The Magician
Today’s Sun / Uranus conjunction should see you tapping into your own mental resources as a means of unleashing your personal power — your own genius, brilliance and ingenuity.
The Magician card refers to the divine spark that is within all of us, and encourages us to use it to accomplish our goals.
Think about areas in your own life where you’ve felt you didn’t have what it takes to accomplish your goals. It could be a career move or a relationship decision or even a personal change such as dieting, quitting smoking, tackling self-defeating thought processes, etc.
The Magician in this deck is in the midst of creating a divine spark of his own. He’s conjured up a glowing energetic spiral: manipulating the air around him to create magic out of nothingness.
He stands before a table with a wand, pentacle, sword and goblet carefully arranged on top. These correlate archetypally to the four elements (fire/wands, earth/pentacles, air/swords and water/cups respectively).
This is a common theme among the different versions: having all of the necessary resources within reach.
Fire = action, initiative and drive. Water = emotions, feelings and intuition. Air = intellect, ideas and decisions. Earth = Structure, boundaries and material concerns. Together these assets make for some powerful “magic” that you can tap into and harness at will.
Ask yourself: “What is it I need to learn today?” or “What is it I have to teach?” The Magician encourages you to tap into your highest personal reservoirs and to access skills you may not even realize you have. Whether you are the teacher today or the student, tap into that Sun / Uranus energy as well: it may just be the spark that’s needed to get you moving in the right direction.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — The Magician — comes from the beautiful Anna K. Tarot, by Anna Klaffinger.
This deck was originally self-published and is available as such through Anna’s website.
Llewellyn has picked up the rights to a commercial version which is available on the Llewellyn website.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.

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