The Source
What is it that you have been waiting for as father time ticks slowly by? Saturn trines the Sun today and as Saturn is in the last throes of its time in Scorpio and fully moves into Sagittarius it’s almost saying to you “get ready it’s time to act”.
If you have a plan you’ve been wanting to put into action for a long time now is the time to break forth from your restrictions and see it through.
The images on this card — the Source (Temperance) card from the Tarot of Origins — are as if they are set in stone and this is how you may have been seeing things for a while yet there are also fertile images on this card… images that say new life is coming, a new beginning and it springs forth directly from your “Source.”
It is part of you, you are part of it and even though you may feel alone as if everything is “set in stone” you have people watching out for you.
Look at the two stone boulders on either side of the middle figure. To me they look like birds. Birds which have been sitting there for a long time until they also look as if they have been “turned to stone.”
Yet underneath them you can see the glorious nests they have fashioned into the rock face. Hues of blues and greens, patterns of mists and water showing that although time seems to have “stood still” it has not been idle.
As the waters break, it is as that which is “inside” pours forth and so too does that which is inside you. Look to any of these three figures and you will see new life within each. Images within images and all on the verge of springing forth into something new and exciting yet at the same time solid and dependable. Who will you be, what will your new direction when the cocoon breaks apart and the chrysalis transforms?
The card used for today’s tarotscope — The Source — comes from the Tarot of the Origins deck by Italian artist Sergio Toppi.
This is a Lo Scarabeo deck first published in 2000 by Llewellyn and currently sold out.
Sergio Toppi was a prolific comic book artist who passed away in 2012.
He was also well known for his book and magazine illustrations as well as his colorful Italian advertising campaigns.
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