Eight of Cups
Today may see you needing to take a serious look at what (and whom) in your life you need to put behind you. You may find yourself having to make a difficult decision to let go of a situation that has not been healthy or rewarding for you.
The Eight of Cups refers to the realization that you’ve put more into something — invested more of your time, energy, heart, etc. — than you’ve gotten back, and now it’s time to face that reality and walk away.
This may be associated with feelings of disappointment and disillusionment, brought about by the realization that what you’ve worked so hard for is not going to turn out the way you’d hoped.
The Eight of Cups — this version from the beautiful self-published Animism Tarot — speaks of walking away or leaving something (or someone) behind that you’ve given your all to, and resigning yourself to the understanding that it was just not meant to be.
This should be a period of cleaning out closets, weeding unhealthy relationships from your life and letting go of fears. It can be cathartic in the sense that it forces you to look at what’s no longer working for you and to do something about it.
While you may be facing some painful realities today, the Eight of Cups reminds us that no one is immune to the twists and turns that are a part of life’s natural rhythm. And while you may not have much say in the direction the current takes you, where you end up is almost entirely in your hands.
Today’s tarotscope — Eight of Cups — featuring the Animism Tarot by Joanna Cheung.
This deck can be purchased through the Rainbow of Crazy Etsy storefront.
Please also visit and “like” this deck’s Facebook Fan Page.
Used by generous permission.
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