ARIES: The World
This month you may see the long awaited completion of a project you have been involved in or a part of your life you have been wanting to bring together in the best possible way.
This image on this card comes from German painter Hans Memling famous for many great works of art, including this painting of Saint Urslula of the Holy Virgins.
In this painting, Saint Ursula stands shielding her handmaidens against certain death.
The four corners of the card show the images of the four fixed astrological signs: Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus and Leo.
They’re also said to represent the four Evangelists: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
This card is about using all of your gifts to reach out and accomplish your goals.
As the last card of the Major Arcana, it symbolizes completion.
TAURUS: Four of Cups
Is there anything you have been mulling over and possibly feeling “stuck” on an answer with?
This card shows you may be wasting time thinking about a situation to the point where you are not being proactive and taking action to make the situation better.
If you are not careful and don’t pull yourself out of the doldrums you may not notice an offer which comes your way that would rectify your worries quickly.
Meanwhile, you also need to take stock that you are not so caught up in your own thoughts and worries that you let other areas of your life pass you by.
The Four of Cups refers to disillusionment and discontent but the way you react to the things in your life you’re not happy about is entirely up to you.
GEMINI: Eight of Coins
This month you will take steps in a clear, logical, methodical fashion to accomplish your dream.
It will be hard work and some of it a bit monotonous so keep your eye on the end result.
The man is this card is surrounded by tools of his trade, his head is down working and everything is within easy reach for him to finish his project.
This man is not trapped within the room he is working in but has access to the air outside if he chooses to turn around and look towards the window.
Perhaps you should not get yourself so caught up in your work that you do not have time or inclination to see what else is going on around you.
CANCER: Five of Swords
Take care not to find yourself in any disagreements because you may have no control of the outcome.
The swords in this card denotes the use of words as swords and may serve as a warning that the words you use against another may cut the other person like a knife and do the same damage to your relationship/friendship with them.
Guard against going overboard in any quarrels and keep a leash on how far you’re willing to go if they do occur.
You may find that people leave your life, words are said that cannot be taken back and you are left alone holding the fort.
LEO: Death
The transformative power of change is in the air for you this month as the tarot card of Death implies you resurrecting yourself and transforming a situation into something that is more conducive to your own desires.
The Death card is linked to the astrological sign of Scorpio and therein lies the key to its transformational powers.
One of the images for Scorpio is the phoenix rising from the ashes.
Is there a situation you have been trying to transform, a way of thinking that is outdated that you wish to rise above and change?
Now is the time to do it!
VIRGO: The Chariot
Home and family feature prominently for you this month as you survey all that is around you and come to conclusions that you may wish to address with change.
Remember though that whilst you are all ready to dive in and make changes those nearest and dearest to you may not be in the mood for doing as you wish.
The Chariot card is represented by the astrological sign Cancer and all of your fine Virgoan intellect may not be able to counter the emotions that accompany this card, especially if those emotions are being hurled at your from your family.
LIBRA: Page of Swords
You may be mulling over the 101 ideas that are rushing through your head. Just as one bright idea pops into your mind another sprouts up to take its place.
You need to stay focused if you wish to “win” a discussion.
Don’t rush in too quickly; decide what you want the outcome to be, and don’t get distracted by things that have no bearing upon your original plan.
Reflect on how easy it would be to hit that butterfly with the sword as shown in this card.
My guess is it would not be easy but it would distract you to the point of weakening your own arguments.
SCORPIO: Page of Cups
There’s a dreamy quality to this card which may find you living in a daydream.
Use your imagination and creative talents and enjoy yourself as you feel your mind expanding in a more spiritual way.
You might read a book on meditation or spiritual practices.
This is not the month to forge ahead trying to get everything done. It is a time to sit back and contemplate.
If you have a problem you wish to fix, allow the answer to come to you.
If you’re striving to get a lot done, slow down as you may find you accomplish more than rushing in.
In other words… sit back and relax.
SAGITTARIUS: The Hierophant
Structures and authority have never gone down well with you and this month you may find yourself just having to grin and bear these two things in your life.
Although if you were smart about it you could actually decide to use this to your advantage.
Is there anything you need to think through?
Have a plan for or need to call in some favors in helping you get ahead.
Notice the two keys in this card, over the Hierophant’s heart.
This implies that tackling a problem you’re having and come from your heart in how you handle it you may well find you open the door to success, bypassing a lot of that hard work spoken of above.
CAPRICORN: Ace of Wands
Is there anything you are waiting for and wanting to happen?
Is there anything you can do to hurry this along or give it a push?
If so, then this is the month to do so.
New projects, new beginnings, the seeds of something new can spring into life for you now.
This card implies that news is coming to you, that can carry you forward to the next step of your plans.
This is a card of action. It is not about sitting back and waiting for things to happen or take their course.
You have to be proactive to accomplish your dreams and desires and turn them into reality.
AQUARIUS: Knight of Wands
This is a month where you need to take a look around you and get all those loose ends in order.
You certainly will have the energy to do so.
The Knight of Wands implies a great deal of speed so be careful you do not overlook the obvious as you go about your day.
You can see leaves on the wand the Knight is holding in his right hand and this implies new growth.
Something new may come your way and with it the resources you need to forge ahead with it.
PISCES: Two of Disks
Decisions abound for you this month with neither one holding any sway over the other.
Do not get into the position where you feel stuck and unable to move. Notice that each coin held carries equal weight.
Each coin also has positives and negatives and seem to cancel the other out.
The landscape is barren and unproductive and you may feel you are “stuck” in a situation that is stagnant and not moving forward.
The ships out to sea may give you some clue as to where you should be basing your decisions from, that being, your heart.
by Chrisalis