Articles By Chrisalis

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About Chrisalis

Chrisalis is a natural clairvoyant who has spent many years using tarot, astrology, palmistry, crystals, chakra and dream analysis. She has trained in spiritual healing with The National Federation of Spiritual Healers UK, Reiki, aromatherapy, massage, life coaching, NLP. She is also a counsellor and psychic teacher. Google

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 23, 2014 — the Lovers

the Lovers

The Lovers

Sometimes you never quite know what you’re going to get in love and sometimes that statement doesn’t always apply to the other person for you can be equally as ambivalent towards them as they are towards you.

Enter Venus into Gemini today. A placement of Venus that tends to bring out the flirtatious, curious, communicative butterfly which flits, flies and flirts from person to person or situation to situation never quite totally settling upon a set form…. unless caught.

Do not get me wrong the Lovers card is a great card to have and if Venus had been entering a sign, such as, Scorpio, Cancer or Leo (to name a few) today then my interpretation would’ve been different.

But if you like your love in the shape of communicative, curious, never quite pinned down style of that of Venus in Gemini then is what’s being served up for the next few weeks… get ready to flirt!

In today’s tarot card you see a man and a woman with their backs to each other yet they hold a unified stance against their environment as their arms are linked together and they hold the exact same amount of “space” within the card… neither of them are overbearing or taking up more space than the other.

There is no tension here yet there is the unmistakable feeling that something isn’t quite right or that there are things going on around them that they need to watch each other’s back and therefore present a unified front against the world.

Mercury Retrograde June 2014

Mercury Retrograde

Mercury goes retrograde again on June 7, 2014 which means we are all in for another period of communication disharmony.  Its time to steady yourself and get ready for another journey through the “many” things that can go wrong during this period… or right if you perhaps choose to handle it in a different way.

Hence today’s tarotscope image of the Five of Swords which may be something you would like to come back to and focus on if things get too out of hand for you.

Mercury goes retrograde at 3°10′ Cancer on June 7 and proceeds its retrograde journey until it reaches Gemini on June 17 at which point you should feel a change in the energy.

June 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Hezicos Tarot

Hezicos Tarot -- Judgment

Aries:  Judgement

What decisions have you been needing to make and perhaps been putting off for a while.

You seem to be very clear in what you are thinking but perhaps the outcome you are hoping to achieve seems out of your reach as different aspects of it come to mind and your clear thinking is not correlating with the clear actions you need to take to reach your goal.

This is such a beautiful card… it is a card to get “lost” in whilst you take a step back in order to clarify what you really want to do.

Your mind looks so busy covered in a red hood, the creatures of the sea, both mythical and not, dance around you almost daring you to take your eye of your goal and come and play with them for a while.

Perhaps this is what you really need… to take yourself out of such serious contemplation of decision making and throw yourself into a little bit of fun and playfulness for a while. By doing so you may distract yourself to the point that the answers come more clearly to you.


Ask the Astrologers: Is it Really Over?

Is it Really Over?

A client, we shall call Jane, asks on her 2 year strong relationship which ended suddenly in April.

She suspects Mars retrograde is the culprit and I agree this may have played a part but there were some other astrological players at the same time which continue to weave their way through both her and his charts.

With the overall energy of Mars retrograde and the other transits which were also going on during this time you can get an idea of how looking at both birth charts gives an invaluable understanding of what else may be hidden under the surface, how long it will last for and what you can do to lessen the impact upon yourself. Let’s look at what was happening in April and what is coming up in the new few months.

May 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Chrysalis Tarot

Four of Mirrors

Aries:  Four of Mirrors 

This month is all about choices and those choices and decisions you may be putting off whilst, perhaps, you wait for something better to come along.

The mirrors in this card stand for the suit of cups and from the pattern they are displaying in the water also show that your thoughts, decisions, choices may be changing like the tide… one day you are high on an idea and the next day you are low and no longer want to go along with that idea.

I don’t blame you… from the looks of things where you are sitting it looks pretty comfortable and calming.

There are no intense emotions and everything is running along quite smoothly. You feel at “one” with your environment and see no use in fighting against the current in making changes to your situation. Change is coming though, whether you want it or not.

The sea turtle which is about to brush against your tail is a symbol of you being given a slight nudge in making changes.

You can go back to your dream world, keeping your eyes shut and focused on pleasant thoughts and sensations — or you can face what’s coming head on.

May 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

May Monthly Horoscopes

Happy Birthday Taurus! Here are some highlights for the month ahead.

Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month

Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on May 14th at 23° Scorpio 54′.

