Two of Wands
Your hopes and dreams swim before you as you sit and ponder what you are going to do today.
You may have a plan that you are keeping it to yourself. From your point of view you have not put the finishing touches to it yet and you do not wish to take your first step but rather wish to wait until everything falls into place.
If you are having problems in a relationship you may not be seeing the other person’s point of view but the views and thoughts that are currently on your mind going around and around in circles and furthering a retreat within you that is surely not doing the relationship any favours.
However, even on saying this it may be what is needed as a situation that has become intolerable for you will require planning and answers as to how you can either fix it or remove yourself.
Notice the image of the lion with the unicorn horn. This may be a mythical creature but it is also a creature that can serve you well if you require self preservation.
It also shows you have a mind that will not only see one way out of your predicament but other perhaps more unusual ways too.
You stand above everything in your life looking down with a bird’s eye view very aware of what is around you and any threats that are coming your way can be seen first and dealt with… if not by you then by your “allies” which are not only the mythical creatures of protection but also through communication through friends who may warn you what you may be having to deal with.
The patterns in the air above suggest that you are contemplating various ideas on what you next move will be. What you may wish to do though is look around you as the danger you seek out so steadfastly today seems, in your mind, to only be coming from one direction.
It’s always best to have your wits about you and by taking in the grand scheme of things you can better protect yourself from anything that threatens you today. Take a look around you… the enemy may not be who or what you think it is.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Two of Wands — is part of the Shadowscapes Tarot series by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore, and can be purchased directly from the Shadowscapes website or through its publisher, Llewellyn.
This deck can also be downloaded as an app for Android, Ipad and Iphone devices through the Fools Dog website.
Please also “like” this deck’s Facebook Fan Page!
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