Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Nov 18, 2019 – Nov 24, 2019:
There a lot happening this week, starting with an out of bounds Venus, Mercury changing direction and the Sun and Mars changing signs. We’ve also got the Leonid meteor showers peaking in the early hours of Monday morning.
Mars is not a happy camper at this time: it’s void of course, at an anaretic (29th) degree and debilitated by sign (Libra, the sign of its detriment). At its worst, Mars in Libra can be wishy-washy, indecisive or argumentative. It likes to ruffle feathers and play the devil’s advocate, often without even a clear commitment to its stance. But at its best, it’s a tireless advocate who’s willing to fight for what it sees as right, just or fair.