Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 17, 2020 – Aug 23, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Aug 17, 2020 – Aug 23, 2020:

We start this week with Mercury trining Mars and conjuncting the Sun on Monday. The trine to Mars is is great for asserting yourself with others clearing away any confusion or uncertainty. It’s good for making plans — especially anything tied to higher-mind goals and aspirations. Are you thinking about taking a course or going back to school? This aspect is perfect for offering your intentions up to the Universe and allowing them to take flight.

The conjunction with the Sun is a superior conjunction (as Mercury is currently in direct motion). It’s generally a very positive aspect, especially for things like interacting and communicating with others, sharing ideas, and gathering information, But because it’s so close to the Sun that it’s hidden from view (a condition known as “combust”) you want to be aware that not everything that pops into your head during this time is worth acting on.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 10, 2020 – Aug 16, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Aug 3, 2020 – Aug 9, 2020:

This week starts with a bang, with two powerful planets — Mars and Uranus — involved in tense aspects with other planets. We have Mars conjuncting the Dark Moon Lilith at 22° Aries 04 on Monday. The Black Moon (or lunar apogee) is associated with the raw, assertive and unyielding feminine strength and power. It is a mysterious and seductive energy that exposes us to our own shadow material, as uncomfortable as that might be.

The conjunction of the Mars to this point conjures up images of women taking back their power and men honoring their inner woman (or anima figures). It’s a powerful conjunction that can cut away that which is no longer conducive to our own evolutionary potential, and replace it with what is.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 3, 2020 – Aug 9, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Aug 3, 2020 – Aug 9, 2020:

We’ve got a lot going on this week astrologically, with a Full Moon in Aquarius, two planets (Venus and Mercury) changing signs, and by week’s end a complete absence of Air signs and an abundance (seven planets in all) of Cardinal signs. 

Starting on Monday, we have Mercury in Cancer opposing Saturn in Capricorn. This can be a bit of a downer or a rain-on-your-parade aspect, with the planet ruling thoughts and ideas (Mercury) in conflict with the planet ruling restrictions and limitations. It can manifest as an existential crisis, but only if you let it. Since oppositions are always about “forced integration,” you want to think about ways to satisfy both of these energies.

August 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with an interesting conjunction of Venus and the North node in the late degrees of Gemini through the 8th.

This can cause extremes in all Venus ruled areas of life, particularly relationships as Venus in Gemini wants to talk, talk, talk about the relationship now. Choose your words carefully.

Venus then leaves Gemini on the 8th and enters the sign of Cancer where she remains through the end of the month, happily transiting that feminine water sign. Mercury is also in the sign of Cancer through the 6 th so security, home and family are issues that are up and in focus now.

Mars, the god of war, remains in Aries at 18 degrees and will advance to 27 degrees by the end of the month. We have been in the shadow area of the upcoming Mars retrograde since July 24th so what is going on now with Mars related situations. i.e., men, weapons, aggression, conflict, soldiers, police, will be reviewed during the retrograde phase beginning on September 9th through November 14th. Get ready for a wild ride with this retrograde.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 27, 2020 – Aug 2, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jul 27, 2020 – Aug 2, 2020:

This week starts with a Mercury / Mars square on Monday, just as Venus squares and Jupiter sextiles Neptune. The Mercury / Mars aspect — especially with Mars in Aries — can bring anger, impatience, aggression and recklessness to the surface, which can lead to confrontations.  And because Mercury is in hypersensitive Cancer, there’s a potential for misunderstandings and hurt feelings as well. 

This transit suggests that communications can be tempestuous, so consider taking a breath and count to 10 before you speak — especially if what you say can come across to others as angry or abrasive. It can manifest as harsh words, confrontations, temper tantrums and impatience. And it can also be careless and / or reckless which translates to “accident prone.” Watch your step during this transit, in more ways than one.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 20, 2020 – Jul 26, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jul 20, 2020 – Jul 26, 2020:

We have a New Moon  / Saturn opposition (meaning that both the Sun and Moon are opposing Saturn) as we start the week on Monday.  The New Moon each month brings opportunities to start anew, and this month with it falling in Cancer — the sign associated with home, family, security needs and roots — the emphasis is on relationships with those who are nearest and dearest to our hearts.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 13, 2020 – Jul 19, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jul 13, 2020 – Jul 19, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with a last-quarter Moon in Aries, which is also the focal point of a t-square involving the Sun, Jupiter and Pluto. As the the last-quarter Moon is tied to outer-world (rather than personal) experiences, it can signal a need to focus on your public persona. With this configuration, you’d do well to think about how your actions are aligning with your career goals and your reputation. You may also find yourself at a professional crossroads and needing to make some changes in this area.

