Ten of Pentacles
You have the knowledge and power to do as you wish today.
The Ten of Pentacles is about money, success and acquiring that which you desire.
The lovely flowing rhythm to this Ten of Pentacles implies that all is well for you in this regard and finances are flowing in an abundant direction.
You ride on the tail of the dragon and where you sit looks pretty comfortable and nothing is going to topple you off. All is around you for the taking.
As you relax and survey your surroundings from this viewpoint you also have in your lap an orange ball. The colour orange is linked to the second chakra from which creativity springs.
As you hold it in your left hand you are drawing towards yourself the very talents you need to let loose to enjoy success.
Your right hand is open wide as if you are reaching for the pentacle in the centre of the card yet you do not need to overexert yourself as you know the pentacle shall come to you as success is assured.
The dragon that you sit on also gives a sense of kundalini energy coursing through you and as it reaches its zenith all that you need to know is revealed.
The castle in the background denotes that for the timebeing you are not too attached to earthly possessions and that your way forward in acquiring more wealth comes to you through your artistic or creative endeavours.
Use this day to dwell on how you can do less work for more money.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Ten of Pentacles — is part of the Shadowscapes Tarot series by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore, and can be purchased directly from the Shadowscapes website or through its publisher, Llewellyn.
This deck can also be downloaded as an app for Android, Ipad and Iphone devices through the Fools Dog website.
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