October 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month of October begins with an annual Solar Eclipse on October 2nd at 10 degrees 4’ of Libra, the cardinal, masculine, air sign. So, yes, the month’s energy will be colored by this eclipse and may feel somewhat strange or unsettled. The conjunction of the Sun and Moon, when close to either the vernal or the autumnal equinox, always produces a solar eclipse and this is the last one for the year 2024.

Mercury is within 1.5 degrees of this eclipse and just ahead of the Sun and Moon conjunction so communication is important at this time. It is wise to pay attention to what information comes into your sphere of influence, but do double check it for accuracy as Mercury is still considered within the combustion range with the Sun, which can make the information unreliable or incomplete, even though the little dude is quickly moving out of that orb of influence.

Libra is always about balance, harmony and relationships so pay attention to what is going on in your own partnership or marriage as the balance of power may be shifting. Mercury moves from 8 degrees Libra to 26 degrees Scorpio by October 31st. Therefore, your thoughts may become more intense after October 14th when Mercury enters Scorpio, a sign known for its intensity and drama.

Venus begins the month at 9 degrees of Scorpio and moves to 15 degrees of Sagittarius by the month’s end. She is not particularly comfortable in Scorpio since it is opposite Taurus, a sign she rules and feels at home in. She also makes an opposition with the fixed star Algol and the planet Uranus at 26 degrees of Taurus on October 16th and this adds to the volatility of the month as this aspect can trigger sudden and chaotic changes. Her entrance into Sagittarius on the 18th lessens the ill effects of the previously stated conjunction and she becomes more peaceful. Fortunately, her trine relationship with both Saturn in Pisces and Mars in Cancer can hopefully keep things relatively stable. Whew.

Mars moves from 15 degrees to 28 degrees of Cancer throughout the month. However, he makes a square aspect to the Sun’s position almost the entire month as they both dance forward together in their respective cardinal signs of Cancer and Libra. Even when the Sun moves into Scorpio on October 22nd, there is still an out of sign square happening. The challenging square aspect is exact on October 19 and also begins Mars’ opposition with Pluto, who is stationary direct at 29th degrees of Capricorn.

The Sun opposes Pluto by exact degrees on October 22nd while Mars is at 25 degrees of Cancer. This makes for double tension as they are in a T-square position, either squaring or opposing each other. This feels very warlike and threatening but Venus helps relieve that pressure as she will be in the early degrees of Sagittarius and not adding to the tension. Mars will remain in opposition to Pluto through the end of the month and into early November as well. Like we needed more tension at this time of year, but there you have it. Keep your consciousness clear of negative thinking this month to not add more energy to the planetary war. Do something strongly physical and productive to burn off the energy in your own life and put it to good use.

Jupiter remains in Gemini at 21 degrees, 20’ and begins its retrograde motion phase on October 9th. It moves back to 20 degrees, 33’ on the last day of October. Remain optimistic as it will be in a trine relationship with the Sun through the 22nd of October. This helps keep your vision of harmony, good relationship, good communication and hope alive.

Saturn is still in retrograde motion in the sign of Pisces and moves from 14 degrees 21’ back to 12 degrees 54’. This placement remains helpful to Venus while she is in Scorpio and also to Mercury in Scorpio on October 14th.

Uranus is retrograde and moves from 26 degrees 54’ of Taurus back to 25 degrees, 56’. He is close to the dangerous fixed star of Algol so the entire month has a bit of an edge to it. People will be uneasy and fearful this month, so cut everyone some slack. Don’t add any more drama to your life or inflict it on others.

Neptune’s retrograde motion continues from 28 degrees, 14’ of Pisces back to 27 degrees, 31’ of Pisces. If you have planets in the mutable signs around those degrees, you could feel a bit untethered or foggy headed this month. Take things slowly and do your research before jumping into anything new.

Pluto goes direct on October 11th at 29 degrees 39’ of Capricorn. He slowly moves out of that sign from now through November 21st, and continues clearing out old outmoded ideas, thoughts or conditioned responses through the end of the year. He won’t be back in Capricorn until November of 2255 and for that I am very grateful. This particular transit was a doozy!


Aries — March 21-April 19:  Your ruler, Mars, is in your solar 4th house in Cancer, a sign it doesn’t particularly like to transit. In order to use this energy, do something productive in your home, like make necessary repairs or organize the tools in the shed or workspace. Your partner will greatly appreciate your efforts and maybe fall in love with you all over again! The eclipse happens in your 7th house of partnership so do things that please your partner. Pluto is in your 10th house of public image and Mars opposes it later in the month, do your best to avoid work related dramas or taking revenge or infighting. Your best days are the PM hours of the 15th, the 16th and the AM hours of the 17th.

Taurus — April 20-May 20: Venus, your ruling planet, is in your 7th house in Scorpio and not all that comfortable in that sign, too much drama! Your spouse could be harboring some resentments towards you so tread carefully with them but do inquire as to what they are feeling. It’s not a deal breaker for the relationship, it is just that the air needs to be cleared as resentments are building up. Be particularly careful it the subject comes up around the 16th, when Venus is opposing Uranus, as this energy can cause upsets and separations. Avoid discussions at that time if at all possible. The eclipse happens in your 6th house of health so be extra careful with your health and watch your diet and habits. Stellar days for you this month are the PM hours of the 17th, which is a full Moon, the 18th and the AM hours of the 19th.

