Queen of Swords
You may have to make a decision today that’s based on logic and principle rather than intuition.
Although the Moon is in Cancer today — as beautifully referenced by the Universal Wirth Tarot version of the Queen of Swords — it may not always be in your best interests to rely solely on instincts and emotions.
The Queen of Swords is more about cutting through the confusion and uncertainty that separates wants from needs. It may be a matter of putting something you’ve wanted to rest — in the spirit of accepting that it’s just not good for you.
Or it could be as simple as speaking the truth, knowing that you’d only be hurting yourself otherwise.
In this deck we see the Queen of Swords standing in the midst of a turbulent sea. The sky is dark and ominous behind her as the waves swirl violently at her feet.
But she doesn’t waver. She’s focused and alert with her eyes on a distant horizon, and her hands clasped firmly on the sword that she uses to steady herself. The crescent Moon at her feet and the symbol for Cancer above her serve as reminders of the delicate balance between head and heart, or emotion (Moon in Cancer) and logic (Queen of Swords).
This Queen is rational and focused. She doesn’t mince words. When she speaks she chooses her words wisely and they may be biting. But she’s also fair, impartial and objective.
If this is a person in your life you’d be wise to listen to what she says. She may not cushion her words with compassion, but she will always tell the truth. if this is not someone presently in your life, perhaps it’s time to listen to your own inner voice. There’s a great deal of wisdom that can be amassed, if you’re brave enough to trust in it.
Today’s card — Queen of Swords — comes from the Universal Wirth Tarot, a Lo Scarabeo deck, by author Giordano Berti and artist Stefano Palumbo based on the work of Swiss artist and occultist Oswald Wirth. Check out some other Wirth-inspired decks at the Tarot Garden.
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