The Moon in Aries is known for being dynamic and assertive, but pit it against three other powerful planets and it can become downright forceful. There’s no question that this configuration can be persuasive (think People’s Temple leader Jim Jones, who also had an Aries Moon / square Jupiter and Pluto). But it can also be aggressive, controlling and confrontational. Fortunately lunar transits are fleeting, so at the least the emotional component (the Moon’s portion) of this aspect will be short-lived.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jul 6, 2020 – Jul 12, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jul 6, 2020 – Jul 12, 2020:

We start this week on Monday with the Moon in late Capricorn, besieged by Pluto and Saturn. Jupiter is in there too — in a partile conjunction with Pluto, a signature that emphasizes power and authority and reinforces the week’s strong Cardinal-planet theme.

The Moon is in detriment in Capricorn, which means that it’s not traditionally comfortable in this sign. Add to that its placement between Pluto / Jupiter and Saturn, and power struggles are likely to erupt.

You may find yourself dealing with people who are self-righteous, judgmental or even fanatical about their belief systems. You may also have to look at areas that you yourself have been rigid and unwilling to listen to another’s point of view. This is not the time to get into heated political or philosophical debates, as you will find that the line is drawn firmly in the sand on both sides.

July 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with Mercury retrograde joined to the Sun’s 9th degree and cazimi, which means a planet is within 15 minutes of the Sun’s position.

With a fast-moving planet like Mercury, this period doesn’t last very long and in this case it’s only 7 hours, beginning at 5 PM (MDT) on 6/30 and lasting until 1 AM on 7/1.

This means that Mercury, the messenger, is so close to the Sun that he “has the ear of the king” as represented by the Sun. Important conversations are going on at this time between advisors and rulers of nations. Stay tuned.

This event is followed by the full Moon lunar eclipse at 13 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn, on the birthday chart of the USA. Interestingly, Pluto was retrograde at 27 degrees of Capricorn in 1776 and while not at the same degree as it is now (24 degrees Capricorn), you can see the large scale, and somewhat dark, deadly and transformational events happening in the daily news. The United States’ Pluto return doesn’t occur until late February 2022, so this is a process we will be in for years.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 29, 2020 – Jul 5, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 29, 2020 – Jul 5, 2020:

There are seven planets in Cardinal signs this week and five planets in retrograde motion. We’ll also see the Earth at its furthest (aphelion) distance from the Sun, as well as a Full Moon in Capricorn and the third eclipse in a row, 

Jupiter conjuncts Pluto on Tuesday. This transit is driven to succeed. It’s capable of making huge changes and overhauling existing norms in the name of progress. On the downside though it can be brutal. It can be power hungry and fanatical. It can be forceful. It can be capable of ruthless disregard for those who are perceived as weak. But the positive aspects of this transit far outweigh the negative ones. These include things like passion, drive, ardor, influence and ambition. These are the ones we want to bring to life.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 22, 2020 – Jun 28, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 22, 2020 – Jun 28, 2020:

This week starts with five planets retrograde, and for brief period (between Tuesday and Thursday) there will be six. Starting on Monday, there’s a Moon (still New) in Cancer which squares Chiron, sextiles Uranus, conjuncts Mercury and trines Neptune before the day is through. 

The Moon is at home in Cancer, the sign it rules. It’s also overwhelmingly sensitive to nuance and conjecture. While lunar aspects are generally fleeting, Monday’s are mostly positive while Tuesday’s (oppositions to Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn) may be tense.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 15, 2020 – Jun 21, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 15, 2020 – Jun 21, 2020:

This week starts on Monday with a last quarter (Balsamic) Moon in Aries, which squares Mercury and then spends the rest of the day relatively unaspected. The Moon in Aries is generally The Moon in Aries is lively, free-spirited and adventurous. It’s wide-open to to the world of possibilities, facing whatever comes its way without fear or trepidation.

But it can also be combative and with the square to Mercury in Cancer, we may see people taking things too personally, getting their feelings hurt, and becoming more irritable and defensive. Fortunately Moon transits are relatively short lived, so don’t let your feathers get ruffled during this time.