Ten of Swords
Today you may find yourself in the uncomfortable position of having to put something to rest that should have been put to rest a long time ago.
The Ten of Swords speaks of inevitable endings. These usually refer to something that’s been held onto well past its expiration date — such as a job you’ve outgrown, a relationship that’s run its course or a friendship that is no longer supportive.
You may have to surrender to the realization that something that means a lot to you must come to an end.
This card is called “Ruin” in some decks, and refers to damage that has been done which cannot be undone, such as a loss of a friendship, the end of a dream or a betrayal of trust.
There’s a bit of a dramatic conclusion in this of the card, as there very well may be in real life. In this version — from the gorgeous Paulina Tarot — we see a swooning woman with 10 swords piercing her flesh. Or are they? If you look closely you’ll notice that there is no blood. And all of the swords are crooked. Perhaps they’re not stuck into her after all.
Whatever it is you’re being forced to let go of, know that it was no longer serving its purpose. There are indications here — just as there are in every version of this card — that the worst is over.
As hard as it is, you know what you’re up against: there’s no more fretting and worrying about the future (as that was left to the Nine of Swords). The Ten of Swords tells you that it’s time to put the past behind you, pick up the pieces and begin the process of moving on.
Today’s tarotscope — Ten of Swords — comes from Paulina Tarot, designed and illustrated by Paulina Cassidy and published by U.S. Games.
Her deck — and full sized prints are available on her website and her Etsy storefront.
Please also visit and “like” Paulina’s Facebook fan page.
This deck is also available for IPhone, IPad and Ipod Touch through the Fools Dog website.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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