New Moon: This month’s New Moon occurs on May 28th at 7° Gemini 21′.

Retrogrades: Mars is retrograde until May 19th, when it turns stationary direct at 9° Libra 01′. Saturn (in Scorpio) and Pluto (in Capricorn) are both retrograde for the entire month.

Ingresses: Venus enters Aries on May 2nd and Taurus on May 28th; Mercury enters Gemini on May 7th and Cancer on May 29th; the Sun leaves Taurus and enters Gemini on May 20th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

April 2014 Solar and Lunar Eclipses


April is a big month and if you’re not careful will not be forgotten without a headache!

Not least of all because of the squares and oppositions between Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto but also because of the two eclipses which are also coming into this mix and possibly complicating matters.

So if forewarned is forearmed here are the dates you need to watch out for and a few hints on how you might like to navigate your way through this period.

The first eclipse occurs on April 15 at 3:42 am (Eastern time). This will be a Total Lunar Eclipse and occurs at 26 degrees Libra and may force you to look at the “me” and “us” in a relationship.

In other words where you stand and where the other person stands.

April 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Dream Raven Tarot

ARIES: Queen of Wands

You may look calm and peaceful on the outside as if you hold the secret to the pyramids within you and could endure anything.

But just look at those flames flickering at the end of each wing… almost as if you are ready to “take off” or launch into a blazing mood which comes from nowhere.

This is a time to sit back and weigh up your options without the distraction of others and what they think, say or do.

Keep your own counsel and act accordingly with what is right for you. You have your eye on the outcome and know how to achieve it.

Notice how the bird in this card keeps her eye on the dragonfly… she is not about to let anything get in her way or dissuade her from the course she has chosen.

You have the energy within you to make your dreams come true… wish wisely and don’t waste your time and energy on the mundane.



March 2014 Monthly Horoscopes

March horoscopes

Happy Birthday Pisces! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: There are two New Moons this month.

The first New Moon is on March 1 at 13° Pisces. The second New Moon on March 30, is at 9° Aries.

This month’s Full Moon on March 16 will be at 26° Virgo.

Retrogrades: Mars goes retrograde on March 1 at 27° Libra. Saturn goes retrograde on March 2 at 23° Scorpio. Jupiter is retrograde until March 6, when it turns direct at 10° Cancer.

Ingresses: Venus moves into Aquarius on March 5th; Mercury moves into Pisces on March 17th; the Sun moves into Aries on March 20th; and the lunar nodes cross into Libra / Aries on the 22nd.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

January 2014 Monthly Horoscope


Happy Birthday Capricorn! Here are some highlights for the month ahead:

Lunations: There are two New Moons this month, both of them what are called “Super Moons.”

The first New Moon this month is on January 1 at 11° Capricorn. The second New Moon this month is on January 30th at 10° Aquarius.

This month’s Full Moon on January 15th will be at 25° Cancer.

Retrogrades: Jupiter is retrograde for the entire month. Venus is retrograde until January 31st, when it goes direct at 13° Capricorn.

Ingresses: Mercury moves into Aquarius on January 11th and into Pisces on January 31st. The Sun moves into Aquarius on January 19th.

Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:

Ask the Astrologers: When Saturn Comes to Call


This question is related to choosing between putting down roots after having a life full of travel and adventure and looking at the birth chart to see what is going on now and the transits which shall shortly hit the chart to glean insight into what is to happen next.

Our client “Mary” has written to ask about transitioning from the very rich and rewarding life she’s created for herself (seeing the world, traveling, volunteering and applying her skills to altruistic ventures in foreign lands, etc) to a more “normal” and settled existence back home.

Chrisalis takes a look at the current transits as they apply to Mary’s natal chart.

Her chart is full of freedom, excitement and new learning experiences and as Saturn comes closer to the natal node it shows what can occur within the person and around them.

December 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring Steampunk Tarot

Wheel of Fortune

ARIES: Wheel of Fortune

You seem to be standing on quicksand within a situation that keeps changing.

Try to gain a sense of balance for yourself within this and don’t lose any of your power by trying to follow what others are doing or not doing.

If you find yourself trying to extricate yourself from the situation which is swinging from good to bad and around in circles take a look at the 4 figures trying to balance at the bottom of the card.

What looks like strength is actually a bit precarious when you look closely and see they are all looking and/or facing in different directions.

Each of these directions gives a different view of what you are facing.

Each of these directions gives you a different answer to what you should do next.

And each of these directions only shows you a glimpse of the whole situation.

Stay still and wait for things to settle down so you are not being thrown off your balance.