Articles By Chrisalis

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About Chrisalis

Chrisalis is a natural clairvoyant who has spent many years using tarot, astrology, palmistry, crystals, chakra and dream analysis. She has trained in spiritual healing with The National Federation of Spiritual Healers UK, Reiki, aromatherapy, massage, life coaching, NLP. She is also a counsellor and psychic teacher. Google

May 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Nine of Wands

ARIES: Nine of Wands

This is the month you may feel like you’re starting to get your mojo back, after a period of frustration, boredom, dormancy or inertia.

The Nine of Wands refers to a period of uncertainty and hesitation that comes after you’ve given what feels like your ALL and still haven’t seen the results for your efforts.

You may have been frustrated with the lack of progress or worse, come “this close” to completing your journey only to find another roadblock ahead of you. This is very similar to the frustrations and impediments that abound when you perhaps haven’t made clear plans for what you wish to do. You’re saying “go go go” while the Universe is saying “no no no.”

The reds, oranges and golds in this version of the card — from the Mary-el Tarot — combined with the ferocious tiger and the flame in the woman’s hand, speak of the need for fearless restraint. The woman takes the tiger by the tail and raises the flame high in the air in a symbol of victory.

If you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, you may be better able to understand why you’ve been forced to step back and re-evaluate your needs.

Perhaps the setbacks you’ve encountered along the way have been more than just setbacks. Perhaps they’ve been lessons in disguise. With Mercury turning retrograde in your area of communication this month what better time do you have than to “plan, plan, plan.”

April 2015 Monthly Horoscopes

April Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Aries! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon — a total lunar eclipse — occurs on April 4th at 14° Libra 24′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on April 18th at 28° Aries 25′.

Retrogrades: Jupiter turns direct on April 8 at 12° Leo 35; Pluto goes retrograde on April 17th at 15° Capricorn 32′.

Ingresses: Venus enters Gemini on April 11th, Mercury enters Taurus on April 14th. The Sun enters Taurus April 20th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

March 2015 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Nine of Pentacles

ARIES: Nine of Pentacles

The Nine of Pentacles implies success and satisfaction with career and financial matters. However, take a closer look at the imagery in this particular card and you may find that all is not as it seems. I’m not saying you should not feel more than a bit smug with your achievements but you may find you have an “itch” to try something different.

Do you find thoughts keep coming into your mind that you want to change something? Perhaps your job, your beliefs on success and what it personally means to you? If you look at this card you will see 6 pentacles are on one side (left hand side) and 3 pentacles on the other (right hand side).

Take a sneaky look on the ground under the 6 pentacles — this version from the Golden Universal Tarot — and you will see a snail so perhaps the accumulation of your wealth, knowledge and security is actually making you feel as if your life is moving at a slower pace (a snail’s pace).

Now look at the side of the card with the 3 pentacles and you’ll notice an almost mirrored version of the lefthand side… the difference being there is less on the right hand side (3 pentacles) which implies if you make a decision to go in a different direction you will have less in some ways but you may actually gain in other ways.

Perhaps the biggest indicator in this imagery that speaks out but is easily overlooked is the direction of the foot on the ground… the little bird whispers in your ear to make a change and almost without knowing it you are turning your foot to begin a new direction in your life.

And now here is a conundrum for you… I have not given out which foot I am interpreting as being the one that is “changing directions”… that part of the equation is up to you…. listen with your heart for the answers.

February 2015 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Magician

The Magician card is all about bringing your talents to the table and putting them to good use.

Perhaps you have been looking for a job or thinking of changing your occupation. If so it would be wise for you to sit down and assess exactly what it is you can bring to the table of any new employer or occupation you are chasing down.

This doesn’t need to be about you finding a job: it could be that you’re thinking about expanding your knowledge which makes you a little more employable and more valuable in the job market.

You may really be wishing to change jobs but are a little hesitant as you don’t think you have all that a new employer is looking for.

If this is the case think again because the card of the Magician is a strong indicator of a new job, change in careers and if you are happy in your current job it may be that you are about to be given more duties to perform.

Focus on the hands in this card you will see that one is pointed to the earth whilst the other is pointed to the heavens suggesting that you are aspiring to something great yet also grounded enough to see that you cannot just take a big jump and land in that greatness without a bit of preparation.


Mercury Retrograde January 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Just after the sun goes into Aquarius right on a New Moon on January 20, 2015 we are visited again (on the 21st) by that pesky little thing known as Mercury turning retrograde.

This time it is in Aquarius which is the sign of geniuses as that lightening quick energy of Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet) mingles with Mercury (planet of communication).

You can imagine many things can go wrong with the combination of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and you are not far off the mark there.

Be prepared for thoughts just hitting you out of nowhere and then be prepared for feeling frustrated in not being able to follow them up.

You might also want to give some thought to electrical gadgets going haywire and making sure that everything is in tip top shape so no further damage can be done.

