Articles By Melodie

About Melodie

Melodie is a full-time professional astrologer with a background in Psychology. She has been studying astrology for more than 30 years and has been teaching, writing and speaking professionally since 1995. For more information or to schedule a session with Melodie, click here:

May 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Seven of Wands

With Mars (your ruler) now in Cancer — and moving through your 4th house — there may be times this month where you feel like retreating into your own thoughts and creating a safe inner sanctuary for yourself.

You may also find yourself needing to be more guarded and alert, rather than accepting things at face value.  You may face opposition from others, in the form of competition or outright resistance. You may also feel “under siege,” as in being attacked or ganged up on.

There may be a moral dilemma or a situation that requires you to compromise your ideals. This may be a friend who asks you to keep an uncomfortable confidence, an accusation that’s put you on the defense, or a situation in which you feel unfairly targeted.

In this version — from the Light Seer’s Tarot — the choice is pretty clear. It’s not going to be about fighting or one-upping anybody. It’s about distancing yourself from all the noise and reclaiming your own power.

There is a “hold your ground” element to the traditional Seven of Wands and a call to find your center in this one. Either way it’s about self-preservation. But what better way to strengthen your position than to harness all that energy, rather than allowing it to scatter all around you.

Think about the obstructions you’ve been standing in the way of obtaining your goals and work on breaking them down. You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or you may have to conquer some fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Seven of Wands requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available, as you plan your next move.


Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 26, 2021 – May 2, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Apr 26, 2021 – May 2, 2021:

There’s lots happening this week, starting with the re-emergence of Venus in the night sky, a Full (Super) Moon in Scorpio and the planet Pluto going retrograde.

Starting on Monday, with Venus finally getting enough distance from the Sun’s rays to become visible again, it can now be seen (along with Mercury) in the evening sky, shortly after sunset. This marks the onset of a 263 day period where Venus will be seen as an evening star, before it disappears beneath the Sun’s rays again and starts the next portion of its synodic journey.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 19, 2021 – Apr 25, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Apr 19, 2021 – Apr 25, 2021:

This week starts with the Sun and Mercury both leaving Aries and moving into Taurus on Monday. The Sun in Taurus speaks of getting in touch with nature and the earth, and with taking care of “business.” This is a good time for thinking about making, saving and investing money. It’s also a good time for taking care of your physical body and for indulging all five senses.

While the Sun was in Aries you may have been so focused on getting things done that you didn’t have time to stop and smell the flowers. The Sun in Taurus not only slows you down enough to do just that, it also heightens your ability to appreciate and enjoy the prospect.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 12, 2021 – Apr 18, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Apr 12, 2021 – Apr 18, 2021:

This week starts a Venus / Pluto square — with the Moon joining in — on Monday. Venus and Pluto make up what is called a planetary pair with each of them naturally ruling opposing signs. They’re both inherently tied to relationships as well (for the same reasons — ie as natural rulers of the ascendant / descendant or relationship axis.

The Venus / Pluto square can manifest as conflicts in your personal relationships. Venus is not happy in Aries (the sign of its detriment) to begin with, and the hard aspect to Pluto can bring problems that have been simmering beneath the surface to a head and force you to confront your relationship problems head on.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Apr 5, 2021 – Apr 11, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Apr 5, 2021 – Apr 11, 2021:

This week starts with the Moon in Capricorn applying to a conjunction with Pluto on Monday. Although the Moon is debilitated in Capricorn — the sign of its Detriment — there are many positive attributes associated with this Moon. Things like wisdom, discipline and maturity, among many others.

The Moon in Capricorn emphasizes a call to look at what’s important, to separate the wheat from the chaff and to simplify our lives. It can also describe a need to get more serious about our goals and professional accomplishments. As such, we want to focus on the more positive aspects of the Moon / Pluto conjunction, things like transformation and inner strength, rather than the more difficult aspects: things like force, domination and destruction.

April 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

The World

Aries: The World

You should be feeling like you’re on top of the world this month, with five planets — including the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and the New Moon — in your sign. This is going to be a great time to prepare for the next chapter in your life, which may also require you to tie up some loose ends.

If you took stock of what’s changed for you in the last year (from one birthday to the next), you might be surprised at how has happened. And the World card tells you you’re right on the verge of checking those things off your bucket list and preparing to tackle more.

This is the World card from the Jaen Tarot. It’s the last card in the deck, completing the Fool’s journey. As such, this card speaks of achievement, fulfillment, integration and completion.

And just like the Fool, you’re now coming full-circle, from instinct to essence to progress to development, as you come to the end one cycle and prepare to embark on a new one.

