Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 27, 2020 – Feb 2, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 27, 2020 – Feb 2, 2020:

This week starts with Venus conjuncting Neptune and squaring Mars on Monday. The Venus / Neptune portion of this aspect is a harmonious apsect that is made all the more powerful by the fact that both planets are dignified in Pisces — the sign that Venus is exalted in and Neptune rules. Neptune is also the higher octave of Venus. This conjunction is associated with the purest forms of beauty, art and love.

It is merging completely with others — and with the Universe — and in this respect it’s associated with all of those areas that bring us together in ways that we can relate to one another — through things like music, romance, dreams and psychic connections. It’s visionary, mystical and idealistic. It’s also incredibly compassionate and altruistic. On a personal level it can inspire us to strive for ecstasy, nirvana and bliss.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 20, 2020 – Jan 26, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 20, 2020 – Jan 26, 2020:

Starting on Monday, the Sun leaves Capricorn and moves into Aquarius. The Sun is said to be debiliated in Aquarius, the sign of its detriment. But when you look at it, this placement is far from weak. With the bodyt associated with ego, will, Self, etc. (the Sun) in the sign of the Water Bearer, known for pouring wisdom, progress and humanitarian ideals into the collective unconscious — we should be inspired to start marching to the beat of our own drums, to think outside the box and to take the roads less traveled.

The Sun in Aquarius represents a time when the Ego is introduced into the collective and we start seeing ourselves as part of something bigger — bigger than our homes, families and cities. Bigger than our states and countries. We see ourselves as unique individuals — a tiny and potentially insignificant microcosm — in a much larger and more significant macrocosm, known as humanity.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 13, 2020 – Jan 19, 2020


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 13, 2020 – Jan 19, 2020:

The week starts on Monday, with the Sun joining up with the Saturn / Pluto conjunction we spoke about last week. This adds another layer to an already powerful astrological configuration that’s been moving into play for several months. There’s no question that Saturn / Pluto aspects relate to power, influence and control. Especially in the ambitious and authoritative sign of Capricorn.

The Sun adds things like Will, Ego and Self-Importance to the mix, and let’s not forget that Mercury is still there as well. So we have five planets in Capricorn with four of them tightly conjunct (within less than 1 degree) and it’s going to be impossible to separate their influences. Power struggles may erupt. We’ll likely see leaders vying for prominence with the potental for ruthlessness to take center stage.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jan 6, 2020 – Jan 12, 2020:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jan 6, 2020 – Jan 12, 2020:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, starting with a mutual reception between Venus and Uranus, a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Cancer, Uranus changing direction (going direct) and a triple conjunction involving Mercury, Saturn and Pluto. 

We start things off on Monday, with Jupiter conjuncting the Sourth Niode (and thus automatically opposing the North Node). The Lunar Nodes are karmic in nature and can act as a catalyst for change. Because we are dealijng with the Cancer/ Capricorn polairity, this transit seeks to create balance between our inner and outer worlds.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 30, 2019 – Jan 5, 2020:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 30, 2019 – Jan 5, 2020:

We start this week with Mercury trining Uranus and squaring Chiron on Monday. The trine to Uranus is great for brainstorming and thinking outside the box, especially as Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. With these two planets in earth signs though (Capricorn and Taurus respectively) you won’t be making any hasty decisions. You’re more likely to weigh your options carefully and act with precision. 

The square to Chiron can bring feelings of guilt and regret to the surface. You may be questioning whether you’ve done enough to help others or whether you’ve said the right things. You may also be more gullible than usual so be careful you don’t fall prey to some undeserving culprit’s sob story.

January 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Happy New Year! 2020 begins with a nice connection of Mercury with Jupiter, signifying many new ideas for plans, goals, optimism and hope. People from the past could be contacting you between the 4th and the 8th as Mercury and Jupiter connect with the south node. See who shows up for you and what they have to say. It is always interesting when this happens.

The full Moon Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn on the 10th changes the dynamic a bit as it is very close to the Saturn Pluto conjunction, which will have a big effect for change in the world.  This may be a rough month to endure as there will be world events that will trigger fear, anger and suspicion in most people. Do your best to remain proactive and positive while double checking your sources for accurate information.

The next 3 months have a lot of volatility for political chaos, earth changes and weather events because of the planetary aspects involved. On January 12th we have Mercury, Sun, Saturn and Pluto all together at 22 degrees of Capricorn making for a rather repressive day followed by Mars making an inconjunct aspect to the north node which can be some kind of power move or explosive event.

The 23rd has the balsamic Moon in conjunction with Saturn and Pluto followed by a new Moon on the 24th. The reflected light of the Moon will return after its dark phase. It’s a good time for your spiritual practices to take a prominent place in your life. With these difficult planetary aspects it is not a positive week to start a new venture or begin a relationship.

