Seven of Swords
Today — with Mercury and Jupiter in semi-sextile — you want to work on trusting your instincts and staying tuned in to your environment.
The Mercury /Jupiter aspect can act as a trigger for internal conflict and mental discord. Anxiety. Uncertainty. It can cause you to be touchy or “jumpy,” guarded and apprehensive.
You could be dealing with trust issues, as in questioning other people’s motives or agendas. You could be questioning your own instincts, or fretting over something that just feels “off. It can be especially challenging for you to navigate through uncharted territories, much like the woman in this version of the card.
There are elements of fear, uncertainty and even paranoia associated with this card. This usually comes from overthinking and over-analyzing things to the point where your own intuition becomes hopelessly compromised.
While there’s no question that there are situations that call for you to be more guarded, you don’t want to make things worse by projecting your suspicions onto others.
The Seven of Swords calls for you to be mindful and alert, but you want to be just as aware of the potential for jumping to illogical conclusions.
This Mercury Jupiter transit is considered “minor” but it can wreak a lot of havoc. Especially if you’re easily distracted or given to emotional reactions.
The woman in this card is seen walking barefoot along a rocky shoreline under the light of a full Moon — much like today’s Super Moon. She steps gingerly through a group of (seven) swords that are sinking into the sand. It’s impossible to tell where the sky meets the horizon or whether she’s walking toward land or sea. The full Moon illuminates her path but it’s partially obscured by the overcast sky. Notice too that she’s looking over her shoulder at something just out of view. A distraction or a very real danger? Either way the potential for being diverted from her path is clear.t
The path may be ambiguous and her view may clouded by her own uncertainty. But it’s in her best interests to stay present and aware — as much for opportunities as for potential pitfalls.
The Seven of Swords encourages you to stay on your toes and to listen to your instincts. If you’re having a hard time getting your bearings, or if you feel like you can’t take anything at face value, there’s probably a good reason. Listen to — and heed — your inner voice, because you may have to act at a moment’s notice.
Today’s card — Seven of Swords — is part of the Cosmic Tarot series by Norbert Lösche and Jean Huets, published by U.S. Games.
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