We have some interesting new vibrations coming in this month as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter change signs and all the planets are traveling between Scorpio and Taurus this month so half of the zodiac signs are empty. Not to mention we have the winter solstice, an eclipse on Christmas and only a degree of separation between the rather harsh planets of Saturn and Pluto by month’s end. That is a whole bunch of change, folks, so buckle up as it may be a bumpy transition.
Mercury clears the degree of its recent retrograde phase on 12/7 so things that went awry during the Rx time can still be cleared up. Mercury enters Sagittarius on 12/9 and stays in the sign of its detriment through 12/28 so be aware that your decision-making ability may be flawed during this time.
Venus transits the practical sign of Capricorn until 12/21. It is a challenging time for Venus as she makes contact with the south node on the 2nd. This could bring in contact from relationships of the past so think carefully before you agree before deepening a connection with that person. Is it moving you backward or forward in your life?
Another time of challenge is when Venus gets close to Saturn and then to Pluto between 12/8 and 12/14. In the 21st, Venus enters Aquarius where she makes an immediate square aspect to Uranus in Taurus. This aspect can trigger a jolt to relationships, personal finances and in the financial markets. It’s a wake-up call all month to keep your eye on what you value and be conservative with your spending. A key concept at this time is to stay within your budget.
Mars continues to transit his home sign of Scorpio from 7 degrees through 27 degrees. In this sign, Mars is aggressive, powerful and intense. While this can cause problems if used negatively, it does give energy, drive and passion to the house it is transiting in your natal chart.
Jupiter leaves its home sign of Sagittarius and enters Capricorn on 12/3. Jupiter stays in a sign for roughly one year so the last time it was in Capricorn was 2008. Take note of what was going on in your life during that year as it can echo some circumstances for the coming year in 2020.
Saturn is still in its home sign of Capricorn moving from 18-21 degrees of that sign and within 1 degree of Pluto at the end of the year. Things on the world stage and within the USA can be troubling as this is rather harsh authoritarian oppressive duo of energy.
Uranus is the only retrograde planet this month at 3-2 degrees of Taurus. Correct your financial course this month if something is out of whack. Neptune is direct at 16 degrees of Pisces which as it moves through the last half of that sign can signify the fog lifting from a certain level of confusion for the masses. Pluto transits 21-22 degrees of Capricorn and gets a lesson from Saturn as it moves closer to Pluto.
There is a new Moon eclipse on Christmas at 4 degrees of the cardinal, feminine, earth sign of Capricorn. Have you noticed the heavy Capricorn theme this month? Mercury goes into Capricorn 3 days after the eclipse so we will have 5 planets in that sign at month’s end. Be practical, conserve your assets, Mother Earth and do what is right.
There is a Moon/Neptune in Pisces conjunction on New Year’s Eve this year so if you do go out, either spend the night or hire a Lyft/Uber driver as you are likely to be easily affected by alcohol at this time. Be safe.
Read your rising sign and Sun sign for the best information.
Read Rising sign and Sun sign for best information:
Aries — March 21-April 19: With the Capricorn vibration strong in your 10th house of public image and profession, you have some work to do or you are in demand in some way. Mars in Scorpio transits your 8th house so there can be some money issues regarding your spouse or investment income. Mars in the 8th house is considered to be a bit dicey for foreign travel as well, so stick close to home. Your fortunate days are the PM hours of the 5th, the 6th and the 7th so do something out of the ordinary and fun.
Taurus — April 20-May 20:Your ruling planet, Venus, has several challenges this month so it is imperative you keep an eye on your cash flow and finances. With the stellium in Capricorn transiting your 9th house of higher consciousness, foreign travel, gurus, and philosophy you may be drawn to making some kind of pilgrimage for foreign trip in the coming year. Watch what invitations come in after March before scheduling such a trip. Your best days are the 8th and 9th so pamper yourself in some way.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: You need to be aware of issues regarding inheritances, spousal income, taxes and legacy income this month and for the coming months as the stellium of planets in your 8th house will have a big effect on those areas of life. It’s a good time to undergo some therapy if you find yourself stuck and unable to think or talk your way out of a situation. Good days to become unblocked are the 10th, 11th, and full Moon on the 12th.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: This month continues its focus for you on matters of partnerships, business and personal, contracts, compromise and fair play. I know you are fairly sick of this aspect and its relentless focus but that is just what is going on with your 7th house now and through the first four months of 2020. Saturn breaks out of Capricorn in May 2020 but retrogrades back in July and stays in through mid-December 2020. It’s just a long series of lessons about fear, structure, time and endings. Your best days are the 13th and 14th. Schedule in something nice for yourself.
