King of Swords
Today, as Uranus turns direct in Aries, you should be feeling more like shaking things up and breaking new ground in all the different areas of your life.
This transit can represent as an innovative and electrifying change in direction, but it can also manifest as an abrupt and unsettling wakeup call.
The King of Swords — this version from the fabulous Gypsy Palace Tarot — is a powerful and masterful king. He’s progressive and forward thinking and even a little eccentric. Just like Uranus in Aries.
He is intelligent, inventive and accomplished. He’s innovative and progressive. And he’s an expert at communicating his ideas and getting people to listen.
This is a time for putting your ideas out there — verbally or in writing — and communicating them to others. It’s not the time for ambivalence or uncertainty.
Look at the King in this card. He’s a bit more colorful and flamboyant than we’re using to seeing with the King of Swords. He’s usually rather stoic and somber.
But this whimsical version is just spirited enough to capture the dynamic and playful Uranus in Aries transit we’re dealing with and just dignified enough to capture the essence of planets moving through Capricorn right now.
This King says you can have the best of both worlds. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. And you won’t get anywhere if it’s all play and no work. Think about putting your own unique and creative spin on whatever you’re trying today. You can expect good things if put yourself out there, and if you play your cards right you can do it without having to sacrifice any of your own personal flair.
Today’s card — King of Swords — is part of the Gypsy Palace Tarot series, designed by Nora Huszka. The creation and marketing of this deck was the result of a successful campaign and funding through Indiegogo.com.
Her beautiful deck can be purchased directly from her website, or from her Etsy storefront. This deck is also available for download through the Galaxy Tone website.
Be sure to check out her Youtube channel and visit and like her Facebook fanpage too!
Used by generous permission. Thank you Norah!
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