The Lovers
Today’s Sun / Venus conjunction can put you in the mood for love. Whether you’re single, dating, married, separated, divorced or widowed, chances are good you’re going to be thinking about relationships.
The Lover’s card is about “love.” But it’s not always an easy or definitive love. Sometimes there are feelings of ambivalence or uncertainty, and sometimes there are choices to be made that can complicate things even more.
The figures in this card are lost in world of their own. They hold each other in a loving embrace, oblivious to the world around them. This version of the card — from the beautiful Jaen Tarot — emphasizes love and affection.
But life — and love — is not always so simple. This card can also indicate uncertainty in relationship or a decision that needs to be made. You may be wondering where you stand or whether someone you care about feels the same.
You may also be ready to fall head over heels in love and wondering when someone new is coming in.
If you’re in love today and happy with your choices, remember to celebrate that love with the object of your affection. And if you’re not — if you’re out there like so many of the rest of us still looking: don’t give up.
The Lovers card — and this one in particular — can serve as a reminder that there’s someone out there for all of us, and that what is most important is having a great big old open heart that you’re ready, willing and able to share with another.

The card used for today’s tarotscope — The Lovers — is part of the Jaen Tarot by South Korean artist Ahnjaen.
This is a 22-card majors only deck that is distributed with a tarot journal and diary.
More information can be attained through Ahnjen’s website, ahnjen.com.
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