You could be finishing a course or internship, tying up lose ends on a project that you’re ready to launch, putting a failed relationship behind you and getting back into the dating scene, finishing (and feeling good about) a self-improvement regimen. The possibilities are endless.

The World card is a card of both fulfillment and completion. With that in mind, it’s time to put the finishing touches on projects that are almost finished, and also time to rest anything that just didn’t pan out for you. You’re preparing to start a whole new journey, and in doing so will want to with as clean a slate as possible.


Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 29, 2021 – Apr 4, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Mar 29, 2021 – Apr 4, 2021:

We start this week with a Grand Air Trine, involving the Moon, Saturn and North Node, on Monday. The Moon is still Full, in Libra, trining Saturn in Aquarius and the North Node in Gemin. Mars — since it’s still closely conjunct the North Node — is also part of this Grand Trine.

This is a great aspect for interacting with others, collaborating and sharing ideas. It’s good for meeting up with like-minded people, and for brainstorming and problem-solving. It’s a pleasant, harmonious aspect that can see you wanting to connect with others, whether that means face to face ot via social media.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 22, 2021 – Mar 28, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Mar 22, 2021 – Mar 28, 2021:

This week starts with a Mars / Saturn trine on Monday. With Saturn in its own sign (and Mars disposited by the Sun and Venus), it’s a good time to take plans that have been thoroughly and painstakingly finessed (Saturn) and put them into action (Mars).

While this aspect isn’t particularly luck, it does clear the path to get things done. It knows that there is work to be done and gives you the motivation and discipline to set about doing it. It’s rife with opportunities, as long as you’re willing to work for them.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 15, 2021 – Mar 21, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Mar 15, 2021 – Mar 21, 2021:

This week starts on Monday with Mercury moving into Pisces, where it will join the Sun, Venus and Jupiter. Mercury is said to be debilitated in Pisces, as the sign of both its detriment and fall.

But there are many positive aspects associated with this combination. Things like heightened intuition, increased sensitivity, unparalleled compassion and a sense of being aligned with, and a part of humanity overall. Something we could all use a little more of in these trying times.

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 8, 2021 – Mar 14, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Mar 8, 2021 – Mar 14, 2021:

We start this week on Monday with two semi-sextiles (30° aspects): one involving the Sun and Jupiter and the other involving Mercury and Neptune.

The first one may see you vacillating between your life purpose (Sun) and your ideals (Jupiter). Similar to a pendulum that’s slowing down its momentum and finding its center, the focus shifts from Sun (ego, will, purpose, Self) to Jupiter (expansion, evolution, aspirations, growth) and back again until it finds a place to settle — somewhere in between.

March 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Nine of Pentacles

You may have a lot going on this month, with three planets in your 11th (social) house and your ruler (Mars) moving into Gemini in your 3rd. These are all very action (and interaction) oriented placements, but they can also be extremely draining.

As a result it might be time for you to take a breather, or stop and smell the flowers, like the figure in this card.

The Nine of Pentacles is all about enjoying the bounty that life affords you rather than focusing on what you lack. You’re hopefully feeling good about how far you’ve come and are ready to start enjoying it.

The Nine of Pentacles — from the Sun and Moon Tarot — says that you’re more than satisfied with all you’ve attained. It’s about counting your blessings and aligning yourself with those concepts, knowing that the Universe offers up unlimited resources to those who do.

Take some time this month to appreciate all that you have as well as those who have helped you along the way.  And remember that wealth and abundance needs to flow (it’s called “currency” for a reason), if you’re able to give some of it away.

We know that all the money in the world won’t buy us happiness if it’s acquired without passion. Yet we keep on wanting more of it, and find ourselves struggling with the idea of figuring out how much is “enough.”

The Nine of Pentacles challenges us to not only answer that question but to examine our personal values as well. Remember that whatever you put out there — whether it’s time, energy, money or yourself — as well as whatever you’re open to receiving, will all balance out and be replenished over time.


Weekly Astrology Forecast — Mar 1, 2021 – Mar 7, 2021


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Forecast for the week of Mar 1, 2021 – Mar 7, 2021:

This week starts with a Moon in Libra, which makes only favorable aspects — most notably trines to Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter — on Monday.  It also becomes part of a Grand Air Trine, involving the Moon, Jupiter and the North Node before the day is through.

This is said to be a benefic configuration, with the planets involved all supporting one another in harmony. The Moon in Libra is is known for fairness and objectivity; it strives for balance and harmony at all times. It’s gracious, cooperative and diplomatic, making for pleasant and harmonious interactions.