Personally, I like the sound of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius.It should bring out some plans that are about your future, allow you to see things from different angles that you may not usually take into consideration and also not keep you as heavily bound down as some of the other signs Mercury could’ve turned retrograde in.

Aquarius is an air sign and Mercury usually does pretty well when travelling through air signs as they rule communication, thinking and ideas.

January 2015 Monthly Horoscopes


Happy Birthday Capricorn! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on January 4th at 14° Cancer 30′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on January 20th at 0° Aquarius 08′.

Retrogrades: Mercury goes retrograde on January 21st at 17° Aquarius 05.

Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month of January. 

Ingresses: Venus enters Aquarius on January 3rd. Mercury enters Aquarius on January 5th. Mars enters Pisces on January 12th. The Sun enters Aquarius on January 20th. Venus enters Pisces on January 27th..

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

December 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Ceccoli Tarot

Aries:  Empress

It may be time to start treating yourself as a Queen and putting your own needs and wants first rather than doing what everyone else wants you to do and scrutinising over every decision and move you make.

If you were looking for a promotion at work you will need to be equally on the alert that you are not seen as someone who is not able to stand their ground and do what is needed.

Because while others see you as no threat they will pass by you and possibly go over you when it comes to a promotion at work which leaves you back at square one.

On the other hand if you are taking care of or nurturing someone else this is an excellent month for you as you seem to know just what to do or say at the right moment.

Relationships may be coming under scrutiny for you and your own place within the relationship being put under the microscope so to speak.

Don’t be afraid to make the changes you see needed change and don’t be held back by over analysing everything around you.

Everyone has the right to do what is best for them and from the image on this card there doesn’t look like there is any chance you would hurt someone in the purpose.

November 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

November Horoscope

Happy Birthday Scorpio! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on November 6th at 14° Taurus 25′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on November 24 at 0° Sagittarius 07′.

Retrogrades: Neptune turns direct on November 16th at 4° Pisces 47′. Chiron turns direct on November 23rd at 13° Pisces 05′.

Uranus is retrograde for the entire month of November. 

Ingresses: Mercury enters Scorpio on November 8th. Venus enters Sagittarius on November 16th. The Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22nd. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 28th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

October 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the 78 Tarot

Aries:  Five of Swords

If you rush into something too quickly this month you may find that it comes back to bite you.

Think of what your Achilles heel is and keep an eye on it because it may not only be you who is affected. Someone will have your back and you need to be aware that your actions do not only affect you but others also.

If you find yourself at odds within a situation do not come out fighting because if you do you may find you have done exactly what the other person wanted all along and as there is total balance in this image you don’t want to go rocking any boats to put yourself at a disadvantage.

It may be that you are on the verge of leaving a relationship, a job or simply have had enough of your life at present and want to throw it all in and start something new.

However, what you do not need is action that is not well thought out… rather you need a plan.

With an eclipse in your sign on the 8th and Mercury retrograde for a large part of the month it will be difficult to see the woods from the trees but if you can imagine glimpses of your wishes coming into reality then you get the idea of what you need to do and why it is so important to hold off for the time being.

September 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

september horoscopes

Happy Birthday Virgo! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on September 8th at 16° Pisces 19′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on September 24 at 1° Libra 07′.

Retrogrades: Pluto turns direct on September 22, at 10° Capricorn 59′.

Chiron, Neptune and Uranus are retrograde for the entire month of September. 

Ingresses: Mercury enters Libra on September 2nd; Venus enters Virgo on the 5th; Mars enters Sagittarius on the 13th; the Sun enters Libra on the 22nd; Mercury enters Scorpio on the 27th and Venus enters Libra on the 29th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

August 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Star Tarot

Aries:  Strength

If you find yourself needing to draw on inner strength this month or gain help from those around you then don’t be afraid to ask.

You are not alone and you have plenty of resources to help you along your path. Even though you cannot see the final outcome you have an inner “knowingness” to help you on your way.

As the month progresses you should be feeling the changes around you as you seem to shed your skin and grow a new one… meaning… the changes you implement around you in your environment are coming from within and yourself as opposed to outside forces.

If there is a relationship you feel has outgrown its purpose and has been holding you back then you are well and truly on the road to releasing yourself from its clutches and what’s more you have the strength and resources to back you up.

Reach out to anyone you think may be of help to you now as you start your new cycle.

The moon in the background of this card may seem to be either in its first or last quarter or if you look at it again it could even be seen as an eclipse… and eclipses mean change!


July 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

July Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Cancer! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on July 12th at 20° Capricorn 03′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on July 26 at 3° Leo 51′.

Retrogrades: Mercury turns direct on July 1st. at 24° Gemini 23.  Saturn turns direct on July 20th at 16° Scorpio 38′. Uranus goes retrograde on July 21st at 16° Aries 20;. Neptune and Chiron are retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Mercury enters Cancer on July 13th. Jupiter enters Leo on July 16th. Venus enters Cancer July 18th. The Sun enters Leo July 22nd. And Mars enters Scorpio July 25th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign: