Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 28, 2015 — Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

Nine of Wands

If you’ve been thinking about where you’re heading — in your relationships, with your career, or in your life in general — now is the time to reflect on how far you’ve come and to make preparations for whatever obstacles may still lie ahead.

You may be hesitant about what the future holds, especially if things aren’t laid out before you in ways that are crystal clear. Like the figures in this card — from Elizabeth Hazel’s gorgeous Whispering Tarot — you may need to exercise caution when scoping out your horizons.

The Nine Wands in this card are actually trees that offer refuge and protection for these weary travelers. They offer a safe haven — a place to rest — for them to get their bearings and gather their strength.

Mercury and Neptune are in hard (sesquisquare) aspect today. This is a tricky configuration because it creates tension between the planet related to thoughts and ideas (Mercury) and the planet related to dreams and aspirations (Neptune). It can manifest as illogical doubts and fears, which you don’t want to let hold you back.

The Nine of Wands asserts that while things may not be easy — and while there are bound to be more challenges ahead — it’s hardly the time to throw in the towel. You need only think about how far you’ve come (and how much you’ve already accomplished) to find the motivation to push ahead.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 27, 2015 — Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

 Knight of Cups

Today you may encounter someone who inspires you to open up your heart and express your true feelings without fear or censure.

This could be an individual in your life (male or female) or it could describe qualities that you yourself need to develop. Qualities like love, affection, romance, and emotional expression.

The Knight of Cups tends to be “in love with love,” in which case he’s apt to be better at the hearts-and-flowers aspects of romance than he is at the nitty gritty. While not exactly the proverbial Knight in Shining Armor, does have a certain romantic sweep-you-off-your-feet vibe. He’s ardent and passionate with a lot to say and a colorful way of saying it.

There is a bit of a dramatic flair associated with this Knight. He can be chivalrous and gallant when he needs to be. Or when the mood calls for a softer approach he can be sensitive, caring and kind.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his charm, sensitivity, and emotional availability. He may be a water sign (Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces) or he may just possess those same sensitivities.

He wears his heart on his sleeve and has no problem expressing feelings. He may reach out across the miles or send messages of love and affection from afar.

You may be thinking about going off on an adventure yourself; if so don’t be surprised if it includes romance. Alternately you may be planning a trip on your own, getting away from it all, or heading off into the wild blue yonder yourself.

Whatever you decide, pay attention to the messages you send and receive. With a boatload of sextiles among harmonious planets today you can expect these types of communications to flow with ease.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 26, 2015 — The Magician

The Magician

The Magician

As Uranus officially turns retrograde in Aries today you may see many ideas presenting themselves in a whole new light, along with the means to accomplish them.

If you have been having a hard time putting your skills to the test at work or with something you are wishing to build this is the time you find that everything falls into place for you.

You have the energy, drive and ambition to reach your goals all you need is to take that first step to launch in the direction you wish to find yourself. By being practical and following your heart you can shed that which is not working for you and take on a whole new persona in relation to your work.

The colors on this card — this version from the Golden Tarot of Klimt — give an idea as to the attributes which surround you. The brown background keeps you stable and practical, the red on the dress shows determination and action, and the yellows represent the ideas that you have.

Notice the snake curling around the right arm as if something is consciously being shed and changed in order to tune into what you wish to accomplish. This is in keeping with Uranus’s retrograde motion, which implores you to retrace some of your earlier steps. Even the snakes head dips into a bowl held in the left hand (representing intuition and ideas).

This Magician card ties in beautifully with the Venus retrograde as well — encourages you to use your head to access your own brilliance and originality (Uranus retrograde) without sacrificing your heart (Venus retrograde). The images in this card reminds you to make the most of both.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 25, 2015 — Three of Fire

Three of Fire

Three of Fire

As Venus turns retrograde in Virgo today (and Uranus turns retrograde in Aries tomorrow), you may be thinking about how your own unique contributions to the world set you apart from everyone else.

It may be a matter of rising above your current situation and getting an overview of all the opportunities that are out there for you.

The Three of Fire — the beautiful Japaridze Tarot’s version of the Three of Wands — is all about expanding your horizons and finding ways to make an imprint on the world around you.

Chances are good you’ve already started to hit your stride. This is a hallmark of the Three of Fire. Having completed the initial stages of something — having “lifted off” — and seeing that there are vast new horizons to explore.

This card is all about enterprise and innovation. Bringing something new and different to the table and doing it in a way that’s never been seen before.

It’s about building a better mousetrap and setting your sites on distant horizons. What can I do with what I already have to make a difference in the world? What do I have to offer that will bring the greatest reward? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself right now.

The Three of Fire encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessings in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 24, 2015 — Manatee



Has it been all work and no play for you in recent days? Or have there been too many responsibilities weighing on your shoulders and not enough letting your hair down and just having fun?

The Six of Shells —  Animal Wisdom Tarot’s version of the Six of Cups — says it’s time to do just that. The Manatees in this card aren’t thinking about all the work piling up at the office or all the emails they have respond to at home.

