The Tower
With the Sun squaring Uranus today anything can happen and probably will!
More than like this will all be out of your control and your saving grace will be the trine from the Sun to Saturn which will allow you to rebuild, plan and organise in advance of any catastrophe that may hit.
If you’re going to fall then do it in grand style. This version of the Tower shows that there may have been a problem in your life… (or two problems or more… but whose counting!) and that you are either on the verge of coming undone within the situation and about to take a fall.
All is not lost thought as forewarned is forearmed and if you do find yourself in a situation that seems a bit precarious at the moment it is time to take steps, backwards if you have to, to remove yourself from the threat at hand.
This may mean you have to take some time out from a situation, do some more thinking on how you were going to approach it or avoid any contact with people who could trigger this situation for you.
A good case in hand would be if you were going to speak to your partner about something and you had a funny feeling it was not the right to time to approach them then heed your own warning signal as you could very well end up throwing more away than you thought you would.
This version of the Tower is lovely though… it almost seems to be surrounding with a rainbow of colours so perhaps if you do find yourself caught up in the aforementioned situation you may land with a loud thump but quickly proceed to pick up the pieces and draw something from the event so that all is not lost.
And by this I mean you may find yourself in a more fortuitous situation and life path from the simple fact that you have taken a fall and this lead you to a better place for you in your life.
Whatever happens today it will be unplanned… just make sure you have a fall back plan for yourself and if you need some guidance look to the colourful fields and re write your own story.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — the Tower — is part of the Crystal Tarot series, a Lo Scarabeo deck illustrated by Elisabetta Tervisan, and published by Llewellyn.
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