Nine of Cups
It’s as if fate steps in today to take you by the hand.
With Venus trine the north node there is a sense of the inevitable around and it looks bright and rosy.
If you have been looking for inspiration or a “sign” from the Universe today is the day it may hit you.
You may also feel as if you should be doing something but with the Nine of Cups things can just generally come to you. It is a card of success and wishes coming true.
There is a sense that if you gazed into the centre of this image you would be drawn into a hypnotic trance where only the centre really mattered and everything around it was on the outskirts.
However, if you look at the images which are around this card you can see they are all very pleasant including the words love and happiness as well as a reference to Freud.
Your ability to get to the nitty gritty of a matter is seen today and it may not come from the usual sources.
Jupiter trine the node gives a sense of destiny combined with luck. It’s the type of transit that gives a high chance of a breakthrough with anything that you have been stumped on recently. It is the type of day where anything can happen and probably will.
Don’t be too worried about things going wrong as even if they seem to not be going your way today in the end it will all pan out and you will see the wisdom in the larger picture.
Make a wish and dream big because today is the day you will be heard.
Today’s card — Nine of Cups — is part of the Röhrig Tarot by Carl W. Röhrig, published by Bluestar Communications.
These cards can also be purchased directly from the artist on his website — and individual prints are available there as well.
Please also visit and “like” this deck’s facebook page.
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