We begin the month with a new Moon on the 1st in Sagittarius at 9 degrees, 33 minutes. With the dark Moon it is a good time to meditate, be quiet, write out your goals and desires as a request to the universe and to be in the present.
We have several planetary direction changes this month, which will make it interesting to say the least. Mercury is still in its retrograde motion period until the 15th when it stations at 6 degrees of Sagittarius. Since Sagittarius is a sign associated with optimism, expansion and truth, one can only hope this manifests with some good news during the month.
Venus transits forward from 22 degrees of Capricorn to enter Aquarius on the 8th and reach 26 degrees in that sign by the end of the month.
This shifts the general aesthetic from earth to air so your tastes may change as you appreciate different approaches to beauty and artistic expression. From the 6th through the 12th, Venus will be conjunct Pluto’s position in early Aquarius which can make for what can feel like fated connections or contacts. It is also considered to be a very sexualized energy so there’s that to enjoy if that is present in your life.
Mars makes a big move on the 6th as he enters his retrograde phase at 6 degrees of Leo, moving back to 17 degrees of Cancer by February 24, 2025 before going into direct motion. This can be a period of extremes as Leo is a fiery fixed sign, which likes to rule the roost and can get pushy doing so. Guard your energy against extremes and avoid argumentative people. Use the energy to fortify yourself with a good exercise and dietary regime. We shall see how it plays out.
Jupiter is still retrograde in Gemini and moves back from 17 degrees to 13 degrees throughout the month and is in opposition to the retrograde Mercury in Sag. This opposition is actually considered beneficially since they are in each other’s respective signs and can enhance those energies. In any event there will be no shortage of news and new information about the world coming in throughout the month.
Saturn is in direct motion, moving from 12 degrees, 54’ of Pisces to 14 degrees, 26’ by the month’s end. It is still in a tense square aspect to both Mercury and Jupiter in their respective mutable signs so it is a push/pull situation about correct responsible action and control.
Uranus continues its retrograde phase at 24 degrees, 40’ of Taurus and moves back to 23 degrees 39’ by the end of the month. This is still a disruptive energy and can product unusual events, including earthquakes, revolutions, sudden disasters and electrical or technology issues.
Neptune goes into direct motion on the 7th at 27 degrees, 7’ in Pisces. It is basically stationed at that degree all month, only moving 10 minutes for the remaining days of December. Neptune’s effect is subtle and in its higher vibes it is the artistic muse of creation while in its lower form it creates a delusion of reality that can be harmful and addictive.
Pluto moves forward in Aquarius from 0 degrees 13’ to 1 degree 1’. He will be joined by Venus for about 6 days from the 6th through the 12th, which can project a rather obsessive or sexualized view out in the world. Just don’t do anything to excess and be aware of your surroundings if out and about in the world.
Aries — March 21-April 19: With Mars, your ruling planet, about to go into retrograde motion on the 6th, you may find yourself making some big plans but cool your jets as the tide is about to recede and you won’t be able to implement them. The retrograde Mars also revisits his recent opposition with Pluto during the first 2 weeks of November by the end of the month which can produce a lot of tension or conflict. This is the 2nd contact of this opposition which will culminate for the third and final time at the end of April of 2025. Any active situation will face ongoing obstacles. Go inward instead and do your best to avoid the drama. Your stellar days are the 9th and 10th.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Your ruling planet, Venus, makes her move into Aquarius at the top of your solar chart and will make a conjunction to Pluto between the 6th-12th. This can manifest as obsessive thoughts, fated contacts, or anything (like excessive shopping/eating/drinking) or anyone of an extreme sexual or sensual nature! You could be pulled in two directions so take some time to evaluate what is going on and delay final action until after the 12th when the energy fades. Great days for you to enjoy your life are the 11th and 12th.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: With your ruling planet, Mercury, in retrograde motion through the 15th, there’s a stalled kind of energy around your immediate plans. It’s just hard to commit to a plan or make a decision. You may be getting pressure from your spouse or partner to get on with it but just go with the flow and wait until after the 15th for things to gel into the direction you want to go. The 13th, 14th and AM hours of the full Moon day of the 15th are your special days.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: You are kind of at the mercy of the Mercury retrograde, as well as the upcoming energy of the Mars and Neptune stations on the 6th and 7th, respectfully, as there doesn’t seem to be a clear direction presented to be taken. So, give yourself some much needed R&R time out from the normal world activity to take care of your body and your emotional needs. Neptune at the top of your chart kind of dissolves ambition anyway so you are at a kind of stalemate. The energy shifts in early 2025. The PM hours of the full Moon day of the 15th, 16th and 17th are your lucky days.