Gemini — May 21-June 21: Jupiter is still transiting your sign in your solar 1st house and will go into its retrograde motion phase on October 9th. Time to assess your progress over the last 4 months, when he entered your sign, so you can make adjustments to get better results in the future. The eclipse happens in your 5th house of fun, creativity, children and our passions…sounds like you could have some fun in the near future! In any event, watch out for volatility in the workplace and in your finances during the last 2 weeks of the month. Your best days of progress, connection and possible romance are the PM hours of the 19th, the 20th and the 21st.

Cancer — June 22-July 23: With the eclipse happening in your solar 4th house of home, family, ancestors and real estate, you could have some choices to make about a possible move or a family member needing a place to stay for a period of time. Just be clear about the time frame and have boundaries. Mars in your sign can give you more fortitude about that now. The end of the month could be a bit troubling as the aspects with Mars and Pluto are testy at best. Delay big decisions until mid-November if possible. Good days to take care of yourself are the 22nd and 23rd.

Leo — July 24-August 23: The solar eclipse happens in your 3rd house of siblings, neighbors, short trips and communication. The Sun, your ruling planet, is a little stressed out this month by a continuing square from Mars and then a square to Pluto, exact on October 22nd. It will seem like everyone is angry or frustrated with you and you with them. Keep breathing and blow off steam with some physical exercise and movement. This, too, shall pass. Your best days are the 24th and 25th, so go out and have some fun!

Virgo —  August 24-September 22:  With Mercury still a bit close to the Sun and the eclipse happening in your 2nd house of money, assets and things of value, you might have some struggles keeping within your budget. There is stability with Venus making a trine to both Mars and Saturn right now, so this tense period will pass and Mercury will be out of its “burned up” status by the weekend. That’s good news! The opposition between Mars and Pluto happens in your solar 11th and 5th houses so it’s more about professional associates, money from profession, friendships and what you do for fun. Make use of the good lunar vibes on the 26th, the 27th and 28th.

Libra — September 23-October 22:  The eclipse on October 2nd happens in your solar 1st house so you might get some recognition or want to make some changes in your appearance in some way. Eclipses evolve over a 6 to 9 month period so you’ve got time to figure out how this will work for you. Venus, your ruling planet, is in your solar 2nd house of money, assets and things of value, but she is currently in the sign of Scorpio, so there’s a bit of drama and struggle in the mix of things. Keep breathing and don’t over react or over reach your limits, both physically and financially. The tension in the last 10 days of the month will hit your 10th and 4th houses so there will be a pull between home and career that you will need to juggle and eventually resolve. It eases up by the 8th or 9th of November, thankfully! Your stellar days this month are the 2nd, 3rd, 29th, 30th and AM hours of the 31st.

Scorpio — October 23-November 22:  With Mars being testy with the Sun and Pluto this month, you need to find ways to keep your frustration and/or rage under control. Physical activity, competitive sports and sex are great for that! Venus in your sign gives you a lot of magnetism so if you are single, you could definitely attract someone to be close to, but it probably won’t last all that long. The eclipse happens in your 12th house of endings, hospitals, karma and seclusion so you may need to spend some time along to sort out your issues and feelings. Great days to do that are the 4th, 5th and 6th.

Sagittarius — November 23-December 20:  With your ruling planet, Jupiter, about to go retrograde in Gemini in your solar 7th house of partnership you may need to spend some more alone time with your partner instead of being “the more the merrier” kind of person. Maybe a trip is in order for just the two of you? Keep it within budget, no need to do the grandiose big budget affair right now as that could cause problems by the end of the month when the tense aspects with Mars and Pluto cause some financial drama in your 2nd and 8th houses. The 7th and 8th offer good vibes and the good fortune to get your way.

Capricorn — December 21-January 20:  Saturn is making nice aspects with Venus and Mars in the water signs right now so stability is starting to gel as you balance home life, money matters and a desire for more inner peace. The eclipse happens in your solar 10th house of profession and public image so you will be making adjustments to that area of life in the next 6 to 9 months. If you can swing it, plan a short getaway by a large body of water, a meditation retreat or do a staycation long weekend in your home as a personal meditation retreat. Just plan a little solitary time so you can maintain the balance you want in life. The last ten days of the month could still be very challenging with the Mars/Pluto opposition so just know that going in and get some meditation time in before that aspect gets triggered. Great days to relax and enjoy life are the 9th and 10th.

Aquarius — January 21-February 19: This month will present an interesting challenge to you as Pluto is finishing up the last degree of your 12th house of solitude, karma, health matters and self-undoing. Then Pluto enters your sign and 1st house in the middle of November and stays in your sign for about 20 years. Transformation is on the way! This is a big deal when Pluto changes signs and people can make major changes in their lives and with their bodies and habits. The last two weeks of October could reveal some acute health challenge that needs to be addressed. The eclipse happens in your solar 9th house of foreign travel, higher education, the law, publishing and belief systems. What’s in your bucket list anyway? You have a lot to ponder for the rest of the year and beyond. Days to enjoy life are the 11th, 12th and AM hours of the 13th.

Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Saturn still retrograde in your sign, you are doing some internal review about your life and what you would like to improve or change. It’s in a nice trine relationship to both Mars and Venus so there is stability in many areas of your life that bring you both pride and pleasure. You’ve come a long way, baby, as they say! It’s actually a good month to take a trip, if you can go and complete it before the 16th. The eclipse happens in your 8th house of spouse’s income, investments, end of life matters and transforming our fears and insecurities. Good days to discuss those matters and speak your truth are the PM hours of the 13th, the 14th and the AM hours of the 15th.






Personal Consultations:

I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.

The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.


October 2024 Monthly Horoscopes

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