Ace of Swords
Today’s card — Ace of Swords — is all about achieving the kind of clarity that’s necessary to focus your intentions and accomplish your goals.
The Ace of Swords can act as a tool for manifesting. It is raw, pure, unharnessed energy that can be channeled into something both powerful and magical.
It can act as a lightning rod for either positive or negative energy, depending on how it’s used. It refers to getting to the heart of the matter, cutting through the BS, speaking your mind and honoring your truth.
But the Ace of Swords can also be somewhat aggressive and argumentative. When used negatively it really does “cut like a knife” with respect to cruelty or hurtful words. For this reason it’s sometimes best to put some distance between yourself and whatever outside influences are triggering reactions.
As the Sun moves into Gemini today, you may find yourself dealing with competing urges. You may be torn between different options or feel pulled in different directions. But the Ace of Swords is able to cut through the noise and distractions and can make it easier for you to clear the air enough to make an informed decision.
The woman in this card — from Anna Klaffinger’s gorgeous Anna K. Tarot — has gotten both altitude and distance as she stands on a ledge looking out over the landscape below. She’s got a panoramic view of what lies ahead by standing back and assessing it from afar.
Think about what’s been weighing on your mind that needs to be decided once and for all. And what discussion needs to be had in order to iron out any differences. The Ace of Swords encourages you to speak truthfully, but to do so from the heart. Be considerate of the feelings of others: remember that words can be both helpful and hurtful, so use yours wisely today.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Ace of Swords — comes from the beautiful Anna K. Tarot, by Anna Klaffinger.
This deck was originally self-published and is available as such through Anna’s website.
Llewellyn has picked up the rights to a commercial version which is available on the Llewellyn website.
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