The 27th offers a lighter aspect with Venus conjunct Neptune, which has an artistic and inspirational vibration as Venus is in her sign of exaltation, Pisces. Then Mars comes along the next day to square Neptune, which can be an aspect of delusion or deception. This is like being smitten by someone so wonderful on the internet and then being totally disappointed by the reality when you meet them in person. A real wtf was I thinking moment. This month will test us all so remain constant with your spiritual practices and ability to remain centered.

Not to spoil the plot but the year 2020 ends with the grand conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in Capricorn, then still conjunct and moving into Aquarius. This grand conjunction happens approximately every 20 years so it ushers in a big cultural trend/change. The last time it happened in the sign of Capricorn was in February 1961. Better things are ahead!

Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 23, 2019 – Dec 29, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 23, 2019 – Dec 29, 2019:

This week starts on Monday with a Moon / Mars conjunction in Scorpio and the Sun squaring Chiron. As Mars is dignified in Scorpio (while the Moon is debilitated there), this aspect can reveal things that are both enlightening and disturbing. It can bring hidden information (and agendas) to light, but it can also manifest as an almost invasive compulsion to expose someone’s deepest, darkest secrets.

While the Moon and Mars in Scorpio emphasizes passion, intensity and desire, the Sun Chiro square can see you needing to remedy an imbalance between the desire for self-actualization (the Sun) and the urge for self-sacrifice (Chiron). Heading up a volunteer program or taking part in something meaningful in community are good ways to actualize this transit.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 16, 2019 – Dec 22, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 16, 2019 – Dec 22, 2019:

We start the week on a positive note, with Jupiter trining Uranus on Monday. This is a powerful transit, loaded with opportunities to make the world a better place. With the planet associated with optimism, growth, expansion and evolution (Jupiter) favorably aspecting the planet associate with innovation, progress and change there’s a lot that can be accomplished during this time. The sky is absolutely the limit hiere, so don’t be afraid to fly!

Among many other things, this transit is good for opening your heart to those you love and expressing appreciation and gratitude for all that you have. It’s good for coming together with others and celebrating your allegiances while honoring and accepting your differences. It’s a time for feeling inspired and optimistic about the future.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 9, 2019 – Dec 15, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 9, 2019 – Dec 15, 2019:

We have a Full Moon this week at 19 Gemini 51, as well as Mercury changing signs, Chiron changing direction and Venus finishing up her 3-week reign of terror — otherwise known as being out of bounds.

We start with Mercury moving into Sagittarius on Monday. Mercury is debilitated in Sagittarius,  the sign of its fall. But don’t let anyone tell you it’s not “happy” in this sign: aside for a penchant to exaggerate and insert its foot firmly in mouth, this placement is known to be just about as upbeat and optimistic as you can get.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Dec 2, 2019 – Dec 8, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Dec 2, 2019 – Dec 8, 2019:

We start the week on Monday with Jupiter moving into Capricorn for the first time in almost 12 yrs. It joins Venus, Saturn, Pluto and the South Node which are already there. Jupiter is said to be in its Fall in Capricorn, as the enthusiastic, bombastic and over the top Jupiterian energy may feel stifled under Saturn’s more restrictive and oppressive domain.

But there are a lot of positive attributes associated with Jupiter in Capricorn. It’s just as ambitious as any other Jupiter is, but it brings with it more hard work, discipline and perseverance than any other sign. As Jupiter is associated with growth, personal expansion and higher mind ideals, it may be frustrated by the traditionally reserved Capricorn energy.  But it’s also more likely to take those far-fetched Jupiterian ideal and turn them into reality.

December 2019 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

December Horoscopes

We have some interesting new vibrations coming in this month as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter change signs and all the planets are traveling between Scorpio and Taurus this month so half of the zodiac signs are empty. Not to mention we have the winter solstice, an eclipse on Christmas and only a degree of separation between the rather harsh planets of Saturn and Pluto by month’s end. That is a whole bunch of change, folks, so buckle up as it may be a bumpy transition.

Mercury clears the degree of its recent retrograde phase on 12/7 so things that went awry during the Rx time can still be cleared up. Mercury enters Sagittarius on 12/9 and stays in the sign of its detriment through 12/28 so be aware that your decision-making ability may be flawed during this time.

Venus transits the practical sign of Capricorn until 12/21. It is a challenging time for Venus as she makes contact with the south node on the 2nd. This could bring in contact from relationships of the past so think carefully before you agree before deepening a connection with that person. Is it moving you backward or forward in your life?

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Nov 25, 2019 – Dec 1, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Nov 25, 2019 – Dec 1, 2019:

Happy Holidays! This week we have one planet (Venus) changing signs, one planet (Neptune) changing direction, and a Sun / Moon conjunction (also known as a New Moon) in Sagittarius.

We start things off with the Moon in Scorpio — nestled between Mars and Mercury — on Sunday. Because the Moon will be little more than a sliver in the early morning hours, you should be able to get outside and view this configuration before the Sun comes up — between around 6 am and 8.