Happy Birthday Aries! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on April 16th at 26° Aries 02.
Full Moon: The Full Moon occurs on April 30th at 9° Scorpio 58.
Retrogrades: Mercury goes direct on the 15th at 4° Aries 45; Saturn goes retrograde on the 18th at 9° Capricorn 08; and Pluto goes retrograde on the 22nd at 21° Capricorn 17.
Ingresses: Chiron moves into Aries on April 17th; The Sun moves into Taurus on April 20th; and Venus moves into Gemini on April 24th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: The first few days of the month see both the Sun and Mercury in close contact. As Mercury is retrograde, and also in your sign, you have the capacity to really think something through to it’s conclusion. It’s not the time for acting on what you come up with but it is a great time to plan what you will do next. From the 3rd to the 10th Mercury is also squaring Saturn, which can put the brakes on your usual Aries exuberance with a thump. As the month progresses and reaches the new moon in your sign on the 15th, you also have Uranus conjunct your Sun. Expect the unexpected and be ready to act. Moon in your love area 1st, 28th and 29th means it’s time to go out and have some fun.
Moon in Aries April 14, 15, 16 (New)
Taurus — April 20-May 20: April is looking to be a month of frustrations and possibly setbacks for you with Mercury retrograde in an area of your chart linked to confusion. Your best bet is to use this transit in a creative way. Any artistic interests you have, then now is a good time to get into them as they will help deflect any frustrations caused by Mercury. Of course you do have Venus on your side this month as she is in your sign till the 25th. From 8th till 15th Venus forms a trine with Mars allowing you to enjoy your love life. If you are single you may also find that someone new comes into your life at this time and the attraction will be strong. Moon in your love area 2nd, 3rd and 30th incorporates a full moon on the 30th allowing you to really shine a light on your relationship to see what you want next.
Moon in Taurus April 16, 17, 18
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Love is in the air for you in April as Venus travels through an area of your chart allowing you to get in touch with your emotions. After the 25th, Venus moves in to your sign allowing for the easy flow of emotions. Second week of April Mars is in a great aspect to Venus and also in an area of your chart which can really bring passion to the fore in your love life. Take time out to spend with your partner at this time and if you are single you may just meet that special someone. The attraction will be immediate and intense. Moon in your love area 5th and 6th occurs just before one of the best weeks of the year for you when it comes to passion.
Moon in Gemini April 19, 20
Cancer — June 22-July 23: April will be quite intense for you when it comes to love and relationships. There may be times when you think you need to put the brakes on something and then you find yourself forging ahead without thinking things through. This is compliments of Mars joining Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn. Around the 15th you also need to be careful as Mercury comes out of retrograde on a new moon in Aries. Both these movements are also squaring your Sun sign and forming a T square to the Mars, Saturn, Pluto problem you are experiencing this month. Not a good month for stating a new relationship. Moon in your love area 7th, 8th and 9th is a time to keep out of trouble, especially when it comes to arguments with your partner.
Moon in Cancer April 21, 22
Leo — July 24-August 23: You can get through a lot of work this month as you’ll have the energy and drive to accomplish just about anything. With Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in your work area you’ll probably have your hands full. This may not be such a bad thing as Venus squares your sign till the 25th, this can possibly cause some friction when it comes to your relationship. Mercury may be trining your sign but it is also retrograde till the 15th and whilst you have not been affected as much as other signs with communication problems, you still need to keep an eye on what you say. Moon in your love area 10th and 11th occurs just before the new moon on 15th which forms a great aspect to your sign.
Moon in Leo April 23, 24
Virgo — August 24-September 22: April is looking just fine for you, considering the stressful aspects around with the planets, you seem to have hit the jackpot! Venus in Taurus, until the 25th, is trining your sign giving you a smooth ride when it comes to love. Mars, Saturn and Pluto complete this picture for you over in Capricorn giving you a grand trine of planets hitting off your Sun sign. The intensity of this aspect is felt more from the 4th till the 14th. This gives you plenty of time to make special memories with your partner and if you are single, a great time to meet someone new. Of course, Mercury retrograde, may have you needing to think twice before you dive in with a comment. Moon in your love area 12th, 13th and 14th should be especially strengthening to your relationship.
