Mars is now in direct motion and picking up speed throughout the month, as it covers the degrees it retrograded over through May 2nd. I feel the need to issue a few heads-up warnings on some planetary pressures coming up this month, as there are quite a few.
To quote William Shakespeare, “beware the Ides of March” which comes from his play, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. In the play, a soothsayer warns Julius Caesar that he should be on his guard on March 15, the Ides of March.
We have two eclipses this month and the first one occurs on March 14th, pretty close to the “Ides”. So, here’s the scoop I will say about what’s coming up. This month will have some twists and turns involved like you’ve never experienced before.
Most of the planets are in the same 1/3rd of the sky, so that is part of the intensity, a hyper focus of planetary energies in those signs between Aquarius and Cancer.
The first eclipse is a full Moon lunar eclipse happening on either late March 13th or after midnight on March 14th, depending on your time zone. The Moon will be at 23 degrees 57’ of Virgo, a practical earth sign related to health, cleanliness, duty and fact-finding and perfection. The Sun will be opposite the Moon at 23 degrees 57’ of Pisces, which is about endings, the subconscious mind, compassion, intuition, and sacrifice to name a few areas associated with that sign.