March 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

March 2025 monthly horoscopes

With all the planets in direct motion and Mars finally clearing the 25th degree of Gemini on March 16 (the degree it retrograded on at the end of October in 2022) we can continue forward with our lives with more ease and certainty of direction by the end of the month.

There’s a possibility of a bit of recklessness in our desire to just get on with it, so just be aware of that impulse for rash behaviors. Mars’ energy wants to fulfill its desires as quickly as possible and sometimes that is not the wisest choice.

Mars is currently out of bounds; it has been since October 22, 2022 and will be until May 4, 2023. This indicates that the motion of Mars is beyond the normal north or south zone of declination at the celestial equator. It can indicate erratic or extreme actions if Mars is aspecting a planet or angle in anyone’s chart.

Mercury is moving along in Pisces but will be combust with the Sun from March 15 through March 26 while in Aries. Expect lots of information to come in at that time but not a lot of clarity as to what to do with it or how it will work out until the end of the month. Be patient, it will unfold.

Venus is lovely to look at in the western sky, particularly around the 1st of the month when she will be in a very close conjunction with Jupiter at the 12th degree of Aries. They have been moving closer together quite visibly in the sky over the last two weeks so don’t miss the spectacle of their union on or before Wednesday.

February 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with all the planets traveling in direct motion, which is a pretty big deal considering that since May of 2022 we’ve had between two and six of them in retrograde motion each month.

You can make all this ‘full speed ahead” direct motion work for you now. Develop an action plan to achieve your goals and stick with it, hire a coach if you need that extra support but the point is that the force is with us now, so go for it.

If something in your chart, like Saturn transiting a planet or angle is causing some caution or delay, it’s OK. Just work with that slower and more cautious energy and keep going. In regards to Saturn transits, which everyone including myself dreads, remember that Saturn leaves a gift for you after every transit to a house or planet in your chart.

So, here are the planetary motions for the month of February. Mercury covers the degrees it retrograded over by the 8th, so any messes made in January can be cleaned up by then. He enters Aquarius on February 12th. Venus moves into her exalted sign of Pisces on the 14th which is quite fitting for Valentine’s day, right?

January 2023 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

As I mentioned in the 2023 Year Overview message, we have Mercury in Capricorn and Mars in Gemini in retrograde motion so the new year and its new cycle will be off to a slow start because of this planetary condition.

So be patient and let your thoughts germinate during the first three weeks of the month before taking action. Jupiter in Aries will give you the opening and energy to move forward when the time is right. Mars goes direct at 8 degrees of Gemini on January 12th and Mercury goes direct at 8° Capricorn on January 19th.

Venus is in Capricorn and close to Pluto right now until January 3rd, when she enters Aquarius. Saturn is also transiting Aquarius now but they don’t meet up until Jan 23rd when situations can get more solidified.

Venus and Saturn are friends so I don’t expect this to be troublesome, just more serious, particularly if you are in a relationship. Expectations and boundaries get revealed. Venus enters Pisces, the sign of her exaltation on Jan. 27th, so the next 25 days after that should be quite pleasant.

Uranus goes into direct motion at just under 15 degrees of Taurus on January 22nd so that will free up some interesting energy for a new exciting direction for Taurus’s. Possibly you break free from some situation that has felt like shackles to you.

December 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins and ends with Mercury and Venus traveling close together in Sagittarius and then in Capricorn after the 7th and 11th, respectively.

These two planets are friends and when they travel close together it usually bodes well for social occasions and events, so enjoy the many festivities during this holiday season.

Mercury goes retrograde on December 29th at 24° Capricorn through January 18, 2023. At least it doesn’t station with Pluto, who is moving forward through 27° of Capricorn and for that I am truly grateful!

Mars continues its retrograde journey through Gemini, covering 19° back to 9° this month.

Mars is busy, busy in Gemini with lots of activities and ideas but being retrograde, many of the projects started may not be finished for a long time. That’s just the nature of this particular Mars retrograde cycle. The urge for completion will likely occur in late February or early March but some projects may just stall out completely.