No they’re fully engaged in a game of catch, while the rest of the world floats by around them. This is the essence of the Six of Shells. Having fun, being playful and immersing yourself in the present rather than fretting about the past.

There’s a childlike innocence and wonder associated with this card. In fact children may figure prominently for you today and the thoughts of your own childhood may be triggered by their presence. If so consider it a call to observe their ability to live in the moment and follow in kind.

The Manatee as an animal totem speaks of companionship, trust and gentle play. It encourages you to take turns, share, and accept those around you for who and what they are.

The Six of Shells is all about finding pleasure in the simpler things in life. It says it’s time to kick your shoes off and have fun rather than getting bogged down with responsibilities. All those will be exactly where you left them when you come back to them later on, so for now put them all aside and try to recapture the spirit of those carefree days gone by.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 23, 2015 — Ace of Wands

ace of wands

Ace of Wands

Today the Sun and Mercury move into Leo, shifting the focus from accessing our feelings and emotions to taking charge of our lives and making our goals a reality.

The Ace of Wands — this version from Nathalie Hertz’s gorgeous Fantastical Tarot — is all about manifesting your dreams and desires. Taking your life in your own hands. Following your Bliss. And going after your goals with the kind of gusto that makes saying “Yes!” an absolute rather than a maybe.

It’s about increased confidence, drive and enthusiasm. Ardor. Vitality. Passion. Creativity. Power. Potential.

The Wand in this card is a pillar of strength. The intricate dragon carvings suggest a sort of magical essence that is very much a part of the Ace of Wands. And there’s beauty and creativity present here as well. The vines and wildflowers springing up from its base reminds us that this card is less about might and more about merriment.

The birds flying in from the distance tell us that there may be messages coming our way. These aren’t always tangible (as in a verbal or written message). But can be gathered from our surroundings and applied just as powerfully.

The Ace of Wands is all about inspiration and potential. It invites you to ask yourself what you really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do? This energy is about offering your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 22, 2015 — Page of Stones

Page of Stones

Page of Stones

With Mercury trining Saturn today, it’s a good time to gather information that may be useful for you down the road. The Page of Stones — the Wildwood Tarot’s version on the Page of Pentacles — is known for being patient and diligent, much like the Lynx in this card.

He’s watchful and attentive but not quite ready to pounce. He relies on his instincts — and all five senses — to alert him to danger before it has a chance to strike. He’s conscious of every sight, sound, smell and movement in the wilderness around him, from the safety of his perch.

The Page of Stones is more intent on focusing and observing than he is on acting or doing: he’s not about to expend any excess energy unless it becomes absolutely necessary. Of all the Pages in the Tarot, this one is most capable of biding his time and exercising restraint.

He’s still got some growing to do. He still isn’t where he hopes to one day be. But he knows that good things come to those who wait and that he may have to conserve his energy in case he needs it later on.

He also knows that if he needs to act he can because he’s secured his position and made the appropriate preparations. He doesn’t quite blend into his surroundings but he’s compensated for that by placing himself out of harm’s way.

The Mercury / Saturn trine is similar in that it emphasizes forethought and preparation, especially as these two planets are in water signs which means they’re more primitive and instinctual than aggressive or action-oriented. This aspect is especially good for planning and information-gathering, which could serve you well today — especially if you can see yourself putting those plans into motion and acting on them down the road.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 21, 2015 — The Source

The Source

The Source

What is it that you have been waiting for as father time ticks slowly by? Saturn trines the Sun today and as Saturn is in the last throes of its time in Scorpio and fully moves into Sagittarius it’s almost saying to you “get ready it’s time to act”.

If you have a plan you’ve been wanting to put into action for a long time now is the time to break forth from your restrictions and see it through.

The images on this card — the Source (Temperance) card from the Tarot of Origins — are as if they are set in stone and this is how you may have been seeing things for a while yet there are also fertile images on this card… images that say new life is coming, a new beginning and it springs forth directly from your “Source.”

It is part of you, you are part of it and even though you may feel alone as if everything is “set in stone” you have people watching out for you.

Look at the two stone boulders on either side of the middle figure. To me they look like birds. Birds which have been sitting there for a long time until they also look as if they have been “turned to stone.”

Yet underneath them you can see the glorious nests they have fashioned into the rock face. Hues of blues and greens, patterns of mists and water showing that although time seems to have “stood still” it has not been idle.

As the waters break, it is as that which is “inside” pours forth and so too does that which is inside you. Look to any of these three figures and you will see new life within each. Images within images and all on the verge of springing forth into something new and exciting yet at the same time solid and dependable. Who will you be, what will your new direction when the cocoon breaks apart and the chrysalis transforms?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 20, 2015 — Four of Scrolls

Four of Scrolls

Four of Scrolls

The Four of Scrolls is the Chrysalis Tarot’s version of the Four of Swords. It refers to the need for silence, stillness and recuperation that is so necessary when chaos and turbulence surround you.

You may be recovering from a broken heart (as seen in the Three of Scrolls) and if so this card recommends taking the time to tend to it. Or you may just need to step away from your own racing thoughts in order to get a better understanding of your feelings.

