Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 8, 2020 – Jun 14, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 8, 2020 – Jun 14, 2020:

This week we’re going to  see Venus re-emerging as a morning star for the first time since last July. We’re also going to be dealing with four (out of an eventual six) retrograde planets and a complete absence of fire sign energy for most of the week. Starting on Monday. there’s a Moon in Capricorn which sextiles Mars and Neptune and conjuncts Pluto and Juipiter before it goes void of course later in the day. 

While the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn — the sign of its detriment — there are many favorable attributes associated with this Moon. There is a wisdom and maturity associated with the Capricorn Moon, as well as an ability to organize, prioritize and simplify. Add to that these favorable transits and you can get a lot accomplished during this time.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 1, 2020 – Jun 7, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 1, 2020 – Jun 7, 2020:

We’ve got a busy week ahead with a lot of activity involving the personal planets — Mercury, Venus and Mars — and the first of three upcoming eclipses: this one a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius.

For the last several weeks we’ve been dealing with the absence of Earth energy, aside from the Moon’s brief passage through these signs. And this week is no different. None of the main planets are in fire signs (although the Moon does make an appearance in Sagittarius on June 5th).As fire signs are associated with energy, passion, aggression, impatience and anger, we might think we’d have little time for those things. This is obviously not the case!

June 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


Welcome to eclipse season, as if we needed any more drama in the world right now! We have 2 eclipses this month and one more in early July in this cycle so, in addition to some other planetary factors, it could indeed be a tense and bumpy ride.

The month begins with Venus retrograde combust the rays of the Sun through the 8th. Things could get testy within relationships as people are a bit frazzled and fried right now. On June 5th, there is the full Moon lunar eclipse at 15 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius, which may add to the drama of the times.

Lunar eclipses can manifest as a rather immediate event and this one has Mars making a square aspect to those degrees on the 6th. No one will be very comfortable during this first week of the month. The second week has the Sun squaring off with Neptune on the 11th, followed by Mars squaring Neptune on the 13th and Mercury going retrograde on the 18th. This is a recipe for deception and misinformation running rampant in the world.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 25, 2020 – May 31, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of May 25, 2020 – May 31, 2020:

We start the week with the Moon conjunct the North Node in Cancer on Monday, while Mars sextiles Uranus.The Moon is right at home in Cancer, the sign it naturally rules. Its conjunction to its own North Node occurs at 0° Cancer which could see you wanting to concentrate more on home and family than anything else during this time.

The Moon’s North and South Nodes are naturally retrograde. They spend about a year and a half in each sign as a part of a larger 19+ year cycle. In this case with the Nodes at 0°, they’re spending their last few days in Cancer and Capricorn before moving into Gemini and Sagittarius.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 18, 2020 – May 24, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of May 18, 2020 – May 24, 2020

This week starts on Monday with a last quarter (Balsamic) Moon in Aries, which first conjuncts Chiron and then sextiles Mercury before the day is through. The last quarter Moon is tied to the outer world, ie our professional aspirations and public standing. As a result, this is a good time to think about how your actions are aligning with your career goals and reputation.

You may find yourself at a crossroads and needing to make some changes in this area. As the Moon begins waning in light and counting down toward the New Moon on Friday, you’ll have opportunities to reassess and fine tune your social standing. The fact that it’s in Aries is significant in that the Moon’s brief transits through Fire signs will be the only Fire sign activity we’ll see over the next 6 weeks (until Mars moves into Aries on June 30th).

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 11, 2020 – May 17, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of May 11, 2020 – May 17, 2020:

This week we have two planets (Mercury and Mars) changing signs, three planets (Saturn, Venus and Jupiter) and an asteroid (Pallas Athena) all turning retrograde and an out of bounds Venus.

From an astrological perspective, retrogrades motivate us to review, revisit, refine and resolve challenges that are holding us back from progressing in the area related to the planet involved. They may relate to unfinished business from past lives, or they may refer to repeating patterns in our present lifetimes.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — May 4, 2020 – May 10, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of May 4, 2020 – May 10, 2020:

This week it’s going to be one Mercury transit after another, along with a meteor shower, a Full Moon in Scorpio and several planets slowing down as they prepare to turn retrograde. 