Jupiter is direct and moves from 28° Pisces to 1° Aries by December 31. I find it exciting and hopeful to begin the New Year of 2023 with Jupiter in exuberantly active Aries, many new beginnings on the horizon, folks!

November 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Well, the month begins with a bit of confusion, tension and turmoil as Venus, the Sun and Mercury are all close together in Scorpio and then they all respectively cross the transiting south node in in the first week.

Mercury will be combust the Sun at the time of the total lunar eclipse on Tuesday, Nov 8 at 4:02 AM MST but will be within the 15’ range of the Sun for most of the day where is it said to be positive and have the ear of the king. I think this is fortuitous overall.

The eclipse occurs at 16° 1’ in fixed Scorpio with the Moon at 16°  1’ in fixed Taurus, in the nakshatra called Bharani associated with the eternal river of souls and also with Venus, female hormones and whose symbol is the yoni or female sexual organs. And guess what is on the ballot….

The Moon’s next aspect will be to join Uranus in Taurus so there will be some weirdness during the first 2 hours after the eclipse as the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon and Uranus are all involved in a square with Saturn. Everyone is going to feel tense and jerked around during this eclipse. And no, I don’t think there will be a civil war. But these are wild times, folks, wild times.

So, after that bit of fun we lighten up as Venus and Mercury move into Sagittarius on the 17th and Jupiter stations at 28 degrees of Pisces getting ready to go into direct motion on the 23rd! This is a good thing as Jupiter is optimistic and likes to expand and have some fun.

October 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

There is a lot going on in October with three planets going into direct motion and one going retrograde so expect some shifts in attention and action for sure. Mercury leads the parade by going direct on October 3rd at 24 degrees of Virgo, a sign it rules. This will help smooth out any communication glitches or complications that developed over the last three weeks.

Next, Pluto at 26 degrees of Capricorn goes direct and will cover the last degrees of that sign before its next retrograde cycle in at 0 degrees of Aquarius on May 1, 2023. The direct motion of planets gives one the chance to embark on a new or corrected course that was discovered or rectified during the planet’s retrograde cycle. Having an earth trine between Mercury and Pluto now will help ground ideas into a reality plan.

Saturn goes direct on October 23rd at 18 degrees of forward thinking, airy Aquarius, a sign it rules. This makes for a powerful and helpful Saturn if one has operated with right action and correct thinking. Saturn is not a fan of dodgy behavior or the skirting of law and order. He likes people to play by the rules, baby, or pay the consequences. It is still squaring Uranus retrograde in Taurus so that brings some instability or chaos into the mix but at least wisdom can prevail with Saturn moving forward once again.

September 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

September 2024 monthly horoscopes

Well, August certainly sped by in a blur, at least it seemed like that to me! I suspect that September will feel similar because with Mars in Gemini we get a double dose of speed and information.

Mars begins the month at 7 degrees of Gemini, almost at the 8th degree position it will retrograde back to by January 12, 2023.

So the ground you cover between September 4th and October 30th will have to be reviewed, revised or re-done over the course of the next 7 months through mid-March of 2023.

Add in the coming Mercury retrograde beginning on Sept 10th at almost 9 degrees of Libra and you get additional delays and/or information gaps. Both are in air signs so more information is coming in with this planetary pairing.

You can see Mars in the pre-dawn sky positioned between the fixed star Aldebaran and the lovely Pleiades constellation. Jupiter in Aries is also blazing overhead at that time as well.

Venus finishes her reign through Leo and enters Virgo on September 5th and spends the month in that sign before going into Libra on September 30th. Venus can be nitpicky and somewhat unsatisfied in Virgo but the energy can be used to improve your health and hygiene habits. It’s also a great time to go through closets and give away things you no longer want or need. Venus in Virgo doesn’t like to feel shabby or ungroomed.

August 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The Mars/Uranus/North Node conjunction — at 18° Taurus — is exact on August 1st and then slowly begins to separate in the coming days.

It may take a few days to unwind from the tension or action you experienced during the buildup to this conjunction but unwind it will. The question remains is what you will take away from how that blend of cosmic energy affected you.

Changes are afoot in many ways because of that transit and in addition we also have a Saturn Uranus square moving closer all month with Uranus quite powerful as it is basically stationed at the 18th degree of Taurus all month before it retrogrades on August 24. Big changes will require a disciplined approach to really stick with this energy.

