April is a big month and if you’re not careful will not be forgotten without a headache!
Not least of all because of the squares and oppositions between Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto but also because of the two eclipses which are also coming into this mix and possibly complicating matters.
So if forewarned is forearmed here are the dates you need to watch out for and a few hints on how you might like to navigate your way through this period.
The first eclipse occurs on April 15 at 3:42 am (Eastern time). This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and occurs at 26 degrees Libra and may force you to look at the “me” and “us” in a relationship.
In other words where you stand and where the other person stands.
As Mars has been travelling through Libra now for the past few months and will be retrograde when this eclipse occurs it may be difficult for you to actually take action on what you would like to do which leaves you at the mercy of events happening around you taking your choices out of your hands altogether.
With Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto forming harsh aspects to Mars at this time you could be excused for feeling like hiding under your covers and not coming out till the coast is clear.
However, with these 4 big planets and the eclipse those covers may be ripped from you and you may find yourself being forced to deal with a situation whether you like it or not.
This is not an eclipse for the “faint hearted” but rather a time when you need to be aware of what is happening around you and decide, possibly beforehand, what you plan to do about things before you find yourself overtaken by forces out of your control.
The second eclipse is an Annular Solar Eclipse and occurs on April 29 at 2:14 am (Eastern time). This eclipse occurs at 9 degrees Taurus, a sign known for its practical nature.
This is a good time to take note of what you want to build upon and come up with a plan to make this happen.
You may find yourself craving security and stability and be ready to start a new cycle that is totally different in nature to what has come before.
This is not the time to make major changes, rather, it is a time of planning and keeping an eye out for opportunities that come your way that you can cash in on later.
The sign of Taurus is known for its fertility and this is something you can keep in mind as you look at the changes you are wishing to make.
The best laid plans come from doing the groundwork. Look at what you need to have in place first to reap the most benefits in the future. Do not be afraid to chase up leads that come your way and listen to anything that catches your attention whether it be from a conversation or something you have read.
The effects of Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto are still in force and will no doubt have given you a glimpse of what you need to avoid. Life may still not feel quite the way you wish it to be but the worst is most likely behind you and the events that happen this April have a good chance of transforming and shaping your life for a while to come yet.
If you are into meditation or even if you are not… you may wish to try this simple meditation to help you through this time if you find yourself becoming too immersed in the energies around you.
Please make yourself comfortable in whichever way works best for you.
Take 3 deep breaths and close your eyes
Beginning at your scalp imagine the feeling of relaxation spreading down through your body from your scalp.. to your face.. to your neck and shoulders.. down each arm.. across your chest and back.. down your stomach, lower back and buttocks.. thighs..lower legs and feet.
When you feel yourself relaxed in body, mind and spirit imagine yourself sitting in a film cinema looking at a screen in front of you… a remote control is in your hands and there is a film playing out on this screen… it is a situation you would like to have some distance from…
once you have watched the film through once (played through like a film on the screen) with you as the viewer apart from the scene and all the intricacies of the situation which is bothering you up there on the screen… away from you… not a part of you…
then replay the scene in black and white with the sound turned down and make it further away from you… re play it through as many times as you wish making it further and further away from you with no sound.
When you are ready to press the off switch on the remote control do so.
Still feeling relaxed slowly count backwards 5, 4, 3, 2, 1… wide awake.
Open your eyes.
Take note of any difference in the way you now view the same situation that was causing your stress. Has it changed? Have you changed your thoughts, feelings in regard to it? What could you do differently?
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