We begin the month with an evening sight that is lovely to behold; a waxing crescent Moon and Venus conjunction at 28 degrees of Pisces, the sign of Venus’ exaltation.
They are visible after sunset in the western sky, weather permitting. Neptune and the north node are also present at this 28th degree of Pisces so there is a kind of mystical, feminine, creative and otherworldly quality to this blend of energies. It is a great time for going within to reflect on your hopes, dreams and wishes and consider the ways you want to manifest them.
The planets will continue to have a strong Piscean influence through the end of the month as Mercury and the Sun move into that sign after the 15th and 18th, respectively. Pisces energy is mutable, intuitive, sacrificing, sympathetic, mystical, artistic and sensitive so you may find yourself emotionally moved by other’s circumstances and plight, expect some sadness or tears to flow if you get triggered by someone’s story. Be generous and kind to others as you never know what someone is actually going through.
Venus moves into the sign of Aries on the 4th while Jupiter is also stationary direct at 11 degrees of Gemini on that day. Aries and Gemini energies are compatible so this shift should open up some action energy for you to move in the direction you want to go. More information comes to you and you can see the path ahead with more clarity, insight and motivation.
Mars is still retrograde in the sign of Cancer through the 24th where he stations at 17 degrees of Cancer before going into direct motion. He will clear the degrees he retrograded over during the months of March and April. This will be an opportunity to correct mistakes and make the positive changes that you may have neglected during the distraction of the holiday season. I very much welcome this shift but it may be slow at first but when Mars goes into Leo in the middle of April, he gains more traction.
Saturn is in Pisces and moves from 17 degrees to just under 21 degrees by month’s end. The last week of the month has Mercury coupling with Saturn, which can produce worry or anxiety but Mercury moves on quickly and the situation may get an inspired solution when the little dude meets up with the north node in early March. However, if the solution is not practical and is acted on with haste, it will not meet with success. The 2nd week of March holds better energy for timing and a lasting solution, thanks to Saturn and the Sun connecting together.
Uranus, at 23 degrees of Taurus, is now in direct motion after causing quite the kerfuffle at the end of January when he stationed on January 30th. I would expect the financial markets to go through more turmoil this month so act accordingly.
Neptune will just about complete its transit through the 28th degree of Pisces in February and is still within a degree of the north node’s position in Pisces. This combination holds the energy of “anything is possible in the realm of time and space” but needs some grounded planning to make it reality, which is not a Neptune’s specialty. However, Neptune will move out of Pisces and into Aries at the end of March so a new cycle begins soon.
Pluto moves from 2 degrees 5’ of Aquarius to 2 degrees 53’ of Aquarius in February and hangs out alone in that sign for the next year, as a few days Mercury and the Sun move forward in Aquarius and separate from their recent conjunctions with Pluto. I wish I could say that the drama will decrease soon but Mercury and the Sun will square Uranus in Taurus from February 8th through the 15th so realistically there’s not much chance of that. Buckle up.
Mars stations in Cancer around the same time so the Mars’ energy will intensify. I get a sense that people’s righteous anger will have welled up and they will feel their security and home are threatened and protests will get louder. Cancer is all about the home, family, security and protecting one’s possessions and property and in a larger sense, the homeland. All the WW2 veterans born after 1915 had their natal Pluto in the sign of Cancer and that Cancerian sense of protection united them in their patriotism to protect our country from tyranny. I suspect this Mars station will awaken that same energy.
Aries — March 21-April 19: Your ruling planet, Mars, is still in retrograde motion through the 24th and is now squaring the wounded healer asteroid, Chiron. It’s a good time to work through any trauma or emotional issues you’ve accumulated through the years. Don’t carry that burden forward. This is highly possible now with the current planets in Pisces making a water trine to Mars in Cancer. Connect with your vulnerabilities, see a therapist if you need to, and release yourself from the limiting beliefs and trauma. Your stellar days are the 2nd and 3rd.
Taurus — April 20-May 20: Uranus is now in direct motion in your solar first house, which can go either way regarding how it makes you feel, as it’s like a 180 degree mood swing. Uranus revs up the nervous system and can cause a bit of a nerves jangled feeling or sleeplessness, particularly at the stationary phase. At least it is in a good aspect with Mars and not a harsh one so you can get through this brief period without injury. Be very careful between the 9th and 15th when the Sun will square Uranus as this can mean a temporary period of financial instability or emotional upset. Keep breathing and restore your sanity with gratitude and a calm mind. Good days to get your way are the 4th and 5th.
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Jupiter will go direct in your sign on the 4th, so you will lose that bit of lethargy you’ve had for the last few months. However, there is a bit of a setback midmonth as Mercury, your ruling planet, squares Uranus and jangles your nerves with too much sudden change and potential for upset. Luckily, Mercury is in fellow air sign, Aquarius, so you can find a way around this energy or you just let it pass through you. Geminis are really good at shaking things off and moving on. Take good care of your body and your home this month as they are your respite from the hyperdrive insanity of the world. Days to enjoy as the vibes favor you, are the 6th and 7th and the AM hours of the 8th.
