Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of February 24, 2025 – March 2, 2025:
We’ve got a lot going on this week, with two planets (Mars and Venus) changing direction, a lineup of five planets all visible in the evening sky, and a New Moon (plus 5 other bodies) in Pisces, among other things.
Mars goes stationary direct as we start this week on Monday, having just spent the last two and a half long months in retrograde motion. While Mars is much more comfortable moving forward than it is moving backwards, it will take until May 3rd to cross its shadow point and be considered in full direct motion.
Mars turning direct can see you moving forward again too. As in making plans for your future rather than perseverating over mistakes in your past. Or initiating new projects rather than trying to breathe life into those that didn’t quite work the first time. It’s good for going after your goals — especially once Mars leaves Cancer and moves back into Leo (on April 20th).
Mars isn’t happy in Cancer, the sign of its fall. As Mars by nature is all about energy, action and assertion, it doesn’t really know what to do with itself in Cancer’s innately passive domain. If you’ve witnessed — or been a part of — conflicts with others over the past couple of months, especially those involving distortions, misunderstandings, passive aggression, defensiveness, overreactions etc. You can blame it all on Mars retrograde in Cancer. But now with Mars moving forward again, you should start to see a lot of those tricky emotional quagmires replaced by more assertive, forthright and direct actions and reactions.
If you know which house Mars rules in your natal chart, you can look to see if this is an area you’ve been struggling with for the last couple of months. It might be an area you couldn’t seem to get ahead in, or perhaps you felt you were taking one step forward and two steps back. You also want to look at which house Mars is transiting through for you now. There are areas you can expect to start making progress in — and gaining momentum in — again.
Mercury conjuncts Saturn on Tuesday. This aspect is focused and disciplined, even in mystical, poetic Pisces. It’s good for making plans and ironing out important details. It’s also good for clearing away the cobwebs and looking at things from a more practical perspective. You could be putting a dent in any research you’re doing that involves scientific or step-by-step analysis.
You may feel impatient with those who want to engage you in casual or superficial conversation during this time. You’re going to be more interested in serious discussions about practical matters. But try not to take everything so seriously though, as this aspect can also manifest as feeling pessimistic or morose.
Mercury is debilitated by sign, as it’s currently placed in Pisces, the sign of both its fall and detriment. But it’s in mutual reception with Jupiter, which helps to mitigate some of that debility. In addition to that, there are many positive attributes associated with Mercury in Pisces. More fluid thinking for one thing, which can lead to enhanced intuition and psychic abilities, as well as more vivid dreams, more empathy and compassion for others, and more creative or visionary streams of consciousness. The Saturn conjunction can keep you grounded.
Wednesday’s Moon in Aquarius forms a trine (or 120° aspect) to Jupiter. While this is the only major aspect that the Moon makes on this day, you almost couldn’t ask for a better one. With both of these planets in air signs — the Moon in innovative and progressive Aquarius and Jupiter in diplomatic and objective Libra — the focus should be on harmonious interactions with like-minded people, as well as a more forward-thinking exchange of ideas.
But get all that brainstorming done earlier in the day, because the Moon goes void of course later in the evening, and will remain as such until it moves into Pisces around daybreak the following morning. The void of course Moon is a common occurrence; it marks the period of time between the Moon’s last aspect in one sign and its ingress into the next. It’s generally not a time to make decisions or try to nail down finite plans.
Mercury sextiles Uranus on Thursday. As Uranus is said to be the higher octave of Mercury, bringing them together in a harmonious (sextile) aspect allows for a much more natural route to higher consciousness. This is the build a better mousetrap aspect, especially with these two planets in feminine signs (Pisces and Taurus respectively).
The Mercury / Uranus sextile is great for brainstorming and thinking outside the box. It’s great for improving efficiency and increasing productivity. It can open doors for you that you never expected to open. And it can increase opportunities for you to expand your consciousness and broaden your mind.
We have a New Moon on Friday at 9° Pisces 40′. It is exact at 12:44 am UT (or at 8:44 pm EST on Thursday).
This is a loving, compassionate, creative and highly impressionable Moon. It can increase psychic awareness and make you more susceptible to outside influences.
It’s mystical and ethereal, but can also be incredibly naive. It’s not good at filtering out negative or harmful information, and can therefore be easily deceived.
