Princess of Cups
You may feel like wearing your heart on your sleeve today, courtesy of the Princess of Cups.
The Princesses in the Druid Craft Tarot deck are the female versions of “Pages” in traditional decks. They’re youthful, sensitive, and sincere. They’re full of potential, lacking in worldly experience and sophistication and may be overly idealistic and naive.
In this version of the card, we see a tender young maiden standing in a clearing next to a stream. A gentle breeze tousles her robes and hair. She appears to be in a dream-like state: basking in the warmth of the sunlight as she cradles her chalice close to her heart.
There is a calm, gentle and serene energy about her, yet she’s also in touch with nature. She’s got her (bare) feet planted firmly on the ground.
As the embodiment of the first Water sign (Cancer in this case), this Princess expresses a more idealistic and less refined version than the other court cards. There’s a “babe in the woods” quality — literally — about her.
She’s pure of heart and gentle of soul, seeing only the good in others with the hopefulness that comes from youth and inexperience.
She’s romantic, sensitive, loving and kind. If she appears in your life today — as a young person, an event or even another version of you — know that she’s come to encourage you to let go of your mistrust and cynicism.
Because the Pages and Princesses embody such youthful and unrefined energy, we tend to forget that they too have much to teach us. But the presence of this card today is an important reminder of how much more we still need to learn.
The card used for today’s Tarot Scope — Princess of Cups — is part of the the Druid Craft Tarot series.
This deck was created by Philip Carr-Gomm, Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington.
The Druidcraft Tarot is published by St. Martin’s Press.
This deck is also available for iPhone/iPad and Android devices through the Fool’s Dog website.
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I definitely felt like this yesterday, just being happy and free talking briefly about my true feelings. Slowly I’m realizing I’ve held a heavy weight on my shoulders and it’s unnecessary yet I keep it to myself. We are talking years too! I’ve felt so trapped, but slowly I’m gaining my own inner power. I owe this to my God because I just give him my worries and let him deal with them. It’s a slow release, but it feels good too. Faith and prayer helps me.
This is lovely to hear and as the weight lifts from your shoulders you may also experience the exchange of worries for joy.