Weekly Astrology Forecast — August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of August 12, 2024 – August 18, 2024:

This week starts on Monday with Venus inconjuncting the North Node, while simultaneously semi-sextiling the South Node. This aspect can see you feeling at odds between what you value (Venus) and what you see as your life’s purpose (the North Node). The key with any inconjunct aspect is to find a way to make adjustments to satisfy both areas. In this case it calls for you to align your ideals with what you see as your calling.

This is a good time to get out under the stars for what is usually a site to behold: the Perseid Meteor Showers, which are visible at this time every year. They should be visible from around 10 pm until sunrise, after the Moon has set.

The same can be said for the next few days as well; you should be able to see up to almost 100 meteors per hour in the early morning hours of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (especially just before dawn. 

The Moon is in Scorpio on Tuesday until around 9 am when it goes void of course for an hour and then moves in the Sagittarius. There’s not a lot happening with that Moon other than a square to Mercury which can briefly exacerbate problems with communications. Remember that Mercury’s retrograde, and when you pair it with a square (90° aspect) involving the Moon, you’re likely to see people getting defensive or taking things too personally.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Aug 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of Aug 5, 2024 – August 11, 2024:

We start this week with Venus moving into Virgo on Monday, just as Mercury — also in Virgo — goes stationary retrograde. Venus is said to be debilitated in Virgo, as it is the sign opposite Venus’ natural Exaltation, Pisces. As such, Venus is not particularly comfortable in Virgo, where the naturally romantic, self-indulgent, partnership-oriented archetype struggles to express itself through the analytical, perfectionistic, service-oriented Virgo filter.

Venus is the “love” planet, representing how you give and receive love and affection, as well as what you find aesthetically appealing. What’s attractive to you? And how do you express love and affection? It also rules “money” as in earning potential and income, how you handle money, what you spend it on, and whether you’re attracting it to you or seeing it run through your fingers like water.

August 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with a new Moon on August 4th and a Mercury retrograde on August 5th, and a conjunction with Mercury and Venus on August 7th.

The new Moon happens at 12° Leo 34’, where the Sun also resides as both the Sun and the Moon are conjunct during any new Moon. This gives one an opportunity to focus on the self, your own personal goals and your desires so give yourself some time for introspection about what you want to manifest in your life. Make it so.

Venus is moving towards a conjunction with Mercury in the first week of the month. Since Venus and Mercury are friendly with each other, this conjunction provides opportunities for improvement in the areas of communication, travel, social connections and relationships. Mercury and Venus will have an exact conjunction on August 7th at 3° Virgo.

Mercury does well in Virgo as he rules that sign but Venus isn’t so comfy there as it is opposite her sign of exaltation in Pisces and Virgo energy tends to be picky and fussy about details. It’s a very princess and the pea kind of energy, if you remember that fairy tale. Just be aware of this tendency and plan to temper your annoyances about things not being perfect.

Mercury goes retrograde on August 5th, at 4° Virgo and goes back to 21° Leo on August 28th as that is the day he goes direct and proceeds to move over those degrees he retrograded over through the 10th of September.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024


Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 29, 2024 – August 4, 2024:

This week starts with a waning crescent Moon in Taurus on Monday. This is an extremely favorable placement for the Moon as Taurus is a sign of its exaltation. It’s also involved in several harmonious aspects to the outer planets — Saturn, Uranus and Neptune — throughout the day.

The Moon moves into Gemini just before 10 pm UT, and forms another harmonious aspect to an outer planet (a trine to Pluto), which is also the last lunar aspect of the day. The Moon in Gemini shifts the focus from comfort and relaxation (Taurus Moon) to interaction, social engagement and the exchange of ideas. While it may keep you up — thinking, ruminating, brainstorming, etc. — it’s great for organizing your thoughts and ideas and putting together a new course of action.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — July 22, 2024 – July 28, 2024


Here is the Psychic Scoop Weekly Astrology Forecast for the week of July 15, 2024 – July 21, 2024:

We’ve got a lot going on this week, starting on Monday with the Sun trining Neptune and Mars trining Pluto. Starting out with the Sun / Neptune aspect, you may find that you’re more sensitive to outside influences and also more susceptible to psychic impressions. 