Leo — July 24-August 23: Mars, the motivator of actions and deeds, is in your sign and about to go retrograde for close to three months. Use the energy of this time to do some research about what you want to accomplish in the future. There is a bit of a glitch built into this time period as Mars will make a 2nd opposition to Pluto by the end of the month which could completely derail your current plan. In any event, keep your anger and aggression under control as other people will be volatile during this time. The 18th and 19th directs the lunar energy in your favor.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: Mercury retrograde has you in a bit of a holding pattern, but it’s happening in your solar 4th house of home, family and your roots. This could manifest in having more family in for the holidays or staying close to home to make repairs or improvements. Jupiter in your 10th house gives you some professional protection and stability while you hunker down with loved ones. Saturn is slowing the mutable signs down right now so just cooperate. Enjoy the positive vibes of the 20th, 21st and AM hours of the 22nd.
Libra — September 23-October 22: With Venus soon moving into fellow air sign, Aquarius, you will feel start feeling lighter after the 12th when she separates from the conjunction with Pluto between the 6th and 12th. This conjunction happens in your 4th house of home, family and roots, and can mean there is some intensity or drama that will need attention. Pay attention to your health as well as there is an indication of low energy with Neptune at the end of your solar 6th house. Your best days are the PM hours of the 22nd, the 23rd and the 24th.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars about to go retrograde in Leo, squaring your sign, there are challenges you will encounter in fulfilling your plans. The current situation may be completely untenable and if it gets derailed, so be it. It was not meant to happen. Mars moves into an opposition with Pluto for the latter half of the month so it will be nothing less than a battle to make any headway. Do not proceed as this is not a stable time for a big plan. Use the positive vibes of the 25th, the 26th and the AM hours of the 27th to enjoy life.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With the new Moon happening in your sign in your solar first house, this is a time for new beginnings. Let yourself be inspired to dream big but delay any action towards that dream being fulfilled until the new year in early February when Jupiter, your ruling planet is in direction motion once again. The energy is just not cohesive enough to begin something big and have that plan succeed. Your stellar days are the 1st, the 2nd, the PM hours of the 27th, the 28th and 29th. That’s five really good ones, wow!
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: Saturn, your ruling planet, is putting the brakes on for forward motion as it squares both the Mercury and Jupiter retrogrades going on in Gemini and Sag, respectively. This has a dampening effect on any grandiose plans, particularly regarding travel, higher education and sense of meaning. Just let things slow down and don’t fight it. It’s a chop wood, carry water vibe that instructs one to proceed with responsibility and caution. Use the good lunar vibes of the 3rd, 4th, new Moon on the 30th and the 31st to your benefit.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Pluto hovering at your solar Ascendant, there’s the rather heavy energy of massive change around but Venus comes along to join Pluto between the 6th and 12th to dial the intensity down a bit but quickly moves on. You are left with the aftermath of sorting through those feelings and changes. Mars is opposite this Pluto in your solar 7th house so there could be some major tensions arising between you and your partner again. This is the 2nd time for opposition this year with the 3rd and final connection occurring at the end of April, 2025. You’ll get your resolution by then. Your best days of the month are the 5th and 6th.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With the new Moon on the 1st happening in your solar 10th house of public image and profession, there a lot of demanding action and routine that can find you in demand. Saturn in your solar 1st house can help you define boundaries about over working and personal time. You don’t have to save the world, let the other Pisces’ out there step in to help! In any event, look to achieve a healthy work/life balance, particularly at this busy time of year. You still need “me” time to feel your best. Use the positive vibes of the 7th and 8th to your benefit.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.