Cancer — June 22-July 23: With Mars retrograde in your sign and solar 1st house and it being very powerful the last 2 weeks of the month, you are undergoing a major transformation about your wants, needs and priorities. It will be very freeing to really identify what drives you with more clarity. Spring will be a time of truly coming into your personal strength and character as you own all your stuff. Inspiration is accessible to you with all the planets in Pisces transiting through your 9th house of higher consciousness and wisdom. While it will feel a bit unstable at first, you’ll see that the way arises to meet you in March. Your lucky days are on the PM hours of the 8th, the 9th and the 10th.
Leo — July 24-August 23: This may be a difficult month for you as Mars retrograde is in your solar 12th house and may cause some strange problems or health issues. You also have 3 planets and one is Pluto in your solar 7th house of partnership. This can signal some deep discord in a marriage or legal partnership and you would be wise to pay attention to the vibes around you. You also have 3 planets and the north node in the solar 8th house of loss and end of life matters, which is a bit intense or it can manifest as just a creeping sense of impending doom. Either way it is unpleasant at best and can be very harmful at worst. Stay alert and ask your friends what they sense around you for more information. Use the positive vibes of the 11th and full Moon on the 12th to restore yourself.
Virgo — August 24-September 22: This month has some interesting energy signatures for you as the Sun, Pluto and your ruling planet, Mercury, are in your solar 6th house of health, habits, pets and routines while the stellium of Neptune, Saturn and Venus is transiting your solar 7th house of partnership. The latter energies are good for serious romance and commitment but the former are challenging for health and can bring on some inflammation or irritation to your nervous system. Don’t ignore symptoms and keep up a regular routine for good health. The 13th, 14th and AM hours of the 15th are stellar days for you.
Libra — September 23-October 22: With your ruling planet, Venus, pairing with Neptune and the North node right now, there is a lot of idealism and hope surrounding you. They are transiting your solar 6th house of health, habits, pets and routines so it would be wise of you to devise a plan to follow to protect those areas of life. The Sun, Pluto and Mercury are in your solar 5th house of children, creativity and passions so you are feeling an internal fire about that part of your. Pay attention to your finances and expenses this month to get real about what is coming in and what is going out. Good days to indulge a bit are the PM hours of the 15th, the 16th and 17th.
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: With Mars still in retrograde in fellow water sign Cancer, you are not very tolerant of drama these days and you long for a clear and calm path to show its way to you. Sorry, but not this month. The Sun and Mercury are heading towards a square in a week and then Mars will be stationary and going direct on the 24th. It is very powerful at that time. There’s tension and instability present right now and you have to be prepared for that but also prepared to just flow with the changes and adjust along the way. Jupiter is going direct on the 4th will help a bit but there’s just some challenges coming up with Mars retrograde and also with Pluto, the Sun and Mercury in your solar 4th house of real estate, family and ancestors. Someone is in need of your support. Use the good vibe days of the 18th, 19th and AM hours of the 20th for personal restoration.
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: With your ruling planet, Jupiter, going direct on the 4th you will start to feel like coming up for air and joining the world again. There is some relief from family pressures at present and that will make a difference in your outlook on life. Watch your cash flow midmonth so you’d don’t squander your assets and cash. Look for common ground with siblings and stay out of any drama as it will only further you from them. You will feel much relief by the end of March as Mars gets out of your solar 8th house. Resist the urge to travel abroad for the next 3 months. The lunar vibes favor you on the PM hours of the 20st, the 21st and the 22nd.
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: With Pluto, the Sun and Mercury in your solar 2nd house of income, you’ve reached a fork in the road about how next to proceed as you need to keep the cash flow rolling in. Saturn, your ruling planet, is transiting your solar 3rd house of siblings, skills and communication so put the word out again about what you do, how you do it and how good you are at it. Jupiter, going direct on the 4th will help as it is in your solar 6th house of work, routines and health. Keep working and keep breathing deeply, the way will find you. Your best days are the 23rd and 24th.
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: With Pluto, the Sun and Mercury transiting your solar first house of self, the body and how the world sees you, you have an additional intensity around you now. Be careful that you don’t overdo a rebellious or unconventional vibe around the middle of the month because it could turn people off if you are trying to promote a cause or a product. The stellium of planets in Pisces, Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the north node in your solar 2nd house give promise but also suggest you practice frugality in spending for the next 6 weeks. It is a relatively short phase so it won’t hurt too much. Your stellar days are the 25th and 26th.
Pisces — February 20-March 20: With Venus, Neptune, Saturn and the north node transiting your solar 1st house there is a very romantic, glamorous and creative vibe around you as Venus and Neptune are true romantics and Saturn brings it down to earth. This is a time to enjoy life to the fullest as nothing lasts forever. The Sun, Mercury and Pluto are in your solar 12th house so there’s some connection to your cosmic self, your karma and the dream state so pay attention as it could be quite prophetic. The vibes of the 1st, the 27th and 28th favor your sign.
Personal Consultations:
I offer a number of personalized services, including natal and progressed charts as well as a personal lucky days report, an awesome way to make astrology work for you by allowing you to focus on your optimum timing, when the universe seems lined up to support your wishes and dreams.
The date, time, and location of your birth is all I need to provide you with insight into your important place in the grand scheme of life! For more information, or to schedule a session with me, feel free to email me or visit my website.