This could be reinforced by the fact that both planets are at the 29th or “anaretic” degree. This degree — the last degree of any sign — is known as a critical degree and is said to be associated with fate. With the Sun involved — especially in watery, sensitive, emotional Cancer — it can indicate a need to work through early childhood traumas and bolstering your self-esteem. Neptune encourages you to heed your inner voice and set aside your limitations, especially those that have been self-imposed.

July 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

July begins with Saturn in retrograde motion at 19 degrees 26’ Pisces and Neptune stations as it goes into its retrograde period on July 2 at 29 degrees 56’ Pisces. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and tends to be a bit sensitive and reclusive in how it interacts with the world in general and in personal relationships.

It is a good time to be more reflective, establish personal boundaries and take care of your inner world, particularly during the retrograde periods.

Mercury moves from 27 degrees Cancer to 3 degrees Virgo by the end of the month. It does have an opposition with Pluto on July 3rd at the beginning of Leo which can bring some shocking or dark secrets to light. Something that has been festering underground for a time will be revealed.

Venus moves from 16 degrees Cancer to 23 degrees of Leo throughout the month. Venus makes an opposition with Pluto from July 10 through July 15 which can have an obsessive or controlling quality to it, particularly if you get involved in a new relationship in the middle of July. There might be more information coming out of a sexual nature or of events that involve female sex trafficking or more backstory about the legislative attempts in the US to control women’s reproductive rights and sexual conduct.

June 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


June begins with the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Gemini along with Mercury, just three days away from entering the sign of the twins, too. This stellium of planetary energy in one sector of the sky bodes well for having a busy social calendar, as well as having lots of opportunities for travel and new adventures through the first three weeks.

The energy does have a bit of a restless but upbeat vibe to it so it is actually better to be active than sedentary this month. The Gemini archetype is friendly, talkative, youthful and eager for new experiences.

With Jupiter’s vibe joining the party, you will have many choices available over the next twelve months, so take advantage of this period of expansion.

Mars moves through the final degrees of Aries and on the 10th enters the sign of Taurus, moving to 16 degrees, 10’ of Taurus by June 30th. Mars isn’t that comfortable in the fixed, feminine, earth sign of the bull which slows his energy down and gives a tendency to overindulge in all things pleasurable, to his detriment! Engage some discipline with your Mars to overcome those urges.

May 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

We begin the merry month of May with eight planets clustered in the three signs of Pisces, Aries and Taurus and the lone outlier, Pluto, in the sign of Aquarius.

Pluto is very powerful right now as he is going retrograde on May 2nd and squares Venus for the first 6 days of the month. There can be some emotional intensity or obsessive tendencies regarding money, values, sex, control and relationship dynamics involved in the square aspect between those two planets.

Fortunately, Venus moves on fairly quickly from that scenario and settles into her comfort zone of Taurus through May 24 after which she enters Gemini which is a very friendly sign to her. So, let the flirting begin!

Mercury is moving forward from 17 degrees of Aries and enters the sign of T which is a veryaurus on May 16th. When Venus goes into Gemini, Mercury’s sign on the 24th, it is considered to be a big positive energy as Mercury and Venus are in a mutually receptive relationship as they hang out in each other’s signs. This is a pleasant situation for both and you can enjoy social activities, dating, travel and meeting new people during this time.

Mars enters his own sign of Aries on the 1st and gets energized for accomplishment and action by that ingress. Jupiter is moving through the degrees of 24 Taurus to the first degree of Gemini on May 26th. The only problematic time with that transit is between May 12 and May 15 when Jupiter will be conjunct the fixed star, Algol in the constellation of Pegasus, which is considered to be a malefic influence.

April 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


We begin the month with a Mercury retrograde, yippee! Yes, the little dude does his retro dance from the 1st through the 25th beginning at 27 degrees Aries and going back to just under 16 degrees Aries before its direct motion on the 25th.

Mercury rules travel, communication, the nervous system, speaking and writing, among other things. “Don’t buy and don’t sign” is the usual Mercury Rx dictum. If you do travel during this time, things may be confusing in the beginning but ease up after the 10th.