As New Moons always represent new beginnings and opportunities to start anew, this one — in idealistic Pisces — presents opportunities for us to explore our innermost dreams. This is a very feminine and rather other-worldly New Moon placement. We can put to good use this energy by thinking about what is most meaningful, and what we can do to cultivate it during this time.
There’s a lineup of planets visible in the night sky just after sunset, throughout the latter part of this week, but most visible on Friday and Saturday. During this time, starting from just above the western horizon and then arching upwards, Saturn, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter should all be visible. Uranus, Neptune, Chiron and the North Node are all in that lineup as well, although none of them are visible to the naked eye.
Also on Saturday, the Moon moves into Aries and in mutual reception with Mars. The mutual reception strengthens the bond between these two planets even when they’re not connected by aspect. In this case, the Moon first joins up with Venus (by conjunction) and then applies to a square to Mars later in the day. This could indicate a period of increased libido and more pronounced sexual appetites, which may then be disrupted by the square to Mars.
Mercury conjuncts the North Node and Neptune on Sunday, just as the Sun squares Jupiter. The Mercury Node conjunction can indicate a meaningful interaction that leads to a significant connection, so you want to pay attention. You want to be mindful of what you say and how you say it. Mercury represents communications and the Nodes are said to be karmic in nature. Add Neptune to the mix and you may find yourself communicating thoughts that came to you psychically. Pay attention to what you put out there as it could have long-term repercussions.
The Sun / Jupiter square can see you feeling so expansive and gregarious that you end up biting off more than you can chew or promising more than you can deliver. The combination of enthusiasm and benevolence can get you thinking you can do more than you really can. And while your heart may be in the right place, your inability to follow through can get you into hot water.
This aspect is known for over-indulging, over-extending and over-committing. In other words, overdoing everything.You may be feeling so jovial and so overconfident that you have a hard time reigning in it and exercising any real discipline.
Also on Sunday, Venus goes stationary retrograde at 10º Aries 50′. From an astrological perspective, retrogrades motivate us to review, revisit, refine and resolve challenges that are holding us back from progressing in the area related to the planet involved.
They may relate to unfinished business from past lives, or they may refer to repeating patterns in our present lifetimes. Either way, the presumption when that planet is Venus is that the challenges faced are love and relationship challenges. This includes the entire spectrum of “relationships”: romantic, familial, social, etc.
Venus spends less time retrograde than any other planet: only approximately 41 days in its 584 day synodic cycle. The cycle itself starts either at the inferior conjunction (when Venus is exactly between the Earth and the Sun), the heliacal rising (the point where it first becomes visible on the Eastern horizon — about 10 days after the inferior conjunction), or the superior conjunction (when the Sun is between Venus and the Earth, about 216 days later).
Sacred Geometry: Here’s what Venus’ synodic cycle looks like from a Sun-centered (heliocentric) perspective. The transits of Venus and the Earth — with Venus retrograding back each time it’s overtaken by the Earth — creates a stunning spirographic pattern that repeats itself indefinitely.
During its synodic cycle, Venus spends 263 days as a morning star; followed by about 50 days when it’s not visible at all (due to its proximity to the Sun). It then reappears in the evening sky for another 263 days and disappears again for the final 8 days before it rises heliacally and starts all over again.
Because Venus’ synodic period corresponds to the Earth’s orbital period at a ratio of 5:8, this cycle repeats itself 5 times over a period of 8 years.
This applies to your own natal Sun and Venus relationship as well. This is why — once every 8 years — you will have both a solar return and a Venus return on approximately the same day (around your birthday).
Venus is debilitated in Aries, the sign of its fall. It will remain in Aries until March 28th, when it retrogrades back into Pisces. And, since in the world of retrogrades what goes back must come forward again, it will turn back around and re-enter Aries on May 1st.
Don’t be surprised if old lovers resurface during this time or if you start feeling the urge to reach out to those from your past. If so, keep in mind that this is going to be more about resolving unfinished business or typing up loose ends, and you’re likely to see things change again once Venus goes direct.
That’s it for this week. See you next week!
Here’s this week’s Astro Calendar. Click on it to view it full-sized.
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
Steven Forrest’s Inner Sky and Changing Sky books are classics that every serious astrologer has in their library, as is Tracy Marks’ Art of Chart Interpretation.
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Weekly Astrology Forecast
February 24, 2025 – March 2, 2025
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** this article also appears on Psychic Scoop.