Leo — July 24-August 23:Health issues and routines take center stage this month and well into 2020 as you need to deal with a serious situation going on. Jupiter going into Capricorn gives a positive lift or breakthrough from a long and dragged out situation. While the holiday season may not be the most carefree or festive one, you can feel a light at the end of the tunnel. The most positive days for you are the 15th and 16th, so make the most of them.
Virgo — August 24-September 22:With Jupiter entering the fellow feminine earth sign of Capricorn on the 3rd, you will feel a stronger sense of creativity, adventure and optimism throughout the coming year. While your sense of responsibility and perfection will not leave you, you expand your horizons in terms of what you want to pursue. This is time of greater alignment with your higher intelligence and creativity. Your best days are the 17th and 18th. Take a break and have some fun!
Libra — September 23-October 22: With Venus and Jupiter squaring your sign and transiting your solar 4th house along with Saturn and Pluto, there are issues to resolve regarding your home, ancestors, security and peace of mind. You might need to let go of something or someone during this time. It is also a time when your spouse, if you have one, may be quite demanding or hard to get along with. Give everyone around you their space and time to resolve their own issues. Be frugal with your cash this holiday season and enjoy the vibes that favor you on the 19th and 20th.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars transiting your sign all month, you have drive, energy and enthusiasm for anything you are involved with. In fact, you could be a bit pushy and selfish about what you want. This transit does strengthen you physically as well so if you begin an exercise regimen this month it will serve you well. The stellium of planets in Capricorn are in your solar 3rd house interests, skills, siblings and your neighbor hood so look around and see what needs your attention. The 21st and 22nd are good days for you.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With Jupiter leaving your sign (hasta luego, benevolent pal, see ya in 12 years) you may experience fewer opportunities than last year but if you took advantage of the ones that truly interested you, you can devote yourself to the business of seriously working on them this year. Jupiter in Capricorn is more serious and likes to work towards goals. The stellium of planets in Capricorn occurs in your 2nd house of money, assets and the things you value. There will be expansion and contraction in those areas of life throughout 2020. Make the most of the good vibes in your favor on the 23rd, 24th and AM hours of the 25th.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20:Tis the season to be practical and frugal, particularly in the coming year. You have a knack for survival and knowing when and when not to take a risk. This month and into the 1st quarter of 2020, it’s a time to pull back, gather your resources and look for dynamic opportunities on the horizon. Your business may recede a bit at that time but it will blossom as the year progresses as you provide stability and value in what you do. The new Moon eclipse at 4 degrees of Capricorn on Christmas paves the way for a new beginning in the coming year. Enjoy the vibes on the 26th and 27th.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With the Capricorn vibe in your solar 12th house, you may find yourself more reserved and craving solitude now through the 1st quarter of 2020. There is a health aspect to this transit due to the quantity of planets moving through that sign. You may have a shock around 12/20- 24 as Venus, who rules women, harmony, relationships and assets to a certain extent, enters your sign but makes a square to Uranus. You have the advantage of Mars elevated in your 10th house this month so there is work to be done that can take your mind off the things troubling you. Take advantage of the good lunar vibes on the 1st, 2nd, 28th and 29th.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: The current Capricorn vibration happens in your 11th house of friends, hopes and wishes and income from profession. This is a time to make gains, but you will have to work for them. There could be some changes coming up regarding your work and you may be called upon to take on more responsibility if only for a couple of months. Then you can decide if you want to continue in that role. The positive vibes of the 3rd, 4th, the AM hours of the 5th, the 30th and 31st support your wishes.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.

December 2019 Monthly Horoscopes
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!