Free Daily Tarotscope — July 10, 2014 — Knight of Pentacles

knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles

Today is a day about giving and receiving and this doesn’t have to just be in terms of monetary gains and losses.

The Knight of Pentacles rides in on his horse and gives to all around him. There is more than enough to go around and as Jesus fed the thousands not only with food but with new thoughts there is something to be said for what you give out and it coming back to you.

Today would be a good day to have your thoughts in alignment with your goals and to ask yourself what those goals mean to you and where they will take you.

For better or worse others pick up on what you are saying and doing and you do not want to leave a trail of misinformation behind.

Instead you wish to pave forth a blazing trail of truth that nourishes people’s souls and lives in a way that enriches them.

The Knight of Pentacles in this card tells us that from the lowliest to the highest we all have a part to play and there is no need to judge what others give for it is up to you what you have to give and accept in turn.

As the sun shines so brightly in this card it is almost as if we are being nourished and replenished just through the sheer energetic imprint it leaves upon us.

Throughout today take note to when you are on the receiving or giving end of a situation. It may be in something that you receive which doesn’t necessarily need to be financial… a compliment is also something which can be received and notice your emotions and attitude to receiving that compliment.

If you are not in the practice of giving compliments perhaps you might wish to give someone a compliment today and see how that pans out for you. Remember it’s all about the giving and receiving… as what you give comes back to you.



toa-set]The card used for today’s tarotscope is part of the Tarot of the Apocalypse, self-published by Polish philosopher, astrologer and translator Światosław Nowicki.

The Knight of Pentacles, according to the author, is Jesus Christ himself spreading God’s word to the masses.

This fascinating deck —  illustrated by Robert Sobota and coloured by Magdalena Walulik, is based on Esoteric Christianity (in the major arcana) and Polish Catholicism (in the minor arcana).

This deck, as well as two accompanying tarot manuals, can be purchased directly from the Tarot of the Apocalypse site, or from the owner’s Etsy storefront.

Here’s a comprehensive review on by Bonnie Cehovet on the Aeclectic Tarot site.

Used by generous permission. 


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