Page of Cups
Following hot on the heels of yesterday’s new moon in Cancer we have the Page of Cups gently contemplating what is going on both within and without of him or her.
You’ll notice that this version of the Page of Cups has both a feminine and masculine quality. I usually read the Page of Cups as a male but I am definitely seeing the feminine within this version which gives a basis for what today is about. Getting in touch with both sides of yourself… the masculine and the feminine.
There is no pushing or pulling going on in this card. Everything is flowing. It is a great opportunity to accept yourself and the many facets with your character without judgement just letting things flow in and out and around you.
There is a lot of creativity around for you today and if you find yourself looking at something and seeing it in a different way then stay with what you are seeing and see what it brings up for you. Its time to play and feel childlike and allow the energy of the Cancer new moon to light your path.
Notice the little dots surrounding the upper part of the card where it is blue almost as if they are thoughts captured in the air and there are a lot of them to choose from. Yet there is no tension in this figure… thoughts come and thoughts go and still there is serenity and peace within you.
Your mind is full of new ideas and thoughts. Your heart is full of new emotions. Creativity is flowing around you and the world looks like a brighter place than it may have for a while.
The fish jumping out of the cup gives the impression there is something you do need to be listening to though and the roses wrapped in front of the heart show that what you do learn will be emotional and not as difficult or painful as you think… notice there are no thorns on those rose stems.
Your mind is full of new ideas and thoughts. Your heart is full of new emotions. Creativity is flowing around you and the world looks like a brighter place than it may have for a while.
Today’s tarotscope — Page of Cups — features the Morgan Greer Tarot
The Morgan Greer is a beautiful deck by Susan Gerulskis-Estes (Author) , Lloyd Morgan
(Creator) and Bill F. Greer
Published by US Games.
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