Ace of Wands
Be ready today for a powerful breakthrough. The Ace of Wands — like all Aces — refers to raw unformed energy and potential that can light a fire under you and ignite a new passion.
It’s a card of confidence, inspiration and promise than can awaken you to a whole new set of ideals.
tn this version of the card, the “Wand” is formed in the shape of a caduceus with the orb of the Sun emitting a shimmering white light down from the heavens. Twin serpents wind their way up the center in perfect symmetry. A pair of angel wings at the top spread out across the sky.
The caduceus symbol is traditionally linked with commerce, negotiations, eloquence and travel — due to its association with Hermes, the messenger of the gods. It’s also tied to alchemy and modern-day medicine and healing.
With respect to this Ace of Wands, the caduceus is representative of the Kundalini spiritual life force. Notice the glowing streams of energy that spiral upward along the column of light.
While the Ace of Wands is traditionally associated with action and energy, this version focuses more on healing and renewal. Each of the Aces in this deck are associated with seasons, and this one is associated with Winter. While it’s no less energizing, there is a more soothing, calming and refreshing vibe to the symbolism here. The unformed energy has still taken shape, in the beam of shimmering white light that emanates from the Sun.
Just as that beam of light breaks through the heavens and dissipates the clouds, so too can you experience the kind of breakthrough that clears away whatever’s been clouding your perception. Aces are “YES” cards that encourage you seize the day, making this the perfect time to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves today.
Today’s tarotscope — Ace of Wands — is part of the Maat Tarot series by Julia Cuccia-Watts.
Julie Cuccia-Watts is the creator of four multicultural tarot decks:
- The Ancestral Path Tarot
the Blue Moon Tarot
the Maat Tarot
and the Journey into Egypt Tarot.
Julie is also the proprietor of New Moon Trading Co.,where you can find Julie’s tarot cards and related original paintings, posters and books. The Maat Tarot is available for purchase for both teachers and students.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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