Starting on Monday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury and Venus squares Neptune. Starting with the Sun / Mercury aspect, this is a superior conjunction (as Mercury is currently in direct motion). It’s generally a very positive aspect, especially for things like interacting and communicating with others, sharing ideas, and gathering information, But because it’s so close to the Sun that it’s hidden from view (a condition known as “combust”) you want to be aware that not everything that pops into your head during this time is worth acting on.

May 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Welcome to the merry month of May! Most of us are still living with self-isolation restrictions but May is still a time when the earth starts to blossom and glory in its flora and fauna. Revel in the beauty that surrounds you, it is truly restorative.

It is my deduction from the astrology of it that the end of May and early June signifies greater freedom for the majority of folks. Mercury breaks out of the grasp of the north and south nodes, a condition known as Kala Sarpa yoga in the Vedic astrology tradition. This will help all of us to get out again as the little dude likes to move around. The rest of the planets remain trapped between the nodes until the Sun breaks free the third week of June and Venus escapes in early August. This condition really defines what happened since March, 2020 when the Kala Sarpa yoga began as did the quarantine/self-isolation restrictions for most of us.

We also have 3 planets going into retrograde motion all within 3 days of each other from May 11-14 and this energy will facilitate a return or review of behavior and action. Saturn kicks off the action on 5/12 at 1 degree 57’ Aquarius, followed by Venus on 5/13 at 21 degrees 50’ Gemini and finally Jupiter on 5/14 at 27 degrees 14’ Capricorn. Caution and careful deliberation is favored as Saturn and Jupiter don’t cover much cosmic ground as they move very slowly through the end of the month.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 27, 2020 – May 3, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Apr 27, 2020 – May 3, 2020:

This week we have a planet (Mercury) and an asteroid (Pallas Athena) changing signs, an out of bounds Venus, and the second of two first quarter Moons. We start with Mercury leaving Aries (thus leaving us without any fire-sign planets for most of the rest of the week) and moves into Taurus on Monday.

Mercury in Taurus is patient, practical and serene. It can be slow and methodical, mainly because it doesn’t see the point in getting its feathers ruffled over things that are likely to iron themselves out over time. 

Mercury is also now in mutual reception with Venus, with each of these planets in the other planet’s ruling sign. The mutual reception can activate the positive energy for both planets, making for enhanced communications, especially where cooperation and collaboration are concerned.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 20, 2020 – Apr 26, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Apr 20, 2020 – Apr 26, 2020:

This week we have a New Moon in Taurus, an asteroid (Ceres) changing signs, a planet (Pluto) changing direction, and a handful of hard (square) aspects between personal and transpersonal planets. 

There’s an exact Moon / Jupiter sextile (in Pisces and Capricorn) as we start things off on Monday. Although this is a relatively fleeting aspect — the Moon goes void of course immediately afterwards and then remains thus until it moves into Aries around 7am — it’s still a nice way to start the week.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 13, 2020 – Apr 19, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Apr 13, 2020 – Apr 19, 2020:

This week starts with a (still Full) void of course Moon in Sagittarius on Monday.  This is an expansive and spirited Moon, with a strong focus on personal and spiritual evolution. It inspires us to think about travel, adventure, spirituality, philosophy and higher mind pursuits. It takes us out of our comfort zones and gets us thinking about how the other half lives.

The void of course Moon is not really a big deal. It’s a relatively common occurrence that will most likely fly by imperceptibly; by 1:00 am (UT) it will have moved into Capricorn where it will conjunct its own South Node and square Mercury in the early morning hours. With so many of us practicing social isolation these days, we may have to get creative about pursuing the Sagittarian interests (such as travel, adventure and the outdoors) and the Capricornian interests (such as business and public standing) as well.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 6, 2020 – Apr 12, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Apr 6, 2020 – Apr 12, 2020:

This week starts with a first quarter (Gibbous) Moon in Virgo on Monday. As Virgo is the sign associated with humility, productivity, self-improvement and service to others, this Moon is great for shifting our collective focus toward these areas.

It opposes Neptune and Mercury in Pisces straight away, so you don’t want to act on every brilliant idea that pops into your head. The potential for deception — including self-deception is strong. Fortunately it also trines Pluto and Jupiter before moving into Libra where it then trines Saturn before the day is through.