Nine of Wands
Today you may be feeling like you’ve given something (or someone) your all and are now *this close* to throwing in the towel.
The Nine of Wands speaks of being on the verge of exhaustion over something you’ve put so much effort into and still haven’t seen the results you’d hoped for.
You may see some sort of resolution in sight, but it’s still a ways off which means even more obstacles and more work than you’re sure you want to trouble with.
So the question becomes what do you do? Do you throw your arms in the air and say I don’t think I can take it anymore? If so you give up all the work you’ve already done and all the momentum you’ve gained.
But if not it means you’re going to have to reach in, dig deep and find the strength, tenacity and fortitude to tackle those final hurdles and keep on going.
The masked figure in this version of the card looks like he’s all but given up. He sits pouting on a ledge in what appears to be a 3-dimensional maze. The staircase beside him threatens to block his every step. But look: there’s another set of stairs and a light glowing in the distance: could it be he’s found the escape route?
The eight wands leading up the first staircase may not be obstacles after all. They may be armholds. And the Ninth wand serves as a torch to both light his path and ignite his resolve.
This is the challenge you’re faced with today. You may be seeing that something you set off to accomplish is not only taken longer than you expected but has also turned into a bigger headache.
But you’re closer to the finish line than you know, and if you just keep going you’ll be rewarded with a sense of accomplishment in the end.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Nine of Wands — is part of the Deviant Moon Tarot, designed and created by Patrick Valenza.
There is also a borderless version of these cards out now.
For more information on his deck and to purchase them, please visit the Deviant Moon Tarot website.
Please also check out and “like” this deck’s facebook fan page.
Published by US Games.
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