July 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

We are in for another tumultuous month with the planetary aspects developing in July. Of course, it is all energy and we can use those energies for higher vibrational actions or forlower actions that will have negative consequences and essentially bring us down over the long run. We have choices in everything we do.

Mercury is still in Gemini until July 6th, his home sign, so information, travel and communications are at the forefront of this planet’s vibe.

Venus is also in Gemini until July 19th and very friendly with Mercury so you may be juggling many social invitations and meeting new people along the way. Have fun! These two planets like each other and enjoy new experiences.

Mars is in Aries until July 5th and then enters Taurus, where he is not all that comfortable because Taurus energy moves slowly. As it gets closer to the end of the month, Mars joins with Uranus and the north Node in Taurus. When the three of them are together, it brings more volatility to any situation. Mars and Uranus can produce sudden violence, electrical issues, explosions and accidents. With the north node, it can be exaggerated or extreme and also can bring foreign issues or confrontations to the forefront.

June 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


June begins with a stationary Mercury Rx at 26 degrees of Taurus squaring a stationary Saturn at 25 degrees of Aquarius.

Mercury goes into direct motion on June 3rd followed the next day by Saturn going retrograde. These two planets in a challenging aspect like the 90 degree square in fixed signs can create some anxiety, limitation or fear based thinking.

The best way to move through that kind of response is to switch into strategic thinking with a long-term goal in mind. This gives you more options in how to proceed in your life with self-discipline and a plan, both things that Saturn’s archetypal energy rewards. Mercury going direct will open up more options as well, so keep that in mind if you find yourself going down a negative or limiting rabbit hole in your mind.

Venus is transiting its home sign of Taurus, so there’s some pleasure to be had in spite of the mental challenges listed above. Life is to be enjoyed so spend time in nature, with loved ones and in the beauty that surrounds you. It’s a great month to entertain others in your home, too.

May 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The merry month of May is now upon us! Even though there will be a Mercury retrograde beginning on May 11th at 4 ° of Gemini, it will be a very active month with lots of energy available for starting new projects and making headway with things already in progress.

In fact, in the Vedic tradition, May 3rd is considered a particularly auspicious day this year for new beginnings, like launching a new business or enterprise. At the very least do some ritual to honor Lakshmi, goddess of wealth, prosperity, fertility and abundance, or honor the goddess of your choice on that day.

Venus enters the sign of Aries on May 2nd and Jupiter follows shortly thereafter on May 11th. Aries folks will enjoy that duo strengthening their energy and stamina as well as increasing the vibes of beauty and abundance. Mars joins in on the Aries vibe on May 24th so there is even more energy present as Mars rules the sign of Aries and therefore revels in its home base.

Saturn transits Aquarius and moves from 24 º 16’ to 25 ° 14’ throughout the month. Structure, discipline and right action is the focal point of Saturn’s vibration so welcome its presence in your life in whatever house in your chart that Aquarius rules.

April 2022 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


Welcome to April where we begin the month with a new Moon on the 1st and end the month with a new Moon solar eclipse on the 30th. The Sun and Moon are at 11 degrees of Aries with Mercury at 10 degrees Aries and the asteroid Chiron close by at 12 degrees. This speaks to me of a powerful healing vibration possible, particularly so as Jupiter and Neptune are in close contact by conjunction in Pisces.

Though Mercury is combust the Sun now, on April 2nd the little dude will be within the inner rays of the Sun and it is said to be very powerful when that occurs. Speak your truth with kindness and integrity.  Mars is now approaching a conjunction with Saturn and will be at the exact degree of conjunction at 22 Aquarius on April 4th.

These two planets are not friendly with each other and can be quite warlike when making an aspect together. Use the positive vibes of Jupiter and Neptune to uplift any negative energy you personally feel and project it out into the world, particularly for a positive outcome to the war situation in Ukraine.

Reconnect with your cosmic self at this time. Venus enters Pisces on April 6th, which can help everyone feel some kind of blessing is due and coming, however in Pisces, something has to be sacrificed or surrendered in some way.