The woman in this card looks pensive. She’s curled up in an almost fetal position, protecting her tender heart. As her wings suggest, she’s quite capable of taking flight, but she knows that now is not the time to do that. She knows she needs to find comfort in the stillness that surrounds her and in her own humility.

Who knows what words of wisdom are written on the scrolls that are placed beneath her? They may be lessons that she’s learned or that she’s still trying to absorb. Lessons about acceptance, understanding and forgiveness.

The Four of Scrolls encourages you to ponder, reflect and meditate rather than “act.” It speaks of detaching from the whirlwind of activity around you and choosing to observe rather than participate.

It encourages you to disengage from the distractions around you and to find your strength through recovery. It could be as simple as getting away for a few days to relax and recharge your batteries. And it could be as profound as going on a life-altering pilgrimage or spiritual retreat. If you can’t get away there are other ways to regain your sanity. Meditation, breathwork, self-imposed silence, etc. — any one of these can help you to de-stress and restore your equilibrium.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 19, 2015 — Five of Wands

Five of Wands

Five of Wands

You may feel like you’re under attack today or are dealing with psychological warfare. As Mercury and Uranus come together in hard (square) aspect, it may seem like you need to prepare for combat even if you can’t put your finger on just where the danger lies.

The Five of Wands — this version from Timothy Lantz’ stunning Archeon Tarot — is traditionally associated with conflict, opposition and strife. It speaks of rivalry and discord; arguments and aggression; duking it out with others; fighting for the sake of fighting.

In this version of the card only the protagonist is visible. The enemy may be directly in front of him or off the side. But he stands there ready — warpaint and all — prepared to take on the fight.

Notice the prominent hand-print directly over this heart. This is not a weak or hesitant warrior. He’s competent and strong. He knows how to lead with his heart and not back down from something he believes in. The Five Wands are all standing behind him: he doesn’t need weapons to get his point across and neither should you.

The Five of Wands calls upon you to choose your battles wisely and to fight them with fairness and integrity. It reminds you to lead with your heart and to not allow yourself to be defeated by those who don’t.

You may similarly have to stand up for your principles today. You may find yourself confronted by a bully who expects you to cower in fear. Your goal should be to hold your ground, not back down and not compromise what you believe in just to preserve the peace.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 18, 2015 — High Priestess

High Priestess

High Priestess

Venus enters Virgo today at 0 degrees, where it will remain for the next two weeks as it slows down and prepares to change direction.

Although this is said to be an uncomfortable placement for Venus — because Venus is traditionally associated with socializing and interacting with others while Virgo is associated with introspection, analysis and autonomy– that doesn’t mean there’s not a valuable or relevant purpose behind this archetype.

The High Priestess — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot — can be a solitary figure. She can be somewhat “virginal” like the image in this card. But she’s not prudish or inhibited; she’s capable of fulfilling her own emotional needs which sets her apart from others.

The High Priestess encourages you to turn inward and look for deeper meanings in your life; it challenges you to look beneath the surface and find hidden nuggets of information that can help you round out the vast reservoirs of knowledge you already possess.

It speaks of inner wisdom, psychic guidance and a sense of “knowing” even when there is not a factual basis for it. It’s a strong feminine energy — regardless of your gender. Notice the set of Crescent Moons in this card, one at her crown and one beneath her feet. The Moon also moves into Virgo and conjuncts Venus late tonight.

This may be a period of disassociating yourself from superficial relationships and exploring the hidden regions of your own psyche. You may find yourself experiencing profound instances or deja vu or synchronicity as well as psychic visions and spiritual inspiration. These are all associated with the High Priestess energy.

It’s important to embrace these visions and try to understand them, rather than shying away from them. They can bring incredible insights into not only your own personal choices, but also into the direction you need to be heading over the next several weeks.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jul 17, 2015 — Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

You may be thinking about you’ve gotten yourself tangled up in today and how much of it is of your own doing.

The Eight of Swords speaks of being wrapped up in something — often your own misery — to the extent that you’re unable to see a way out.

If you look at the image in this card — from the gorgeous Gypsy Palace Tarot — you can see that the woman could easily extract herself from the serpents that have entwined themselves around her and chained her to the tree.

But she lies there looking almost dumbfounded and doesn’t even try to move. She’s stuck when she doesn’t need to be stuck. She’s allowed herself to become a victim of circumstances.

There’s a definite inability to see the forest for the trees vibe to this card. And that all stems from being too focused on how you might be trapped rather than figuring out ways to get out.

Notice the Sun shining through the clearing on this card. And the pathway which is only partially obscured. If she wanted to plan her escape route, that’s the first place to look, although it doesn’t look like the woman in this card has even bothered.

You’ll have to look at both how you’ve contributed to the situation you find yourself in and the best way to get yourself out of it. At the very least you’ll have to find the motivation to start moving toward a solution.

That solution is likely right there before you, and it may be clear to others even if you can’t see it yourself. You can either unwind yourself from the restrictions that have rendered you immobile, or you can retrace your steps and back yourself out the same way you came.