Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Forecast for the week of Jun 8, 2020 – Jun 14, 2020:
This week we’re going to see Venus re-emerging as a morning star for the first time since last July. We’re also going to be dealing with four (out of an eventual six) retrograde planets and a complete absence of fire sign energy for most of the week. Starting on Monday. there’s a Moon in Capricorn which sextiles Mars and Neptune and conjuncts Pluto and Juipiter before it goes void of course later in the day.
While the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn — the sign of its detriment — there are many favorable attributes associated with this Moon. There is a wisdom and maturity associated with the Capricorn Moon, as well as an ability to organize, prioritize and simplify. Add to that these favorable transits and you can get a lot accomplished during this time.