The big news this month is, of course, the total Solar eclipse on April 9th at 19 degrees, 24 minutes of Aries, which has a path of totality across a large portion of the United States. The ancient wisdom about eclipses is that where ever the path of totality is visible those areas will be affected by the eclipse.

The ancient astrological lore is that one should not be outside during a solar eclipse as the lack of the Sun’s rays during that time may be a disturbance to your body functions.

The Moon and Sun are also conjunct by degree and minute with the asteroid Chiron, whose archetype is the wounded healer. This could signify some major developments in the medical field coming out within the next 6-12 months following the eclipse. Mercury retrograde hits that eclipse degree on April 17 and again on May 5th, which could trigger news or announcements about medical advancements at that time. Eclipses often mean a big change is coming and there is no going back from what happens after that time and this does not mean that what happens is negative. It is just a rather life altering experience.

March 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

March 2020 monthly horoscopes

March begins with a combination of Air, Water and Earth elements dominating the energetic vibe of the planets.What is missing is the Fire element.

Yes. Chiron and the north node are currently transiting Aries but neither is technically a planet so I have not counted them in the mix. However, the asteroid Chiron, the wounded healer archetype, and the calculated north node position representing your soul’s path or dharma, are still very close in degrees. They may still transmit a strong pull or an urge towards healing something within you so go for it.

Back to the elements noted above, the earth and water elements are slow moving energies. They take their time with changes. Air likes to move quickly but it is mainly on the mental level.

Air signs can vacillate between many possible scenarios and find it hard to settle on one possibility or one course of action. You need some Fire element to get the action started and that is what we lack this month.

It is unlikely things will go quickly for the first three weeks of the March. So here we are, folks, be patient with yourself, rest and let things unfold during this energy as it will change by the end of the month. We also have a full Moon lunar eclipse on the 25th at 5 degrees Libra/Aries. This energy can be very strong if it aspects one of your natal planets or angles. Do pay attention to what is coming up in your psyche to be acknowledged, healed and then cleared out.

February 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

We begin this month with all the planets moving in direct motion for the next two months. so take your foot off the brake and move forward with your plans. You can start slowly in the first two weeks as the energy builds around the 16th as the elemental balance starts to shift.

There’s an abundance of earth signs during the first two weeks of the month with three planets in Capricorn and two planets in Taurus dominating the elemental balance. There are also two planets in the air element and two in the water element.

The elemental balance shifts by February 16th to five planets in the air element of Aquarius, two in watery Pisces and two in earthy Taurus as the energy gains momentum.

By the end of February it shifts again to four planets in water, three in air and two in the earth element. So, during the latter part of the month, check in with your feelings, pay attention to your emotions and intuition and get ready to start looking at your life path and future in a new way. It feels right for a leap year! What are you going to do with that extra day this month?

Mercury is separating from Mars now so the argumentative energy is waning. Venus is approaching Mars so there’s a desire for relationship beginning to develop as they dance together for the next 5 weeks. This can develop with more intensity from the 14th through the 20th as both planets conjunct Pluto’s position at 0 degrees of Aquarius.

January 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! This one will definitely have some interesting twists and turns of course, but it does start out with stability — as four planets transit earth signs — and optimism — with Jupiter in Taurus now in direct motion since New Years Eve.

Mercury, Venus and Mars are all transiting through Jupiter ruled Sagittarius and they transmit the vibration of optimism and adventure as well for the first two weeks of the month.

Then it starts to get more intense as we approach January 19th when the Sun will conjunct Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Pluto has been grinding back and forth on this degree for the latter half of 2023 and will briefly dip back to it in the fall for its final pass before he moves solidly in the sign of Aquarius for the next 19 years!

The 19th through the end January is volatile because the Sun will first join Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn and then stay relatively close to Pluto as it advances into the sign of Aquarius. The United States is also experiencing its Pluto return and all you have to do is read the news to see what turmoil we are going through at this time. Do we keep our democracy or devolve into a failed authoritarian state is Pluto’s dark side showing itself.

Mercury and Mars are also traveling fairly close together in the middle degrees of Capricorn and they can be argumentative and feisty when close to each other. Avoid conflict in your personal lives during this time and find an antidote to your exposure to the worldwide dramas so you don’t lose your center. That is the most important thing to strive for during dramatic times.