Four of Swords
Sometimes it doesn’t pay to do too much thinking about your problems and today is one of those days.
It seems that you may have cut yourself off from any actions you may have taken to fix a situation in your life and instead let it roam around and around in your mind to the point that you can no longer see the problem clearly enough to know how to tackle it.
What may have started as an average sized problem though has grown into a problem of such proportions that it leaves you frozen to any action you would like to take and hence your dilemma in what to do to fix it.
In the case of this image the problem looks as if it is linked to your love life. The roses scattered around both whole and in pieces that look to have been cut by the swords.
The woman’s arms are crossed given an indication that she is cold (or out in the cold due to her present situation) and she has not the forethought or inclination to dress appropriately.
If she were to look around her she would take the steps needed to protect herself from the elements. Such it is with the situation that you may find yourself in today.
You may not be forewarned or forearmed to defend yourself within it but you can take action to make sure you are well protected while you come up with a plan of dealing with it. And that plan needs to include putting more energy into your own life than wasting it worrying about other things.
While there is still one sword in your hand there is still a chance you can fix the wrongs that are around you with one masterful stroke of the right words.
Today’s card — Four of Swords — comes from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso.
This beautiful deck — and individual prints — can be purchased directly from her Shop.
Please visit and “like” her Facebook Fan Page.
This deck — published by U.S. Games — is also available as for download through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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