Nine of Swords
With Mercury and Neptune in opposition today, you may feel like you’re having a hard time getting (or maintaining) your footing.
The Nine of Swords ties right in with this aspect, which can leave you feeling a bit wobbly or unsure of yourself. This is often called the “nightmare” card as it relates to overblown fears and anxieties.
These are almost always self-created. Either the fear is real and you brought it upon yourself, in which case you now have to deal with the repercussions of your actions; or the fear is unfounded and you’re being forced to own up to whatever it is inside of you that has created it.
The woman in this version of the card is seen tip-toeing along an upper ledge of a building in the dead of night. She’s still in her bedclothes.
Is she sneaking into someone else’s window? Or climbing back into her own? Either way she looks terrified, and two different sets of fears are implied. The fear of falling down, and the fear of getting caught.
If you look closely you can see that she really has nothing to fear. The twin stars Castor and Pollux — patrons of guests and travellers — shine high in the night sky. And right below her — which she’d see if she bothered to look down — is a larger much sturdier ledge that would easily break her fall.
The Mercury / Neptune opposition tells us that while things aren’t always what they seem, we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Not only do our fears have the capacity to paralyze us, but finding the courage to face them has the capacity to extinguish them.
If we want to move forward, we’ll have to be brave enough to “take back our power” and face those fears head on.
Today’s tarotscope — Nine of Swords — is part of the Victorian Romantic Tarot by Karen Mahony and Alex Ukolov, published by Magic Realist Press. This deck is currently out of print.
Karen and Alexhave also published other well-known tarot and oracle sets (such as the Tarot of Prague, Baroque Bohemian Cats’ Tarot and the Fairytale Tarot) and are also curators of Baba Studio, a Prague-based company that designs tarot cards, bags, purses, cards, clothing and more.
You can read an interview with them at the Aeclectic Tarot website.
Please also visit and like this deck’s Facebook Fan page!

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