Nine of Wands
Today you may feel like you’re starting to get your mojo back, after a period of frustration, boredom, dormancy or inertia.
For the last 6 weeks or so Mars has been retrograde, which may have coincided for you with taking a step back to reassess your goals. You may have even experienced them being thwarted by external circumstances — scheduling conflicts or resistance from others, for example.
The Nine of Wands refers to that period of uncertainty and hesitation that comes after you’ve given what feels like your ALL and still haven’t seen the results for your efforts.
You may have been frustrated with the lack of progress — or worse — come *this close* to completing your journey, only to find another road-block ahead of you.
This is very similar to the frustrations and impediments that abound when Mars is in retrograde. You’re saying “go go go” while the Universe is saying “no no no.”
But if you look at it from an evolutionary perspective, you may be better able to understand why you’ve been forced to step back and to re-evaluate your needs. Perhaps the setbacks you’ve encountered along the way have been more than just setbacks. Perhaps they’ve been lessons in disguise.
The woman in this card is may be less forceful than the tiger in the foreground, but she’s no less powerful. Note the flame she holds in the palm of her hand and the i-ching trigram on her arm which means “thunder.”
The Nine of Wands is not about the uncertainty or hesitation so much as it is about the one big burst of energy that gets you moving again.
Check out that tiger. Doesn’t it look like he’s been cooped up in his cage (Mars retrograde) for so long that he’s now ready to leap out and take the world by storm? This is the attitude you want to awaken in yourself today when Mars turns direct (at 9:28pm EDT).
Today’s tarotscope is part of the Mary-el Tarot series by Marie White, published by Schiffer Publishing. Used by generous permission. Original art, as well as full-sized prints, are also available on her website. Please check out and “like” this deck’s Facebook Fan page.
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