The Emperor
Today with Mercury moving into Capricorn, it’s time to think about stepping up and into your rightful place in the world.
The Emperor card speaks of ambition, power, authority and worldly acclaim — all Saturnine traits.
You may feel like you’re on top of the world — like the Greek God Zeus as portrayed in this card. Or you may feel like it’s time to do something about getting there.
The Emperor (depicted by the Greek god Zeus in this deck) sits on his throne in the mountain tops looking down over all he’s achieved.
He holds the world in one hand and pair of lightning bolts in the other. An Eagle — symbolizing mastery and power — perches on his shoulder, his eyes alert and watchful.
This card symbolizes worldly acclaim and ambition. No matter how high your own personal mountain top, you can know that there are possibilities available to you if you only you set your sights on pursuing them.
Hard work, perseverance and determination are all required: nothing will come to you through sheer luck or wishful thinking.
As Mercury leaves Sagittarius (expansion, inspiration and preparation) behind and moves into the more serious and disciplined Capricorn, you should know that getting to the top of your own personal mountain is unlikely to be without challenges. But as long as you are one with the Universe, nothing can stand in your way.
Today’s card — The Emperor — comes from the Mythic Tarot by Juliet Sharman-Burke and Liz Greene, illustrated by Tricia Newell, distributed by U.S. Games. This deck can also be downloaded as an app for IPhone, IPad and Android devices through the Fool’s Dog website.
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