need to love and be loved (Venus) and what can be an unrealistic desire for perfection (Neptune). I can see you chasing after an impossible dream and wallowing in self-pity when that dream fails to deliver.

This aspect can see you longing to escape into a romantic fantasy, albeit one that is unlikely to play out in real time. And while it can be profoundly idealistic and inspirational, it’s not going to be the best time to initiate a new romance — at least one you have hopes of leading to something more serious.

Leo new moonAlso on Sunday, we have a New Moon at 12° Leo 33′. The Leo Moon is regal, honorable, dignified and proud. It’s a warm, creative, dynamic placement, especially with the Sun and Venus also in Leo at this time.

As New Moons always represent fresh starts and new beginnings, this one — in Leo — brings opportunities to put your best foot forward and to completely reinvent yourself.

As Leo is the sign associated with warmth, generosity, vitality and personal charisma, the emphasis is on reveling in the moment, embracing life to the fullest, and setting your worries aside long enough to bask in the light of the day.

Keep the momentum of this positive New Moon energy going in the days ahead, as there’s quite a bit happening next week. We have one planet changing signs (Venus), one planet changing direction (Mercury), a handful of minor aspects and the onset of the annual Perseid meteor showers.


That’s it for this week! see you next week!


Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.



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Weekly Astrology Forecast

July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024







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** this article also appears on Psychic Scoop.