Moon in Virgo April 25, 26, 27
Libra — September 23-October 22: With Mercury retrograde in your relationship area this month, until the 15th, you will have your hands full with communication issues with your partner. Might be a good idea to hold back on anything which you feel particularly strongly about and they do not. This is not the time to push your thoughts onto someone else. With Mars also squaring your sign, alongside Saturn there’s a bit of push and pull when it comes to what you want to do and what you know you shouldn’t do. Be aware that Uranus is conjunct the Sun 17th to the 20th which could see sparks fly in your relationship. New moon in your love area on the 15th occurs just as Mercury turns direct, give yourself a few days before you bring up any concerns you have in your relationship.
Moon in Libra April 1, 28, 29
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Venus is in your love and relationship area this month up until the 25th. At the same time you will also be dealing with Mercury retrograde in your work area, which can cause problems when it comes to communication. With Mars, Saturn and Pluto currently moving through an area of your chart which can cause havoc with communication, you need to have your wits about you to make sure nothing is misunderstood. The full moon on the 29th shines a light on your emotional life, especially as Venus will be an area of your chart at this time where something you need to know becomes clearer to you. Moon in your love area 16th, 17th and 18th is a time to enjoy with your partner and if you are single, this may be your lucky month compliments of Venus.
Moon in Scorpio April 2, 3, 4, 30 (Full)
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: April may start out a bit slow for you but after the 25th you have Venus in your love and relationship area to look forward to! This only occurs about once a year and heralds a time for smooth emotions and also the chance to meet someone new if you are single. With Mars and Saturn both in an area of your chart known for stability you may find yourself wanting to settle down this month and take life more seriously, especially when it comes to relationships. With any luck you are not feeling the effects of Mercury retrograde too badly as it is a nice aspect to your sign. However, be aware that around the 15th this can change. Moon in your love area 19th and 20th occurs a few days before Venus is in a position to really rev your love life up.
Moon in Sagittarius April 5, 6
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: April may be a bit intense for you as Mars joins Saturn and Pluto in your sign. The first week is not a good time for decisions as Mars conjuncts Saturn which do not sit easily with each other. Whilst Mars says “Go”! Saturn says “Stop”! The push and pull of these 2 planets in such close contact can be frustrating. On top of this Mercury is also retrograde and forming a square during the first week to both Mars and Saturn. All round a bit of a frustrating week for you. As we head into the last week of April Mars comes into contact with Pluto, which again means frustrations for you and the possibility of tensions arising to cause arguments. Moon in your love area 21st and 22nd would be a good time to spend some alone time with your partner.
Moon in Capricorn April 7, 8, 9
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Mars, Saturn and Pluto all in an area of your chart not exactly known for straight thinking, you can be excused if April does not seem to be going as planned for you. This is not the month to push for what you want, and expect it to happen. It’s more the month to keep your head low and do only what is needed. Venus will trine your sign after the 25th, which can help your love life immensely. If you are single this is the time someone may come into your life. If you are in a relationship, it is the time you can smooth over any misunderstandings that may have arisen in the last few weeks. Moon in your love area 23rd and 24th occurs just as Venus is also about to give your love life a huge boost.
Moon in Aquarius April 10, 11
Pisces — February 20-March 20: Keep an eye on friendships this month as Mars, Saturn and Pluto are all in this part of your chart. Mars may cause friction with others, whilst Saturn can make it difficult to find the right time to heal a rift. You don’t want to find yourself at the end of the month with a situation that was much worse than at the beginning of April. This is when Mars comes into contact with Pluto, which is never an easy transit to begin with. Added to this Mercury is retrograde in an area of your chart which will have you thinking of the need for your own stability and security, especially when it comes to finances. Moon in your love area 25th, 26th and 27th is not a good time to make changes to your relationship as Mars and Pluto are very close together at this time.
Moon in Pisces April 12, 13, 14
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
April 2018 Monthly Horoscopes

Personal Consultations:
Hope you enjoyed your monthly horoscope. For a live psychic reading or astrological consultation, please feel free to email me at chrisalisreadings@hotmail.com.
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